Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member
the one strain that i know for sure smashes the jo crosses i have grown,was 501st og..........shuts nightclubs down,from the rank smells.
I've been looking at the 501st and Scotts for a while. I'm going to pull the trigger on one of them next time RD throws up a promo. They seem to be having seed quality issues, but they seem to germinate from what I have read they just look horrible. KGP and Genuity say Rare Dankness has the OG funk? good enough for me :) Probably be my next order.


Well-Known Member
Picked up some star killer. Same mom x rd2. Just have to make time now.

Set on beans for the next 10 yeard.


Well-Known Member
Set on beans for the next 10 yeard.
Yeah I'm there too... I haven't even started making my own seeds yet :) plan on doing that a couple times this year if I find some nice girls.

If I find a male that looks anything like Karma's I'm going to franks red hot that shit and put it on everything.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The best way I can describe og is lemon, pine, gasoline, nail polish, and skunk.

Your right. Offensive to those who hate it. One of the most powerful smelling strains.

Sour d, even more pungent. But different. I love sour d too. Just its always more airy lighter and fluffier. Less skunk. More diesel.

Chem is up there too.

my 3 favorite strains.
LOL... my best description for my old Diesel cut is Fuel, Grapefruit, something just plain nasty almost like dead rat, and this strange spicy tone underneath, I suppose some call that 'hashy' as it does remind of good screen-rub. In a way. Perhaps more like spiced coffee, damn hard to put a finger on. That is half the reason you can't stop shoving your nose in the bag, why you find yourself sniffing your scissors a few times while crushing, you just can't REALLY define it.

The Tahoe I ran was kinda close, but I don't think I got a great pheno, it was just fuel and lemons, nice but kinda two dimensional. The high was brutal though. My kinda smoke far as that goes. I was expecting that in-your-face REEKING industrial grade odor, didn't quite strip paint yet. It was pretty sweet tasting too, hence my idea OG is like a sweet Diesel, after meeting Jo you can see how that goes even deeper lol.

I like the sweet ones, tons of my keepers are sweetie-smelling. But if I had to choose ONE, it is the offensive makes-you-gag funk, Skunk's smelly feet, Diesel's fuel and death, this OG thing actually sounds right up my alley.

What I would REALLY like to find is pure fuel and spice. No lemon or pine or any such girly stuff. Just straight up fuel and almost burning spice. Fuel and pepper, there's a thought. YUM.

ONLY thing that puts me off about most OG types I read about is the Pine. I have had some piney herb and I just can't toke it. I will take the plunge and see if it is anything like what I had, kinda been leaning towards going the Bodhi route for OG, maybe Skylotus. Then I know there will be some odball pheno I do like if I end up not liking the Skywalker leaners.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I've been looking at the 501st and Scotts for a while. I'm going to pull the trigger on one of them next time RD throws up a promo. They seem to be having seed quality issues, but they seem to germinate from what I have read they just look horrible. KGP and Genuity say Rare Dankness has the OG funk? good enough for me :) Probably be my next order.
OK, so there is a difference between Rare Dankness and RD Genetics. The former is only available in the USA, mostly dispensaries and other places that can stock legally. The international stock, like Attitude, is RD Genetics, who work from Spain. There is some silly shit happening there, and Mrs Rare Dankness stated that they do NOT work with the same parent stock as Rare Dankness.

There is a thread about this somewhere here on RIU. So if you get from somebody like Holistic for example (don't know if they stock so speaking totally as example here) you will get legit Rare Dankness gear.

This was a few months ago that I read it, might have changed but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
fuel & pepper both them smells,sounds like they would make a spent round type smell(or black cat firecracker)...that is the smell love,,,got that smell on 2 sour d runs..(next gen seeds) ny purple diesel.


Well-Known Member
LOL... my best description for my old Diesel cut is Fuel, Grapefruit, something just plain nasty almost like dead rat, and this strange spicy tone underneath, I suppose some call that 'hashy' as it does remind of good screen-rub. In a way. Perhaps more like spiced coffee, damn hard to put a finger on. That is half the reason you can't stop shoving your nose in the bag, why you find yourself sniffing your scissors a few times while crushing, you just can't REALLY define it.

The Tahoe I ran was kinda close, but I don't think I got a great pheno, it was just fuel and lemons, nice but kinda two dimensional. The high was brutal though. My kinda smoke far as that goes. I was expecting that in-your-face REEKING industrial grade odor, didn't quite strip paint yet. It was pretty sweet tasting too, hence my idea OG is like a sweet Diesel, after meeting Jo you can see how that goes even deeper lol.

I like the sweet ones, tons of my keepers are sweetie-smelling. But if I had to choose ONE, it is the offensive makes-you-gag funk, Skunk's smelly feet, Diesel's fuel and death, this OG thing actually sounds right up my alley.

What I would REALLY like to find is pure fuel and spice. No lemon or pine or any such girly stuff. Just straight up fuel and almost burning spice. Fuel and pepper, there's a thought. YUM.

ONLY thing that puts me off about most OG types I read about is the Pine. I have had some piney herb and I just can't toke it. I will take the plunge and see if it is anything like what I had, kinda been leaning towards going the Bodhi route for OG, maybe Skylotus. Then I know there will be some odball pheno I do like if I end up not liking the Skywalker leaners.
If I find some straight fuel in any of my upcoming grows, ill report back to you. Contrary to the comment about us having different tastes I think we may enjoy many of the same. Just your tastes are on a wider scale.

Dunbar Santiago

Well-Known Member
Spot on description of the Tahoe. Not huge yields, more like solid 'golfballs' of knotty kush nugs. But one hit and yield is the furthest thing from your mind. She already looks like this halfway through:
Truly badass. I will forgive Swerve all his eccentricities. Will post a few pics here when this one is done.
I must admit my Tahoe cut comes quite close, pure Lemon Pledge, but also 77 to 90 days to finish.
A point I have been pondering, is how much of the classic OG characteristic is flavor? Perhaps this is a source for confusion, personally when I think OG I picture a certain structure and bud shape, not flavor as much.
My first ever OG experience was two packs of Tahoe OG. So if you really tell me a type that hardly EVER delivers the claimed 'Lemon Pledge' phenotype, herms even outdoors from REG seeds, has zero vigor and in my opinion a pretty mild high even taken to 77 days
The Tahoe I ran was kinda close, but I don't think I got a great pheno, it was just fuel and lemons, nice but kinda two dimensional. The high was brutal though.
But if I had to choose ONE, it is the offensive makes-you-gag funk, Skunk's smelly feet, Diesel's fuel and death, this OG thing actually sounds right up my alley.
ONLY thing that puts me off about most OG types I read about is the Pine.
Well the Tahoe is not all that pheno-dependant. EVERY plant is straight-up Lemon Pledge, same power, same manic growth, or at least far as I have seen. Even the boys, strong lemon scent.
I thought you had integrity. People that have integrity don't contradict themselves and alter stories just to fit in at that moment in time. It's hard to tell when you're straight up lying or just altering the truth to satisfy or piss off whoever you're having a conversation is with at that time. That is the opposite of integrity.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I thought you had integrity. People that have integrity don't contradict themselves and alter stories just to fit in at that moment in time. It's hard to tell when you're straight up lying or just altering the truth to satisfy or piss off whoever you're having a conversation is with at that time. That is the opposite of integrity.
Here we go again, you want this in point form? Your first, what, 4 quotes: I don't understand the contradictions. Out of 2 packs, I got ONE girl. So yeah, never mind hardly ever producing ONE pheno, I got one girl. The comment about the lemon pledge pheno hardly ever being found, well, just go read threads about the Tahoe, including the CC threads. It is hard to find. I lucked out with lemon and fuel. This is, however, nowhere NEAR kgp's description.

Now with the last comment, can you go back for me and see if that was about the CC Tahoe, or grows of the Tahoe CUT? Two totally different convos. Two totally different strains. And out of interest, two totally different points of conversation.

As kgp will tell you, the CC Tahoe has no Tahoe in it.

You have a LOT of time to go look up my posts etc. Go get a girlfriend why don't ya.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
And besides, some of that was CLEARLY just calling kgp out. The rest of the fellas caught on to that, as did kgp. So please quit it. Seriously Dunbar, what beef have you with me? Where was I EVER an asshole to you as you are right now? Come tell. I have not seen you post ANY grows. DO you grow? Do you do anything useful? Or do you fill your time with hate? Tell us.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
And, Dunbar, as for your nit-picking about my definition of OG, that still stands. As you can see, I am learning what OTHERS' positions on it is. Now seriously, show me some bud. Show me a grow. Show me a REASON your opinion should hold any water. Show my why you matter. Bring the goods. Show me.

I will talk to a grower, not a little poser.

No now I lost it. Seriously, I don't even know you from a bar of soap. Amos really dicked with one of my friends, there is reason for our beef. kgp and I, we misunderstood each other and are reaching a middle ground slowly without kissing ass.

What is YOUR problem? You just enjoy confrontation now you jump on the band wagon? I bet you are one of those people that slows down past an accident scene to see the blood. You come to an info thread, bearing ZERO information, holding ZERO interest in any topic, to pick on a fella you don't even know?

Does your mother know what you do on the internet? Were you really raised to go stick your nose in matters, take shit out of context and attack people? You are the kind of person that has no business in the canna scene. Now, BEAT IT. I will certainly lose my fucking temper properly with YOU little boy.

I will take beef from my peers. WHAT ARE YOU? Are you a customer to anybody, any hydro shop, any seed bank? ARE YOU ACTIVELY PART OF THE CANNA COOMUNITY. First show me this, then come challenge me. Until then, really, go play with your toys.
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Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Last little few points to any person feeling lonely enough to make coming after me their sole source of joy:

1- I do not live in a bubble. The cuts I run are not my only cannabis experience. If you want to take my words to argue against, please bear this in mind.
2- I have been toking reefer since the moment I open my eyes to the moment I fall asleep since I was 15 years old. That is two decades of severely heavy use with a month break per year. If I fudge the odd detail, like Tahoe cut v/s CC's Tahoe, Forum Cut vs Thin Mint vs SinMint vs GSC, blah blah blah, sue me. I am going to go out on a limb here and say this kind of thing has been known to happen with heavy cannabis users.
3- I do not move in YOUR circles, do not live by your definitions, and unless a common ground is found, do NOT understand WTF you are on about. Seriously.
4- I am here for one thing and one thing only, WEED. I will argue with you, talk to you, listen to you, bait you out, blah blah blah, as long as I respect you as a grower. This includes even old Amos. I will not waste my time on somebody that doesn't actually grow fire, or is actively attempting to. I take the piss with him sure, but he is a good grower, that is why it is worth my time doing so.
5-I consider those that strive for higher standards my peers. Whether I agree with them or not. I have a lot to learn from them. If you show me this kind of character, go ahead, abuse me no problem. But if you don't show me the DANK, please, take it to Facebook.

6-MOST IMPORTANTLY: Me and Genuity are not trained public relations personnel. We are not certified to deal with the public. We are not being paid, we are volunteering a service. As such, we will do our best to be courteous as far as possible, seeing as we can but show the plants we grew and relay information we got. We do this because we are grateful for the free dank. YES. WE GET FREE DANK. But we are not just taking it and running. We are grateful, and we are trying to put something back.

BUT, just because I am trying to keep my best foot forward, does not mean that foot isn't dressed in steel-toed work boots...

Carry on. As long as it is about weed. Gage, CC, cuts, OG, I don't care. WEED. The rest is what Facebook is for. I think we can all kinda agree on that by now.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit ^^ lol..... hey dun its called bsing with ppl, you know, where you're just talking remembering one thing here one feeling there.. when people are just bsing they don't exactly keep track of every prior thought and feeling they had like they are on trial so ya, pretty much get a life dude

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Holy shit ^^ lol..... hey dun its called bsing with ppl, you know, where you're just talking remembering one thing here one feeling there.. when people are just bsing they don't exactly keep track of every prior thought and feeling they had like they are on trial so ya, pretty much get a life dude
The fine art of 'taking the piss'... A fine old UK tradition us South Africans are quite partial to ourselves. It is genetic. Can't help it. Silly savages, just can't get us to behave.


Well-Known Member
Last little few points to any person feeling lonely enough to make coming after me their sole source of joy:

1- I do not live in a bubble. The cuts I run are not my only cannabis experience. If you want to take my words to argue against, please bear this in mind.
2- I have been toking reefer since the moment I open my eyes to the moment I fall asleep since I was 15 years old. That is two decades of severely heavy use with a month break per year. If I fudge the odd detail, like Tahoe cut v/s CC's Tahoe, Forum Cut vs Thin Mint vs SinMint vs GSC, blah blah blah, sue me. I am going to go out on a limb here and say this kind of thing has been known to happen with heavy cannabis users.
3- I do not move in YOUR circles, do not live by your definitions, and unless a common ground is found, do NOT understand WTF you are on about. Seriously.
4- I am here for one thing and one thing only, WEED. I will argue with you, talk to you, listen to you, bait you out, blah blah blah, as long as I respect you as a grower. This includes even old Amos. I will not waste my time on somebody that doesn't actually grow fire, or is actively attempting to. I take the piss with him sure, but he is a good grower, that is why it is worth my time doing so.
5-I consider those that strive for higher standards my peers. Whether I agree with them or not. I have a lot to learn from them. If you show me this kind of character, go ahead, abuse me no problem. But if you don't show me the DANK, please, take it to Facebook.

6-MOST IMPORTANTLY: Me and Genuity are not trained public relations personnel. We are not certified to deal with the public. We are not being paid, we are volunteering a service. As such, we will do our best to be courteous as far as possible, seeing as we can but show the plants we grew and relay information we got. We do this because we are grateful for the free dank. YES. WE GET FREE DANK. But we are not just taking it and running. We are grateful, and we are trying to put something back.

BUT, just because I am trying to keep my best foot forward, does not mean that foot isn't dressed in steel-toed work boots...

Carry on. As long as it is about weed. Gage, CC, cuts, OG, I don't care. WEED. The rest is what Facebook is for. I think we can all kinda agree on that by now.
ya do grow some fire brother. Anyone can go back and either take an older experience when a newer one has occurred and call someone out on. Plus the more prolific one is as a poster, the more old shit someone can dig through. I agree consistency is important but opens change as we all cycle through new beans, or even run cuts a few times. This happened to me with superstitious. At first I was kinda let down. A couple more runs (better runs really) and my opinion shifted. Anyways carry on folks.
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