Travan Martin all over again??


Well-Known Member
with all the ethnic and homophobic slurs you use in this forum, i am shocked that you havent been placed on a watchlist at the SPLC.

but your slurs are designed to UPLIFT the black man by telling them that their misdeeds and crimes are ok, as long as anyone has ever called them a "Nigger", or if their SES is sufficiently downtrodden
just gonna put this out there as a reminder to old members and a warning to any new members:

only a white nationalist would defend phillipe rushton.

only a white supremacist would cite phillipe rushton.

kynes, an adherent of "european cultural superiority" who wants to "defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit", has done both.

lo fucking l.


Well-Known Member
If nothing else, he was a “stupid fuck” walking down the center of the road holding up traffic. Reason enough to shoot his fat ass! We’d be better off if they start wasting the assholes plugging the passing lane on the freeways. Time to cull this heard and get rid of the stupid!
"Time to cull this HEARD and get rid of the stupid!"

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
just gonna put this out there as a reminder to old members and a warning to any new members:

only a white nationalist would defend phillipe rushton.

only a white supremacist would cite phillipe rushton.

kynes, an adherent of "european cultural superiority" who wants to "defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit", has done both.

lo fucking l.
so you wish to allege that rushton WAS a racist, a white supremacist, a eugenicist, or some other charge?

fucking prove it.

he held his chair at a top canadian university until his death, no such charges were even proved against him, and he was never removed from his seat on the university faculty.

IN CANADA, the liberalest country in the americas.


Well-Known Member
so you wish to allege that rushton WAS a racist, a white supremacist, a eugenicist, or some other charge?

prove it.

he held his chair at a top canadian university until his death, no such charges were even proved against him, and he was never removed from his seat on the university faculty.

IN CANADA, the liberalest country in the americas.
He is full of shit. The best way to discredit is to scream racist.

That is all this is because if they could refute his work they would, they can't so they scream racist and are thereby let off the hook


Well-Known Member
so you wish to allege that rushton WAS a racist, a white supremacist, a eugenicist, or some other charge?

fucking prove it.

he held his chair at a top canadian university until his death, no such charges were even proved against him, and he was never removed from his seat on the university faculty.

IN CANADA, the liberalest country in the americas.
are you fucking retarded?

serious question.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
are you fucking retarded?

serious question.
so that means NO, you do not wish to attempt to prove your claim that rushton was a racist, bigot, eugenecist, etc...

instead you prefer to ladle out generous portions of innuendo, over a thick slice of calumny, served with a side of "That's Racist!!".

sounds delicious (/sarcasm), but you have been serving that same slop every day for years.

what have you got thats NEW?


Well-Known Member
so that means NO, you do not wish to attempt to prove your claim that rushton was a racist, bigot, eugenecist, etc...

instead you prefer to ladle out generous portions of innuendo, over a thick slice of calumny, served with a side of "That's Racist!!".

sounds delicious, but you have been serving that same slop every day for years.

what have you got thats NEW?
it's not a claim that needs any proving. it has been proved.

that you try to deny he is a racist who ran a eugenics organization and heaps praise upon people who say the constitution should not protect blacks honestly makes me wonder if you are mentally retarded.

who do you think you are deluding? you can't even delude yourself into thinking he's not a racist.

unless, of course, you are mentally retarded. which i am starting to think you are.


Well-Known Member
it's not a claim that needs any proving. it has been proved.

that you try to deny he is a racist who ran a eugenics organization and heaps praise upon people who say the constitution should not protect blacks honestly makes me wonder if you are mentally retarded.

who do you think you are deluding? you can't even delude yourself into thinking he's not a racist.

unless, of course, you are mentally retarded. which i am starting to think you are.
Consider the source.

The only thing that I have found that points to Rushton being a racist comes from those who have interest in profiting from the black militant movement


Well-Known Member
it's not a claim that needs any proving. it has been proved.

that you try to deny he is a racist who ran a eugenics organization and heaps praise upon people who say the constitution should not protect blacks honestly makes me wonder if you are mentally retarded.

who do you think you are deluding? you can't even delude yourself into thinking he's not a racist.

unless, of course, you are mentally retarded. which i am starting to think you are.
How is that minority chicken of yours doing? I've been worried about that little bugger.


Well-Known Member
jigglypuff is doing fine, along with the whole flock.

mind if i borrow your truck for a few days in mid september?
Good to hear.

It depends, I'm going to need a vehicle to get little Lemmy to soccer. You would have to swap me your Beamer.