Club 600


Well-Known Member
Baby H is nearly walking. Getting big, getting fun. It's not as much of a chore anymore... more of a challenge. And a fun one, exhausting but fun. Can't say me and my wife have figured out being happily married with a child, but we're working on it. Sucks I kinda lost my best friend, hopefully we sort that out someday.

Little girl took swimming lessons and she's a fish. It was a blast to watch. We went to a park today and I pushed her down the slides and such. It was cool. She's really quite fun.View attachment 3207939
love the pic man and if you get it figuerd out you let me know. been doing it for ten years and still have not got happy down


Well-Known Member
I don't really feel like going into a whole lot of details doc, I'm still currently waiting to see what happens.

Don't need my door kicked in again, but I got snitched on, we will leave it at that.....


Well-Known Member
i read you say you had not been growing for two weeks and weed was stupid high but i had not seen anything else. i have not been on much and just got the net back this week


Well-Known Member
It's about 27-28 here just now, very sticky.

And the harvest info was just to show possibilities of what can be acheived in a relatively small space, there was no nose rubbing in pooh intended,...vertical for the win in otherwords.

I'm glad you cleared that up, D.
I felt as if was a personal jab at me, as if to say, "Why are you such a loser?"
I feel like we can now move forward with our relationship in a more positive and supporting way, provided we never speak of this again.


1kg+ is way impressive.
The question is: why don't more people give vertical a try!?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you cleared that up, D.
I felt as if was a personal jab at me, as if to say, "Why are you such a loser?"
I feel like we can now move forward with our relationship in a more positive and supporting way, provided we never speak of this again.


1kg+ is way impressive.
The question is: why don't more people give vertical a try!?
thinking of giving vertical a try,
are there any good Vert. threads for info ?