MMPR documenatation not recognized by law enforcement as "legitimate"



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Cigarette smokers aren't "flaunting their right to do so" at all.=QUOTE]

Wow! Where do I start? What started out with a guy getting harassed and arrested turned into an attack on me because I don't follow your rules of 'discretion'? I'm a big boy now and able to make my own decisions on my conduct, I don't need your permission.
You start your attack by AGREEING that smokers are not flaunting that right. Neither am I. I am no more flaunting that right by smoking a joint then I am flaunting my right to drive when I get in a car.
What's with the hate for cig smokers, I've smoked for a long time and never crawled out from under a bridge with a bottle. You don't want mmj compared to alcohol or tobacco, both legal recreational drugs, and you say it is not equivalent to taking a pill...what the fuck? I get it you don't like pot activists, though you sure seem well informed of their antics, however that has absolutely jack-shit to do with this discussion. This guy wasn't blowing pot-smoke rings in anyones' face, he didn't take a loudspeaker and announce what he was doing and he wasn't breaking any laws. Where the fuck does Jodie Emery fit into this?

QUOTE "Pretending it's more legal than it is, or pretending you're exempt than you are, is not going to change the reality. Case in point: Nobody is allowed to grow medically for themselves."
WTF? MORE legal, MORE exempt than you are? It's either legal or it's either have an exemption or you don't. Case in point: I have an exemption under the mmar AND I grow medically for myself, both completely legal.
You disagree with my view that the only reason there was something said was because of the stigma surrounding the smell, yet in the very next paragraph enlighten us to the fact that there IS a stigma attached to marijuana due to 100 years or prohibition. The farmer spread cow shit on the field across the street yesterday and he didn't do it discretely, but SMOKING a joint in a SMOKING AREA, is an action that is somehow helping to erode our rights? . You admit you walk down the street toking and would tell someone to fuck off if they nagged you, but anyone else that doesn't conform to your sense of decency are,in your words, 'fucking assholes'. How tolerant of you.
Your idea of discretion and and mine are probably very much alike, but your adversarial approach to what was a rational discussion is just a bit bizarre.
Here is me and my position in a nutshell. I've been smoking since the 70's and have done a fairly good job of hiding it from those I needed to, including law enforcement!. I had a few serious medical issues in my life a few years back, and I gained a whole new perspective on life. I decided I am going to life life the way I want to live it, if you don't like it, stay the fuck out of my way. As long as I am hurting no one, the world needs to leave me the fuck alone. I fired my pill slinging doctor, got an ATP and a PPL and got my life back. I have gotten out of my basement and now volunteer as a caretaker in a youth camp. I am well aware of discretion (read some of my previous posts) but I am also well aware that we need to be very vocal if we expect change. I don't like authority and i'll be damned if I'm going to bend over and let someone decide what,where and how I can consume ANYTHING. And I sure as fuck ain't going to take advice on how or where I should medicate from you. I kinda get where you're coming from, but save your rant for someone more suited...
Champs expo in Toronto was no better example of professional recreational abusers putting people out with zero consideration for anyone other then themselves, while leaning on "medical use" as an excuse for it, making us all look like shit. Fuck all a' you, professional hacks and their hangers on.

Again, this, while they stood there saying how very bad it looks to themselves. But, that they didn't need to be there doing it, and probably shouldn't, never once crossed their minds. Zero presence of mind for that. "They need this", referring to an idiotic 420 marketing ritual, which just makes people fucking sick of hearing about it on a daily basis, because each time you do hear it, it's a group of morons acting like assholes, guaranteed, every fucking time. This is not activism!

Couldn't they simply have gone two or three at a time with their immediate group and not have been a fucking nuisance? Obviously not.
There had to be people on that sidewalk with medical issues of their own and 50 people blowing smoke in their faces wasn't helping them. Where's the consideration? They "need an education?" Looks to me like it's these hacks that need an education most of all, before they cost us every last right.

What would they have been "educated" on? "The smoke that we're blowing in your face isn't harmful, because vaporizing doesn't have as many toxins as ...... the........smoke.......that....we're blowing in your face.. right now." Get serious ffs. Zero credibility, just a bunch of clowns.

You're not more speeshul that everyone else just for being "exempt", whether you are or not. It's not a license to have zero consideration for anyone or anything. If you act like you are, you're just an asshole, and you're working opposite of the help and progress that people do need.
We had a similar discussion on here last winter. There are those who believe that discretion is necessary until the fight is won...I subscribe to this philosophy. I don't necessarily hide, but I am mindful as to who is around me. There are those who think the rest of the world needs to adapt. I hear that side of the argument as well. It's pretty immature to think that we will get anywhere with gaining public acceptance of this flaunting it. These 420 gatherings do nothing to further our cause. It sets us in a bad light as tells everyone that we like to gather and get high. It's alright, but people don't want or need to know about it. Personally, it's not my thing, but to each his own. Unless and until there is public acceptance for marijuana in general, we collectively might want to try discretion as an interim remedy. Just my 2 pennies worth.
Fuck it - I'm presentable, I look young, I have an eductation. Someone's going to listen to me - they usually do


Being friendly - works. It's not an act - I actually AM a very friendly person.

I don't talk down to people who know less than me about something, nor do I think I'm better than them just for knowing it. That helps people listen.
Medicating in your car is the worst place to do that. You could get a impaired ticket and loose your drivers license. Even if your not driving . Just by having your keys puts you "in care and control of your vehicle" and that's all some hero cop would need to press charges.
I was rolled up on like I had a nuke and assault rifle for having a joint in my hand by some undercover cops at a local bar. I was standing in a little covered alcove(in order to be discreet) about 20-30 feet away from the outdoor smoking area. Cops were rude and assertive, and even made jokes at my expense(after I had told him that I suffer Chron's disease and went to retreive my licence papers from my jacket in the bar) as my friends later told me. I was the only one smoking as i don't share my meds,so the cops had no beef with them, anyways long story short, after scratching his head and all his buddy's crowding around to get a look at the papers, he told me I should be more discrete. I asked him how, other than stepping away from the smoking area, he would propose I do that,and he actualy told me I should smoke in my car!!! I have people and my wife who heard him say it!! He also made a rude comment as he walked away saying "Don't be hot boxing in there with all your buddies". I'm 40 years old at the time and working at the bar(playing in the band) that evening, and he treats me like some punk kid. Ridiculous. What if I don't want my vehicle to reek of weed? I don't think the cops know what to do. This was a few years ago, but it still seems that they are confused........
I was rolled up on like I had a nuke and assault rifle for having a joint in my hand by some undercover cops at a local bar. I was standing in a little covered alcove(in order to be discreet) about 20-30 feet away from the outdoor smoking area. Cops were rude and assertive, and even made jokes at my expense(after I had told him that I suffer Chron's disease and went to retreive my licence papers from my jacket in the bar) as my friends later told me. I was the only one smoking as i don't share my meds,so the cops had no beef with them, anyways long story short, after scratching his head and all his buddy's crowding around to get a look at the papers, he told me I should be more discrete. I asked him how, other than stepping away from the smoking area, he would propose I do that,and he actualy told me I should smoke in my car!!! I have people and my wife who heard him say it!! He also made a rude comment as he walked away saying "Don't be hot boxing in there with all your buddies". I'm 40 years old at the time and working at the bar(playing in the band) that evening, and he treats me like some punk kid. Ridiculous. What if I don't want my vehicle to reek of weed? I don't think the cops know what to do. This was a few years ago, but it still seems that they are confused........

Bingo...the cops don't know what to do. They aren't getting any direction from their superiors.
As usual.
It's best to shut the fuck up and keep it away from Fuck nose type individuals. As sad as that statement may seem.
nobody wants to smell the Kali breeze in public but it's okay for cigarette smokers to create an unavoidable mass of smoke at the entrance of every mall, wallmart and superstore

Cigarette smoke being bad, worse, or unwelcomed, doesn't render marijuana smoke the opposite of these things. The reality is that cigarette smokers are still more highly tolerated in society, but the level of tolerance for them is rapidly declining. They are constantly pushed further away and increasingly ostracized. They aren't some mark of achievement for the cannabis movement so don't act like you want to be on equal footing with them because things are changing and tired arguments that weren't sound to begin with won't extend us any courtesy.
Cigarette smoke being bad, worse, or unwelcomed, doesn't render marijuana smoke the opposite of these things. The reality is that cigarette smokers are still more highly tolerated in society, but the level of tolerance for them is rapidly declining. They are constantly pushed further away and increasingly ostracized. They aren't some mark of achievement for the cannabis movement so don't act like you want to be on equal footing with them because things are changing and tired arguments that weren't sound to begin with won't extend us any courtesy.
I don't see it as any different really. Fuck I have the same rights as they do. IMO MMj smokers should be allowed the same right to smoke in designated areas as well. I don't care who would be offended as lots of things offend me and I don't see anyone caring.
Cigarette smoke being bad, worse, or unwelcomed, doesn't render marijuana smoke the opposite of these things. The reality is that cigarette smokers are still more highly tolerated in society, but the level of tolerance for them is rapidly declining. They are constantly pushed further away and increasingly ostracized. They aren't some mark of achievement for the cannabis movement so don't act like you want to be on equal footing with them because things are changing and tired arguments that weren't sound to begin with won't extend us any courtesy.

Not to mention, how they kill you.
...but hey..that's OK! ..your illness adds to the money pit. :lol: and why nothing is being done about them.
Harper says the candy adverts are bad. :lol: because he knows candy adverts won't matter. Kids will smoke anyway. :)