Superstoner's new 3 rail, 50gal system, 36-40oz every 2 weeks.

nice bro. keep it up and remember you are the mentor of some many people around here including myself. good luck

ps dont waste your time with trolls. they are people with out a purpose in life.
I have followed you for some years now and know you dont bullshit,once I move( in the next couple of months) I will ditch the old school rails and rebuild with this new system (thats how much faith I have in SS).SS dosent bullshit and never stears anyone wrong,but the best and the most underrated part (in my opinion),is if you do decide to build one of his setups,he is always there to answer any questions and help you evey step of the way,whatever questions you have,he will answer you the same day (alot of times within an hour or two) 99 % of the time.Thats why I roll with SS,the guy is like a badass android,never stops or let personal shit keep him away,he is always there,and thats something you cant put a price on.Speaking of price,the guy has never tried to benifit from anything he puts up on here (cough,cough,a book),and if he did ever charge anything,most everyone on this forum would own him something.Dont take my word for anything tho,just go to his other thread and see how many people have gotten results,or why his threads are usually on the 1st page.
Question for ss or anyone using his recipe. I see it is broken up as wk 1&2, wk 3-5, wk 5-8 or until finished. Is that supposed to be wk 6-8 or till finish? Or wk 3&4 then wk 5-8?
I have rails already to go (had em ready for 2 years lol) but started with totes and haven't switched yet. Basically set up the same so was wondering if rails offer better growth, and why, if all things were equal. I keep looking at them. Thanks SS, someday I'll get this stuff dialed in I hope lol.
" hate to say it man but no body on here really uses those. I do. I looked for weeks for any info when building mine. rails don't need insulated they are white thus reflective and think so light cant get passed. the feed and drain do because pipe isn't opaque. your results will shock the shit outta you. net them up"!

Well then, there ya go SS, waste of time!
Actually I was thinking that as well and just move the rails from from one room too the other as needed. Yes perhaps its time to get them going. Perhaps next run lol. Need to start cloning I think to take this to the next level.
Got a question about adding back to the rez. When you add back do you only add plain water or just certain nutes and if so at what level? I've found that without really knowing what the plant is consuming it's a guessing game. I'll add back and then find out that my ppm is now rising with water drop when before water and nutes were being consumed equally.
Nice improvements SS.

I like the way you made the support fort he rails very efficient an small.

Thats bad ass..
" hate to say it man but no body on here really uses those. I do. I looked for weeks for any info when building mine. rails don't need insulated they are white thus reflective and think so light cant get passed. the feed and drain do because pipe isn't opaque. your results will shock the shit outta you. net them up"!

Well then, there ya go SS, waste of time!

Really man, are you telling SS that his way is a waste of time.

Do it his way and see for yourself.

I used to be shyt before i adopted the SS rail method.

Now I am still shyt, dont get me wrong, but even bad as I am with this system it will get you 24 oz a run...with massive neglect
everything is pretty straight forward from the pics, if you built the old system. absolutely love the improvements...

I use round tubes and still have nt figured out a cure for minor leaks here and there.
Got a question about adding back to the rez. When you add back do you only add plain water or just certautes and if so at what level? I've found that without really knowing what the plant is consuming it's a guessing game. I'll add back and then find out that my ppm is now rising with water drop when before water and nutes were being consumed equally.
I never add back to a res. When the last res gets low i will add water only until harvest but i never add more nutes to used res. The drawback IS that you dont know what is left in the res and the ratios are screwed.