Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Lol yup I've already smacked my head really good and I'm 5'2
Lol! Wear some funky headbands!! Bf is 2M and is constantly knocking into my hall lights. He doesn't even like going into the grow room!

I'm buzzing right now because my bf has told me that we're going to the Ibiza closing parties and we can take the dog! To the island, not the clubs! Im too spoilt.


Well-Known Member
Finished doing most of the kitchen stuff last night gotta do the bedroom today maybe later though I feel like having a coffee and chillin right now lol
I hear ya, I'm having a giant cup of hazelnut cream coffee to get some motivation going. I am organizing and getting rid of clothes I don't want. My son's gf just started a new job and needed some new dresses and office clothes so I cleaned out my closets and drawers and took 5 trash bags full of clothes over to her last nite. Gonna cull some shoes and purses next. I just have too much stuff.
She doesn't have very much and it makes me feel good to help her out. Its hard to get started at a new job with little money and needing a more professional wardrobe.

I love to cook and do all the time so I've been organizing my kitchen better and then I am moving onward to declutter the downstairs!