Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Well I mean I like a good failblog here and there. But it's like all of a sudden I feel like the grinch at the end of the movie. Heart is thawing out.

Like for example today (granted I had a super wake-n-bake so I was extra in a good mood) I saw this guy walking into work. Early 50s , had the whole 40 yr old virgin swag , dorky power walk like "gosh I hope no body is mean to me today " look (I mean bad enough I even stereotype and even think people are nerdy or dorky ) but this guy had the Jean shorts above his knees , and the Jean shorts that are way over drastic with extra pockets , loops for your hammer , long thick cotton socks , new balance shoes and t shirt tucked in.

I couldn't help
thinking ...."damn I hope this dude has a good day"
-I wanted to put my arm around him and say "good job pal, don't let anyone put any salt in your game. You do you"

But the weird part being I don't know this guy. Maybe he is a trained in mma and can kick anyone's Ass. Maybe he's a pedafile ? So all I said was "morning bro" gave the nod.

Weird or is this normal human behavior ? Or was I just stoned. But I felt I wanted to channel positivity. I'm going soft
Going soft? Too easy...

I say hi to every person that I walk passed as they occupy the same area of planet that I do. My parents do the same...

It's not weird - you're just NICE!

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
having 2 joints and not wanting to smoke them till late tonight so i can sleep once i burn out and not feel like ass for the rest of the day

first world problems