Ceestyle, other outdoor growers, heat control & light ~?~


Well-Known Member
Ceestyle, I'm directing this towards you because I think I've got a heat issue that may be contributing to some woes. West-southwest exposure, 2,800' elevation, 38.4N lat (approximately), hitting temps well over 90F on some days. Plants leaves have been curling in a v-cup shape DOWNWARDS, not upwards as I see in most heat/transpiration issues.

I have taken pix, but Dave has the card, somewhere, and I took more with a camera that had no card, so, no new pix. I have placed some OSB boards across one shelving unit that allows the plants full sun (unobstructed on the upper level, through the deck railing on the lower level, see my gallery for an idea) from approximately 2:15pm til just about sunset. I'd like to try using some shade cloth, I was thinking 10% shade cloth, to just give 'em a break. I could do that, or I could built a screen of sorts that mimics what they get through the deck railing (however, that protection seems to be minimal at best).

Whaddaya think?


Well-Known Member
Ceestyle, I'm directing this towards you because I think I've got a heat issue that may be contributing to some woes. West-southwest exposure, 2,800' elevation, 38.4N lat (approximately), hitting temps well over 90F on some days. Plants leaves have been curling in a v-cup shape DOWNWARDS, not upwards as I see in most heat/transpiration issues.

I have taken pix, but Dave has the card, somewhere, and I took more with a camera that had no card, so, no new pix. I have placed some OSB boards across one shelving unit that allows the plants full sun (unobstructed on the upper level, through the deck railing on the lower level, see my gallery for an idea) from approximately 2:15pm til just about sunset. I'd like to try using some shade cloth, I was thinking 10% shade cloth, to just give 'em a break. I could do that, or I could built a screen of sorts that mimics what they get through the deck railing (however, that protection seems to be minimal at best).

Whaddaya think?
Okay, so first of all - I must admit I do not have a lot of outdoor experience, so my advice is only as good as that. I think once you get pics you should get fdd over here. He has a lot of experience and success growing near the same conditions that you have.

Based on your climate being so simliar to mine (and fdd), I would anticipate that if you were having problems with plants being toasted, we would also be seeing them as well. My instinct is to say that it's not just heat. Fdd's in full sun, for example, without those symptoms. When I transplanted without hardening off long enough, I definitely saw some climate shock, but all new growth is much more temperature tolerant, considering their limited root space, blaring sun exposure, and how seldom I can get out to water.

My first question is: are all plants that are receiving that light showing the same symptoms?

Next : are other plants that are being treated the same but getting less light - on lower shelves perhaps - not showing the same symptoms?

Also, what are night-time temps like?

I can't find your pics ... no more galleries? Are the leaves discolored?


Well-Known Member
I've never had heat issues.. Here it gets to 90+ too..also my plants are right in the AC exhaust..works fine for me...... just lucky I guess..


Well-Known Member
No more gallery links (again)? Cripes. Ok, just remember, I'm east of Sacramento, I get no coastal or ocean breezes that you or fdd do. Yesterday and today have been amazingly, surprisingly cool, too.

I'm having what otherwise appear to be nutrient burn problems, but these are on plants that have received no nutrients despite showing nitrogen deficiency. If they're wilting, showing burned tips, and drooping, what else could it be? I have given all plants a mild dose of micorrhizal fungi, and it's cooled off, so everyone is looking a bit better. It also helps that I keep them clean (remove all debris, dead & dying material).

Things went really bad right when it was really hot. That's the common denominator. Plants that are on top (whose pots were most exposed to full afternoon sun) showed most stress, but I also move them around a lot according to which ones I'm working on and all that. It's almost a good thing that I killed the ones I did, but I don't want to kill more if I can help it. ;)

I'll see about getting pix up.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, NONE of us have galleries anymore. Again. I guess it's a good thing I didn't put more in yesterday like I was planning to.


Well-Known Member
Ceestyle, I'm directing this towards you because I think I've got a heat issue that may be contributing to some woes. West-southwest exposure, 2,800' elevation, 38.4N lat (approximately), hitting temps well over 90F on some days. Plants leaves have been curling in a v-cup shape DOWNWARDS, not upwards as I see in most heat/transpiration issues.

I have taken pix, but Dave has the card, somewhere, and I took more with a camera that had no card, so, no new pix. I have placed some OSB boards across one shelving unit that allows the plants full sun (unobstructed on the upper level, through the deck railing on the lower level, see my gallery for an idea) from approximately 2:15pm til just about sunset. I'd like to try using some shade cloth, I was thinking 10% shade cloth, to just give 'em a break. I could do that, or I could built a screen of sorts that mimics what they get through the deck railing (however, that protection seems to be minimal at best).

Whaddaya think?
I know i was not asked but i think that it is not all heat related.

we get 100+ and up to 130 deg for weeks at a time and i give them full sun

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
i have had the same problem. i saw this problem with my plants about 2 weeks ago, so i stopped the ferts and just used water. the leaves still curl upwards and have brown tips. i cant help any, but i am also looking for this answer.


Well-Known Member
I know i was not asked but i think that it is not all heat related.

we get 100+ and up to 130 deg for weeks at a time and i give them full sun
Not directly, but I'm really wracking my brain trying to figure out how to solve this problem, then. Plain water hasn't changed a thing.
Edited to ask: Are those plants in pots (black) that are up off the ground a ways?
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Well-Known Member
How cold does it get at night?
Recently a little below 70F I think. But in the not so distant past (couple or three weeks) it's probably been above that. It's been warmer at my elevation than Stockton, Sact'o, or even Modesto overnight. It's a trip (especially if I have to ride down to one of those places in the a.m., I can feel the temp shift as I descend). Why?


Well-Known Member
Naw, OrangeShover, if you're having a similar problem then the information might be helpful for everyone if it's put up here.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
i have one plant that gets about 1-2 hours more shade than the others and it is a good 10 inches taller. i might have to move them to a spot with less heat. i am going to the site in about 20 minutes so i will update you when i get back and take pictures


Well-Known Member
Maybe you're cooking your roots. Try blocking a couple of your pots and see if they improve. It couldnt' hurt. I have plants in a window who weren't doing well until i blocked the sun from their pots.


Well-Known Member
That's why I asked what I did. :? Man... I've got to get this sorted out I think. If it were mild leaf issues I wouldn't worry about it, but it's killed at least one more plant, and one other has been severely affected. Two others are sorry lookin', and I'm afraid that if it's heat, that is the one variable that will affect all plants.

I wonder when we're gonna get our galleries back. My main machine has taken a major MAJOR dump on me, won't boot up in Win2K, and boots up with no GUI in Ubuntu. Got a driver power failure error. Fuck.


Well-Known Member
That's why I asked what I did. :? Man... I've got to get this sorted out I think. If it were mild leaf issues I wouldn't worry about it, but it's killed at least one more plant, and one other has been severely affected. Two others are sorry lookin', and I'm afraid that if it's heat, that is the one variable that will affect all plants.

I wonder when we're gonna get our galleries back. My main machine has taken a major MAJOR dump on me, won't boot up in Win2K, and boots up with no GUI in Ubuntu. Got a driver power failure error. Fuck.
So try white paper or doubling pots, or some sort of barrier. Another thing I do is put an inch or so of hydroton on top of my soil. It deflects water so that it doesn't shift around soil, distributes it better, and helps prevent surface caking. More important for you, it will shield soil and roots from sun.