Looks like no problem. I've cloned little sucker branches off a plant at least a month into flowering, Doing some heaving trimming and kinda felt bad tossing all the sucker branches and bud into the garbage. Ran lights at 24/0 with nothing special other than a little rooting gel and them stuck into a rockwool cube. IT took awhile but I got me some roots, & totally usable clones. Never got around to using them tho' I had some clones that were more established and had better vigor.
I'm prolly gonna have to do this with a c99 at least a month into flower, The smell from one of them is incredible!. Somehow I didn't get a clipping off of her before I sent it to the bloom room.
Yeah, I think she will survive, I had to do some scrog training, and I ended up snapping some stems, As long as the stem is immobile, from the tape a nice big knot will form at the damage, and takes about a week.