Wag The Dog - Random Political and News Jibber Jabber


Well-Known Member
which keeps mailing me my statements telling me how much money i'm eligible for..e-l-i-g-i-b-l-e.
Your maximum benefit. b-e-n-e-f-i-t. Damn, what part of SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INSURANCE do you not understand? Oh, yeah. The part you don't want to hear.


Well-Known Member
Your maximum benefit. b-e-n-e-f-i-t. Damn, what part of SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INSURANCE do you not understand? Oh, yeah. The part you don't want to hear.
do you not know the history of the SSA?

pensions are out the window save for municipalities. this was designed for the average joe employer to help the average joe employee have a retirement.



Well-Known Member
by who red, you?

EDIT: in true republican form..make up lies..keep saying them..hope others will believe.
Yes, by me and many others. The only ones who who give you any credence at all are the same ilk as you. Lies? Like SSI isn't insurance? You call anything you don't want to believe a lie. You prefer to fool yourself rather than let anything belie your viewpoint.


Well-Known Member
do you not know the history of the SSA?

pensions are out the window save for municipalities. this was designed for the average joe employer to help the average joe employee have a retirement.

Yes. I do know the history of SSA/SSI. You can draw SS/SSI at any age, if you qualify. People draw Social Security that have never even contributed a cent. You seem to insist something with INSURANCE in the very name isn't insurance. But keep demonstrating your habit of distorting facts to fit what you want to believe.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I do know the history of SSA/SSI. You can draw SS/SSI at any age, if you qualify. People draw Social Security that have never even contributed a cent. You seem to insist something with INSURANCE in the very name isn't insurance. But keep demonstrating your habit of distorting facts to fit what you want to believe.
oh that's right.

need i say more?