MMPR documenatation not recognized by law enforcement as "legitimate"

what producer do you go through? can the RCMP not call the number on the bottle and the producer tells them that you are in fact a medical patient?

Yeah, that's one way it can work. The other way is they can simply charge you and let the judge call the number on the bottle.
Yeah, that's one way it can work. The other way is they can simply charge you and let the judge call the number on the bottle.
Ok, so is anyone here a lawyer?

I plan on putting a lawyer bud of mine on retainer, if I can.

Sounds very "tv cop show" of me - but I don't want to have to worry about this shit all the time.

It's just so unfair! You're already sick, you have something that works. Why do ignorant people have to be such dicks about it?

Ignorant may be a bad explanation. UNINFORMED.

Anywho - this is how I feel about them. It doesn't solve anything, but it makes me feel better.

I think what happened to the OP, is horrendous. And I hope some day, justice does get served and people realize their mistakes.

But until then, I will continue to be "naive" or "weak" or "stupid" or whatever else people want to call me. Because I just CAN'T spend all my time worrying about things that have not yet happened. I worry enough, about everything else.
NO!!! Are people smoking cigarettes...

Cigarette smokers aren't "flaunting their right to do so" at all. Some used to, twenty years ago. They were seen as assholes then, and they always looked like they just crawled out from under their bridge with their bottle, too. They were never exactly accomplished people that carried any weight or authority. The most you see is people that are too lazy or crippled to stand 10' from the door. It's hardly the same as "flaunting". Placing yourself as a supposed "medical user" on equal footing with them is to follow them into the quicksand. "But... but I want to stand 10' from the door tooo". I know that you're not saying they are flaunting it, but if you haven't noticed, they are well on their way to being prohibited completely, at least in practice if not otherwise.

Pill users, as you also mentioned, is no equivalent, since it's so discrete. They would also very much like to restrict you to a tablet as well.

It sure is too easy to make bullshit populist arguments like these. "But what about them." Try thinking it through though. "Why should mmj users be treated as outcasts?" Because, they act like fucking idiots. As an example, go look at the self defeating hack "Activists"/business ventures outside of the CHAMPS expo in Toronto, where they felt it so wise and necessary to have a "420 flashmob" in the middle of the busy sidewalk, because it's just mandatory for everybody to "medicate", in a fucking herd, even when 3/4 of them will tell you they're not medical users. _not even coke users powder their noses together in the bathroom, or need to_. Weed isn't even really a "social drug", like E. For many it's the exact opposite. What the fuck is it with them? Well, they've got to make it look like a party all of the time. "yyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". You know, your typical walking beer commercials. Some folks aren't ever alcoholics. They just drink 24/7 because they're "partiers" and "like to have a good time". Certainly there are no parallels here...

Meanwhile, they knew damn well they were all being idiots. The first thing Jodie Emery said when she got to the sidewalk even prior to that was "this is horrible, patients need to be hidden in the back alley, out of sight from the public.. 'For their privacy'." "Privacy"? LOL.... she knew they all looked like assholes! Same as the others. "We shouldn't have to be on the sidewalk and people are complaining as they walk by. That lady said nasty things!. She should stop and listen to us blow smoke up her ass while we blow it in her face. People need education". Looks like you just gave them one. You showed them we're all fucking assholes, and completely inconsiderate. Good job. It's just their business models, pretending to give a shit, while doing all they can to erode your rights, by being inconsiderate assholes, pushing insane extremes rather solidifying necessary rights, and acting like there are no consequences.

These are the same who will be on board, and have been on board, supporting oppressive legislation that ensures you don't get to smoke weed out of your basement. They've supported and advocated for scientifically ignorant and damaging, flat out backwards provisions like 5ng/ml, which is effectively ZERO TOLERANCE, which is PROHIBITION, particularly for the youth that they were pretending to be working to save, condemning them to "re-education centers" at their own expense, and as their first steps into a system that won't let them go, while standing there fucking saying "we're moving forward..... teehee".

Mandatory minimums, for marihuana, have provisions that include such things as "parks, playgrounds, or anywhere else a child is likely to be". You're not exempt from those laws as you're not exempt as a medical user under the MMPR. Only the product is exempt. That's the very basis of the MMPR. Pretending it's more legal than it is, or pretending you're exempt than you are, is not going to change the reality. Case in point: Nobody is allowed to grow medically for themselves.

"Wonderland" qualifies as all three of the restrictions under mandatory minimums. If you're so damn sick that you need to 'medicate' on the spot, then you're probably also not at Wonderland, standing in line in the heat for ten fucking hours,with a fresh seasons pass. a Sick person is unlikely to subject themselves to that torture, and anyone doing so lacks credibility, which I have to resent on the basis that it undermines not "forward movement" (into the abyss), but fucking PROGRESS. They're not the same! Stop allying yourselves with assholes who speak in tongues of "forward movement" vacuous buzzwords, as they push you off a fucking bridge.

It's not also a "stigma surrounding the smell". Though, I find certain heavy perfumes rather offensive, as many others do. Some people are also made sick by it. In some places, you can't wear perfume because of it. I think I might have even heard somewhere they've banned it in high schools, because it affects people. Where's your argument now? Some people just can't wipe their ass well or wash it, others have rotting limbs due to disease, and they get disallowed from public transport or other areas, where it's bad for business or people don't want to have to endure it. Why should they suffer because you can't wash your ass?

Indeed there is a stigma against it, after a 100 years of propaganda, it's not all fair. As well, there needs to be tolerance. If someone, who maybe already ate a cookie or two, is standing in line at Wonderland, and feels a seizure coming on, I would expect them to get out of line, have a seat on the bench or ground nearby, and hit their vape pen to their hearts content. Someone about to have a seizure doesn't want to ride the roller coasters anymore. But if you're doing it as a matter or course of ritual, which is btw, for most all of those pricks, just _marketing_..... (420 yaaaaaay), then that's not "medicating". It's being an asshole.

You see, there's one that should be supported, that there needs to be tolerance of, and there's another that should be discouraged, because it's defeating, and a judge would be well advised in asking "What made you feel that you had to dose right then and there? Couldn't you have eaten a cookie? Weren't you aware of that?" You know, to establish the actual medical urgency claimed, or how well a "patient" may have prepared for the inevitable.

Some just want to go around building empires with "hotboxing" viral youtube videos, and then we'll argue that second hand smoke can't get you high and that people should have unreasonable levels of tolerance for assholes blowing it in their faces in public, rather than the option to choose for themselves to be free of it or not. The drug may be mostly harmless, when used reasonably, but these assholes aren't.

Whenever I have weed I'll be walking down the street smoking a joint. Never have I been bothered or busted. I won't smoke it while waiting in line someplace. If I'm walking by a school with kids running around everywhere, or passing by a park, I'll knock the cherry off and palm it until I've gone by. Not because it would kill them if I didn't, but just out of fucking respect, what most of these activists lack any of.

If someone runs across the street to nag me for it, I might blow it in their face and tell them to fuck off. That's never happened. There is a certain tolerance. And between intolerant and tolerant, there's going to be a point of equilibrium established only through constant effort until we reach a real tipping point in culture and we're nowhere fucking near that. If I ran across the street and blew it in someone's face, I would expect an intolerant response. Nothing of that changed when I got on the MMAR, despite the encouragement otherwise. Nothing about it changed when I got off it. The difference is that under the MMAR, I actually was excempt. Under the MMPR, only the LP product is.

I once had a neighbor call the cops on me, on xmas day, for smoking a joint in a shed some 20 yards out. The cops came over and the neighbors were pointing shed out to them, talking about the smoke and the smell. Then, the cops left, because they didn't give a fuck. Most of the time, they were in the garage across the street smoking up there.

Any other day that wouldn't have been a problem. My neighbor wouldn't have given a shit. But xmas morning they were having company, who had children, and having children makes ignorant people extremists with their blind protectionism. That's to say, reactionists. Now you could try and argue for increased tolerance when faced with that, but the general advice when confronted with a mother bear who has cubs nearby is to play dead, because they'll rip into you without fucking thinking. It's prudent to avoid them and focus your efforts in more sensible areas.

I think people need to appreciate that we don't know exactly where we stand with rights right now. The facts are that we are losing them in leaps and bounds, without most even realizing it, and with are bullshit activists telling us it's getting better when it's not while they ignore the reality of it and profit by doing so.

I am not accusing the OP of doing anything wrong. But Wonderland has been a known hotbed for shit like this. This is not the first Wonderland story. It might however be the first under the MMPR and post mandatory mins. His actions were reasonable under the old systems and old established rights. But shit is all up in the air right now, and I can't fucking believe there are people here saying "don't even bother getting a lawyer". Dude, get a fucking lawyer.
Ok, so is anyone here a lawyer?

I plan on putting a lawyer bud of mine on retainer, if I can.

Sounds very "tv cop show" of me - but I don't want to have to worry about this shit all the time.

It's just so unfair! You're already sick, you have something that works. Why do ignorant people have to be such dicks about it?

Ignorant may be a bad explanation. UNINFORMED.

Anywho - this is how I feel about them. It doesn't solve anything, but it makes me feel better.
View attachment 3205117

I think what happened to the OP, is horrendous. And I hope some day, justice does get served and people realize their mistakes.

But until then, I will continue to be "naive" or "weak" or "stupid" or whatever else people want to call me. Because I just CAN'T spend all my time worrying about things that have not yet happened. I worry enough, about everything else.
View attachment 3205119

Under the MMPR, if you're going to walk around thinking you are exempt, then having a lawyer on retainer is your best option. Probably the first thing they'll tell you is don't walk around like you're exempt.
Cigarette smokers aren't "flaunting their right to do so" at all. Some used to, twenty years ago. They were seen as assholes then, and they always looked like they just crawled out from under their bridge with their bottle, too. They were never exactly accomplished people that carried any weight or authority. The most you see is people that are too lazy or crippled to stand 10' from the door. It's hardly the same as "flaunting". Placing yourself as a supposed "medical user" on equal footing with them is to follow them into the quicksand. "But... but I want to stand 10' from the door tooo". I know that you're not saying they are flaunting it, but if you haven't noticed, they are well on their way to being prohibited completely, at least in practice if not otherwise.

Pill users, as you also mentioned, is no equivalent, since it's so discrete. They would also very much like to restrict you to a tablet as well.

It sure is too easy to make bullshit populist arguments like these. "But what about them." Try thinking it through though. "Why should mmj users be treated as outcasts?" Because, they act like fucking idiots. As an example, go look at the self defeating hack "Activists"/business ventures outside of the CHAMPS expo in Toronto, where they felt it so wise and necessary to have a "420 flashmob" in the middle of the busy sidewalk, because it's just mandatory for everybody to "medicate", in a fucking herd, even when 3/4 of them will tell you they're not medical users. _not even coke users powder their noses together in the bathroom, or need to_. Weed isn't even really a "social drug", like E. For many it's the exact opposite. What the fuck is it with them? Well, they've got to make it look like a party all of the time. "yyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". You know, your typical walking beer commercials. Some folks aren't ever alcoholics. They just drink 24/7 because they're "partiers" and "like to have a good time". Certainly there are no parallels here...

Meanwhile, they knew damn well they were all being idiots. The first thing Jodie Emery said when she got to the sidewalk even prior to that was "this is horrible, patients need to be hidden in the back alley, out of sight from the public.. 'For their privacy'." "Privacy"? LOL.... she knew they all looked like assholes! Same as the others. "We shouldn't have to be on the sidewalk and people are complaining as they walk by. That lady said nasty things!. She should stop and listen to us blow smoke up her ass while we blow it in her face. People need education". Looks like you just gave them one. You showed them we're all fucking assholes, and completely inconsiderate. Good job. It's just their business models, pretending to give a shit, while doing all they can to erode your rights, by being inconsiderate assholes, pushing insane extremes rather solidifying necessary rights, and acting like there are no consequences.

These are the same who will be on board, and have been on board, supporting oppressive legislation that ensures you don't get to smoke weed out of your basement. They've supported and advocated for scientifically ignorant and damaging, flat out backwards provisions like 5ng/ml, which is effectively ZERO TOLERANCE, which is PROHIBITION, particularly for the youth that they were pretending to be working to save, condemning them to "re-education centers" at their own expense, and as their first steps into a system that won't let them go, while standing there fucking saying "we're moving forward..... teehee".

Mandatory minimums, for marihuana, have provisions that include such things as "parks, playgrounds, or anywhere else a child is likely to be". You're not exempt from those laws as you're not exempt as a medical user under the MMPR. Only the product is exempt. That's the very basis of the MMPR. Pretending it's more legal than it is, or pretending you're exempt than you are, is not going to change the reality. Case in point: Nobody is allowed to grow medically for themselves.

"Wonderland" qualifies as all three of the restrictions under mandatory minimums. If you're so damn sick that you need to 'medicate' on the spot, then you're probably also not at Wonderland, standing in line in the heat for ten fucking hours,with a fresh seasons pass. a Sick person is unlikely to subject themselves to that torture, and anyone doing so lacks credibility, which I have to resent on the basis that it undermines not "forward movement" (into the abyss), but fucking PROGRESS. They're not the same! Stop allying yourselves with assholes who speak in tongues of "forward movement" vacuous buzzwords, as they push you off a fucking bridge.

It's not also a "stigma surrounding the smell". Though, I find certain heavy perfumes rather offensive, as many others do. Some people are also made sick by it. In some places, you can't wear perfume because of it. I think I might have even heard somewhere they've banned it in high schools, because it affects people. Where's your argument now? Some people just can't wipe their ass well or wash it, others have rotting limbs due to disease, and they get disallowed from public transport or other areas, where it's bad for business or people don't want to have to endure it. Why should they suffer because you can't wash your ass?

Indeed there is a stigma against it, after a 100 years of propaganda, it's not all fair. As well, there needs to be tolerance. If someone, who maybe already ate a cookie or two, is standing in line at Wonderland, and feels a seizure coming on, I would expect them to get out of line, have a seat on the bench or ground nearby, and hit their vape pen to their hearts content. Someone about to have a seizure doesn't want to ride the roller coasters anymore. But if you're doing it as a matter or course of ritual, which is btw, for most all of those pricks, just _marketing_..... (420 yaaaaaay), then that's not "medicating". It's being an asshole.

You see, there's one that should be supported, that there needs to be tolerance of, and there's another that should be discouraged, because it's defeating, and a judge would be well advised in asking "What made you feel that you had to dose right then and there? Couldn't you have eaten a cookie? Weren't you aware of that?" You know, to establish the actual medical urgency claimed, or how well a "patient" may have prepared for the inevitable.

Some just want to go around building empires with "hotboxing" viral youtube videos, and then we'll argue that second hand smoke can't get you high and that people should have unreasonable levels of tolerance for assholes blowing it in their faces in public, rather than the option to choose for themselves to be free of it or not. The drug may be mostly harmless, when used reasonably, but these assholes aren't.

Whenever I have weed I'll be walking down the street smoking a joint. Never have I been bothered or busted. I won't smoke it while waiting in line someplace. If I'm walking by a school with kids running around everywhere, or passing by a park, I'll knock the cherry off and palm it until I've gone by. Not because it would kill them if I didn't, but just out of fucking respect, what most of these activists lack any of.

If someone runs across the street to nag me for it, I might blow it in their face and tell them to fuck off. That's never happened. There is a certain tolerance. And between intolerant and tolerant, there's going to be a point of equilibrium established only through constant effort until we reach a real tipping point in culture and we're nowhere fucking near that. If I ran across the street and blew it in someone's face, I would expect an intolerant response. Nothing of that changed when I got on the MMAR, despite the encouragement otherwise. Nothing about it changed when I got off it. The difference is that under the MMAR, I actually was excempt. Under the MMPR, only the LP product is.

I once had a neighbor call the cops on me, on xmas day, for smoking a joint in a shed some 20 yards out. The cops came over and the neighbors were pointing shed out to them, talking about the smoke and the smell. Then, the cops left, because they didn't give a fuck. Most of the time, they were in the garage across the street smoking up there.

Any other day that wouldn't have been a problem. My neighbor wouldn't have given a shit. But xmas morning they were having company, who had children, and having children makes ignorant people extremists with their blind protectionism. That's to say, reactionists. Now you could try and argue for increased tolerance when faced with that, but the general advice when confronted with a mother bear who has cubs nearby is to play dead, because they'll rip into you without fucking thinking. It's prudent to avoid them and focus your efforts in more sensible areas.

I think people need to appreciate that we don't know exactly where we stand with rights right now. The facts are that we are losing them in leaps and bounds, without most even realizing it, and with are bullshit activists telling us it's getting better when it's not while they ignore the reality of it and profit by doing so.

I am not accusing the OP of doing anything wrong. But Wonderland has been a known hotbed for shit like this. This is not the first Wonderland story. It might however be the first under the MMPR and post mandatory mins. His actions were reasonable under the old systems and old established rights. But shit is all up in the air right now, and I can't fucking believe there are people here saying "don't even bother getting a lawyer". Dude, get a fucking lawyer.
I REALLY like how much you write. I have to go grab a coffee and read this after work. hahaha
Keep it comin! Your opinion MATTERS. To me at least, if nothing else.
baby steps Vin...simple...educate folk...don't force your perceived rights...educate...fuck...I'm really starting to think this forum is dysfunctional simply because of "entitlement" kin smoke at my house anytime my grandkids aren't here...if they are, put on your big-boy pants and be discrete (we'll goto the beach )...same as out in public....get it????
Sorry Bud but I can't agree with you very much on this issue. If you wanna be ashamed of smoking go ahead. Some of us are not ! Some of us are sick of cowtailing to the innocents, They can just fuckin well educated them selves and figure it out. After smoking for as long as you or more, I'm not hiding anymore. And I don't give a shit about your Grand kids seeing it either. Why don't you put some big boys pants on and stand up for your rights as a legal patient. Or be an informed Grampa and explain that this is what some adults do. What do you tell them about drinking ? I had no troubling educating my kids. What's the deal there? Smoking in the same area or room, I agree take it elsewhere, I agree there

I don't need to hide like some fucking sheep or a wimp. Done that. Time for change?
And as far as entitlement goes around here. Your fuckin right were entitled. That's what we have been fighting for!!! God dam it.
The very asshole's who poo pooed my lifestyle for the last 50 year, can go fuck themselves and if you don't like it you can too.
I don't see any people drinking beer and bars...fancy liquor restaurant table ads for drinks. Rampant.
Sorry but it a new world and I personally don't give a rats fuckin ass who is offended anymore.
I won't personally be happy until some of my persecutors are in jails themselves. Fuckin hypocrite alcoholic drunk bastard cops and politicians. If I had my way we'd be comin for your sorry asses. are fuckin right on there. We had a chance to stop this bullshit in the 70's but the EVIL PERSECUTORS won. Pissed....YOU BET I AM. There, how do like that approach? Those who would throw me in jail...I'd put them in jail and hope that very thing happens some day. I seek revenge my friend.
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I'd suggest you find out a bit more about me before disparaging me...but I suppose if you can't respect my grand children you don't respect much...I'd suggest a reset, but I fear its too late....hate on brother...hate on...that'll fix the situation...meanwhile I'll just stick to sharing with friends who need info/help and let you be king of the

and I doubt you and I would ever be friends
Well You came on here calling us entitled folks who should cool it. Yup raises my ire.
I'd be happy to be your friend. But bow down and be discrete is wearing on in this day and age.
Ya I'm one of the more radical one's here who is not too pleased at the persecution us enjoyer's of the herb and meds patient go thru. Done with that and intent to "go down fighting "
It's called fighting for freedom and justice, in this cause anyway.
If I was in charge, I'd go after every SOB who went after us. Call it hate or whatever. I call it revenge buddy. You do me....I do you. Time to say //no way...anymore....
Even our little Yessica is a fighter....and good for get off her back!
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Well You came on here calling us entitled folks who should cool it. Yup raises my ire.
I'd be happy to be your friend. But bow down and be discrete is wearing on in this day and age.
Ya I'm won of the more radical one's here who is not too pleased at the persecution us enjoyers of the herb and meds patient go thru. Done with that and intent to "go down fighting "
It's called fighting for freedom and justice, in this cause anyway.
If I was in charge, I'd go after every SOB who went after us. Call it hate or whatever. I call it revenge buddy. You do me....I do you. Time to say //no way...anymore....
Even our little Yessica is a fighter....and good for get off her back! you ever comprehend posts or just go off your gut????...being discrete is simply that...not caving, but rather respecting others' opinions and not pushing mine on them...but as you said earlier, you have no respect for for yessica...I believe the gal kin handle fight your way being a loud-mouth...I'll fight my way via educating those who don't know, but want to know...see...not shoving anything down anyone's throat...just offering my experience with the you keep being king of the hill and shouting out to the masses your rhetoric...I'll share with those who want to learn...I'll be at the bottom of the pile where the hill starts and gets its
W you ever comprehend posts or just go off your gut????...being discrete is simply that...not caving, but rather respecting others' opinions and not pushing mine on them...but as you said earlier, you have no respect for for yessica...I believe the gal kin handle fight your way being a loud-mouth...I'll fight my way via educating those who don't know, but want to know...see...not shoving anything down anyone's throat...just offering my experience with the you keep being king of the hill and shouting out to the masses your rhetoric...I'll share with those who want to learn...I'll be at the bottom of the pile where the hill starts and gets its

Well good....I'm glad you get it now.
I suppose claiming to educate without proof is is an example of that...went to a fish-in lst weekend...yes..I'm a flyfisher....was about 60 folk bunkie was the towns jailer/ex-RCMP, the rest were from various walks of life, brought together by a common fishing...well, as life would dictate, I wasn't fishing, but rather revisiting some friends( my back is slowly getting my goat...grr) I sat under the overhanging trees at the rivers edge in the shade watchin' the trout take hoppers, smokin' and laughin' with my friends for 2 1/2 days...I met a few new folk who had seen my posts about my meds the past 8 years, and were curious...long story short...many folk learned a new respect for the plant...oh..for the fishermen in the group, heres a link to a thread on the drift... ...I also brought a gallon of my own brandy( made from local plums and peaches), Italian sour cherries, maraschino cherries and a can of concentrated strawberry juice...from last fall...very smooth...was a big hit when mixed with gingerale...;))
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I suppose claiming to educate without proof is is an example of that...went to a fish-in...yes..I'm a flyfisher....was about 60 folk bunkie was the towns jailer/ex-RCMP, the rest were from various walks of life, brought together by a common fishing...well, as life would dictate, I wasn't fishing, but rather revisiting some friends( my back is slowly getting my goat...grr) I sat under the overhanging trees at the rivers edge in the shade smokin' and laughin' with my friends for 2 1/2 days...I met a few new folk who had seen my posts about my meds, and were curious...long story short...many folk learned a new respect for the plant...oh..for the fishermen in the group, heres a link to a thread on the drift... ...I also brought a gallon of my own brandy( made from local plums and peaches), Italian sour cherries, maraschino cherries and a can of concentrated strawberry juice...from last fall...very smooth...was a big hit when mixed with gingerale...;))
That sounds tasty..yum. I don't drink much, but that's sound delicious. I love all those ingrediants. Now you got me wanting some nice drink like that.
Also sounds like you live in a nice area of our country. I assume it may in B.C. Lucky to be so near all that beauty. Here in southern Ontario we gotta drive some to see any real nature. Hopefully some day I'll get a chance to see that part of Canada.
That sounds tasty..yum. I don't drink much, but that's sound delicious. I love all those ingrediants. Now you got me wanting some nice drink like that.
Also sounds like you live in a nice area of our country. I assume it may in B.C. Lucky to be so near all that beauty. Here in southern Ontario we gotta drive some to see any real nature. Hopefully some day I'll get a chance to see that part of Canada.

took me 47 years...but I finally found "my" oasis in the Osoyoos BC...;))
Champs expo in Toronto was no better example of professional recreational abusers putting people out with zero consideration for anyone other then themselves, while leaning on "medical use" as an excuse for it, making us all look like shit. Fuck all a' you, professional hacks and their hangers on.

Again, this, while they stood there saying how very bad it looks to themselves. But, that they didn't need to be there doing it, and probably shouldn't, never once crossed their minds. Zero presence of mind for that. "They need this", referring to an idiotic 420 marketing ritual, which just makes people fucking sick of hearing about it on a daily basis, because each time you do hear it, it's a group of morons acting like assholes, guaranteed, every fucking time. This is not activism!

Couldn't they simply have gone two or three at a time with their immediate group and not have been a fucking nuisance? Obviously not.
There had to be people on that sidewalk with medical issues of their own and 50 people blowing smoke in their faces wasn't helping them. Where's the consideration? They "need an education?" Looks to me like it's these hacks that need an education most of all, before they cost us every last right.

What would they have been "educated" on? "The smoke that we're blowing in your face isn't harmful, because vaporizing doesn't have as many toxins as ...... the........smoke.......that....we're blowing in your face.. right now." Get serious ffs. Zero credibility, just a bunch of clowns.

You're not more speeshul that everyone else just for being "exempt", whether you are or not. It's not a license to have zero consideration for anyone or anything. If you act like you are, you're just an asshole, and you're working opposite of the help and progress that people do need.
:clap: Lucky guy....congrats on having all that in your life.....jealous as I love that nature you hope to visit there at leas. I know I'll be " hooked "
:clap: Lucky guy....congrats on having all that in your life.....jealous as I love that nature you hope to visit there at leas. I know I'll be " hooked "

I just have quality of life...its about 40 today and dry as hell...plants love it, my back loves it...I grew up in London Ont, raised my family betwixt Meaford and Owen Sound...I could never live there again...the desert is where its at...;)))
Even our little Yessica is a fighter....and good for get off her back!

What's on my back? Oh there it is....

bahahahahahahaha - the devil made me do it....I just HAD to.

Ok, ok, carry on with your discussion. Just sayin...weed is awesome.

Do either one of you have a BEARD? We can settle this like men...