MMPR documenatation not recognized by law enforcement as "legitimate"

This sounds to ridiculous to be true.


even cops just aren't that stupid to waste everyone's time. :lol:
Any good lawyer would SLAY their ass right back to the desk job they started at :lol:
just sayin

Blunderland would be an easy case.
Well to me the OP here has been fucked around royally. I can see the security at Stupid Land not knowing the score, but the cops being this stupid....come on. Something doesn't seem right here. Seems a pretty big story for the small thing that really happened. Are we getting a true story here. This sounds to ridiculous to be true.

I believe the stupid was the with the bull, expect the horn...discretion is key in avoiding the police...just my thinking
I'm sure a lot of joints get smoked at Blunderland too. Are the security guards there this Nazi like?
Anyone else have any experience smoking there or with the guards
I believe the stupid was the with the bull, expect the horn...discretion is key in avoiding the police...just my thinking
Well ya we could all hide like sheep. I for one am tired of that crap and less inclined to do so now-days. I'm not doing anything illeagal by using my meds. I only need obey any local smoking laws.
Hard to believe that York Regional would waste their time on a some dude smoking a joint.
Ya there's NO weed in that area of Toronto is there? haha
They must see so much weed that they are immune to even looking IMO
Well ya we could all hide like sheep. I for one am tired of that crap and less inclined to do so now-days. I'm not doing anything illeagal by using my meds. I only need obey any local smoking laws.
Hard to believe that York Regional would waste their time on a some dude smoking a joint.
Ya there's NO weed in that area of Toronto is there? haha
They must see so much weed that they are immune to even looking IMO

hide like a sheep...not me...I just prefer to keep my meds, so I take reasonable steps to avoid any hassels which may cause a misunderstanding with the law ( example: I advised the locals I had my liciense for 34 plants...told them there were 30...asked me why...I suggested some "folk" had problems counting )....these guys are in the same boat as us when it comes to figuring out HC and the 2 one really knows...I have 4 or 5 fishing friends in BC who are active RCMP...they ask me what I have heard cause I have posted about my meds for years...3 visited last summer to my lil' piece of paradise in the desert...had 30 6 ftrs in my yard...they were curious about the growing procedure/drying/curing and how it effects my back...they are people after all...just some are dickheads...can't avoid all the dickheads, so stay 6 yrs outback I have never had a visit from the police except my buds....many snoopers
hmm, can anyone confirm its a photo copied signature you get with your meds? If OP indeed did have all legal requirements i would sue 100%. Probably also York police too, if OP is correct in his story then ya wonderland is in a more wealthy area and they may act in this manner. Although i do feel another side to the story.
I know the OP, I have heard the story told on 'Live with Opus420' and in person.
The story is unfortunately true, and still on going, those who are incredulous should realize their 'medical license' under MMPR and MMAR will only protect you so far. The system NEEDS to change, law enforcement NEEDS to be informed.

I believe the stupid was the with the bull, expect the horn...discretion is key in avoiding the police...just my thinking

Yes... because requesting the security politely if you may legally medicate, being given permission. Then later finding a private spot on grass in a park to once again legally medicate it PLAYING THE THE BULL.
Key to avoiding the police, is THEM ALLOWING PEOPLE TO MEDICATE LEGALLY.
Your next gonna tell me a girl with a short skirt is asking for it, with that kind of argument.
should have saved or copied that Pink piece.

You need your Doctor to back you up. Simple shit really. This could have stopped the first visit if you had taken the time to prove your innocents???!!! :roll:
I never received the pink document from Health Canada, that was only issued under the MMAR. I had all of the documenation given to me from Peace Naturals - photocopy of medical document, membership card, prescription bottles, and the purchase receipt. I went back the second day to prove my innocence but they told me not to waste my time with what I had. I'm in the works of getting a copy of the MMPR regulations from HC and highlighting what I am required to show.

And if it was true, to me the law suit seems very clear here. I have never heard of being booked into a cell for a simple possession charge this smelling fishy.
I'm on the fence on this yet.

They tried to say I was sharing with a friend who was with me - had his own which he had on his person.
Might have also been the "80 grams of seeds" I had - Singing Canary Hemp Seeds. Fully legal and free from THC but they're part of what has been sent off to testing for god knows what
Thanks for letting us know this was true. If I was him I'd get a real greedy Lawyer who is experienced in MMJ....Maybe Turmel.
This is outrageous. But part of me is still suspicious on the other side of this story as it seems hard to believe. Is it just me?
Oh you didn't mention the friend aspect.....this plot thickens.
Do you have a Lawyer? What did he/she say?
I spoke with Lewin and unfortunately do not have the funds to retain him. Ideally I would like to find a lawyer who can take on the criminal aspect of this case and then maintain the lawyer for the civil case and pay him a % or however it works after.
The Lawyer I'm speaking to for advice at this time is basically telling me get what I can from anyone - doctor, LP, HC. He has also said to go ahead with the Turmel return document and said the other two I asked him about shouldn't be necessary as he sees the charges being dropped without a need for me to file the request.

I will be getting MMPRregulations from HC - highlighting parts that apply to my case,
a Dr note from my Doctor explaining the date he signed the forms - already have notes explaining conditions
From Peace Naturals I will be trying to obtain a copy with an original signature(not digitially inputted) stating the days I am a verified member <-- Only problem is getting through to someone

thats all I can honestly think of to do besides show them what I already have - a bottle, purchase receipt, medical document, and the letter from PN (with digital inputted signature)
I know the OP, I have heard the story told on 'Live with Opus420' and in person.
The story is unfortunately true, and still on going, those who are incredulous should realize their 'medical license' under MMPR and MMAR will only protect you so far. The system NEEDS to change, law enforcement NEEDS to be informed.

Yes... because requesting the security politely if you may legally medicate, being given permission. Then later finding a private spot on grass in a park to once again legally medicate it PLAYING THE THE BULL.
Key to avoiding the police, is THEM ALLOWING PEOPLE TO MEDICATE LEGALLY.
Your next gonna tell me a girl with a short skirt is asking for it, with that kind of argument.

oh boy...reading comprehension 101...don't take your authorization as a free ride in public...for fucks sakes....keep your shit to yourself...anyone who grows knows this...or get jacked by the govt'...the choice is yours to make...can't believe the sense of entitlement in this thread...
oh boy...reading comprehension 101...don't take your authorization as a free ride in public...for fucks sakes....keep your shit to yourself...anyone who grows knows this...or get jacked by the govt'...the choice is yours to make...can't believe the sense of entitlement in this thread...
I agree to an extent. But as far as he knew, he wasn't breaking the law.
I agree to an extent. But as far as he knew, he wasn't breaking the law.

no...he "thought" he could burn wherever he liked...not hopefully is a lesson learned by the cases cost money ....then there is the element in society that may target and rob you...lots can't afford, but want the happens... ;))
I suppose if you aren't smart enough to realize your authorization will not protect you from an impaired....ok....myself, I medicate at home and on the private beach out front....if on the road my wife drives...simple solution to avoid the gestapo....hth
That's it. If you have the keys for your car on you. The cops can press charges. But if you don't there's not much they can do
imo you should not smoke in public, respect kids and others.
not fully in effect yet for were you can smoke in public.
just cause your allowed to smoke mmj don't mean do it in front of people that don't like the smell.
sue shit whole wonderland! get a real lawyer and your charge will be dropped
if going to a public place have a designated driver, and eat eatables.
this is a huge grey area still and there is no rule for were you can or cant smoke.
I love the smell but a lot dont