The butthole


Well-Known Member
Well not for you or the butthole involved, but for the scrotum and dude involved yeah! That's a hilarious move, not many can pull it off!
So you're telling me you have had your whole ballsack (balls and sack) inside another human persons butthole?

Jesus - it wasn't all pinchie and painful? Did the person have a goatsee asshole or something?

I don't have balls - so I don't know what it's like. Just seems uncomfortable to me... trying to have sex in the back of a Volkswagen.


Well-Known Member
So you're telling me you have had your whole ballsack (balls and sack) inside another human persons butthole?

Jesus - it wasn't all pinchie and painful? Did the person have a goatsee asshole or something?

I don't have balls - so I don't know what it's like. Just seems uncomfortable to me... trying to have sex in the back of a Volkswagen.

Lol, no unfortunately I haven't rocked it, but I have high aspirations. Ya gotta dream big right?


Well-Known Member
Our names are Matt and Jack. We have known each other for seven years. On Feb. 12, 2015, we decided to take our friendship to the next level and get our buttholes steamed together.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

We found out about butthole steaming the way we find out about most things: through Gwyneth Paltrow.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
In an issue of her iconic publication Goop, Gwyneth says she gets her vagina steamed at a salon in Santa Monica.
We looked up the spa (Tikkun Spa), and that’s where we saw it…

$50 for 30 minutes.

Because most men don’t have a vagina, Tikkun Spa does another treatment called an “A-Steam.” That’s a glorified name for a “butthole steam.”

This is what it says about it on the website: Originally a treatment for the Emperor of China, the A Steam for men is invigorating and detoxifying. Aids in reducing muscle tension, inflammation and lactic acid for athletes. Improves cardiovascular performance and induces deeper sleep. Soothes hemorrhoids and assists in anal cleansing. Increasing energy and enhancing general health.

So, after seeing the words “anal cleansing,” we did the next logical thing and made an appointment.
This is our journey to the butthole brotherhood.
1. First and foremost, butthole steaming gowns exist and they are really great and fabulous.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
When you get your butthole steamed, you need to wear a gown that traps the steam inside your butthole. That’s where this butthole gown comes in! It was actually very comfortable and totally fashion-forward.

2. While you’re in your butthole steaming gown, you have to channel your inner Gwyneth and take a demure Renaissance-inspired picture.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
We are getting this made into an oil painting.

3. This is the butthole and vagina steaming room aka this is where Gwyneth gets her vagina steamed. It smells herby and is very “zen.”

It smells herby because that’s what you steam your butthole with: herbs. It is a lot like having a nice, piping-hot herbal tea in your butthole.

4. The butthole steamers are referred to as “thrones.”

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

Makes sense because It is very toil-esque (meaning like a toilet). The throne is covered in towels, which look inviting, but the hole itself is slightly terrifying. It’s a little too industrial looking for buttholes, tbh.

5. Also there is no penetration. Nothing actually goes inside your butthole. Except steam.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
Honestly, if you have ever sat over a hot, steaming teakettle and let the steam waft up into your butthole, you will have an approximation of understanding what this feels like, re: steam penetration.

6. No penis in the pot.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

Getting seated on your throne is like pooping on a toilet except different because there is hot steam and boiling water under you. We cannot emphasize this enough: Be CAREFUL with your genitals. Testicular safety is IMPORTANT. “Penis boiling” was something we were warned about.

7. Your first instinct is to go to the highest level of butthole steaming. DO NOT DO IT.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
Next to your throne is a remote control that goes all the way up to 10. BUT: It takes a minute or so to really get the throne heating up. We fucked up big time by cranking it to the highest temperature: a level 10. No one’s butthole can withstand a level-10 steam. Not even Gwyneth.

8. If you put it up to a level 10, your scrotum will start to steam/burn.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
See here:

9. The heat controller is your best friend. Keep it around a level 3 or a level 4.

Any more and you will burn.

10. Reminder: Your genitals are not Gwyneth Paltrow’s genitals.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

Apparently Gwyn takes a high heat on her vagina. We could not.

11. Be ready for sudden strange sensations.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
Sudden strange sensations happen. Be ready to adjust yourself, but try to stay centered, both ~in your mind~ and in the sense of having your butthole centered over the steam vent.

12. In terms of overall sensations, your butthole will feel very warm. Your butthole will sweat. It will feel cleansing.

This video was taken midway through the steam. We had just lowered the temperature from the highest it could be to a mid-range temperature. It was definitely a moment of enlightenment.


Well-Known Member
13. This is what our buttholes (probably) looked like mid-steam.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
It’s hard to explain because we couldn’t actually see our buttholes, but they definitely probably looked like this.

14. Minute 22 of 30 is a really great minute.

15. Fanning your butthole with your gown is completely necessary.

Shit gets hot and literally steamy under that gown. Fan your butthole when things get too intense or suffer the consequences!

16. Getting up from the throne after the 30-minute steam is an incredible feeling. It’s like when you go from a Jacuzzi to a cool pool.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

17. You don’t have to shower after your butthole steaming because the herbs are natural and self-cleaning or something.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed
So even though we were sweating a lot out of our buttholes, it was all “clean sweat” apparently, so we just left it there to be clean on our buttholes or whatever.

18. Afterward, for the next few hours, your butthole is definitely a little more limber.

I’d recommend getting a juice.

19. We both fell asleep super early that night. Like, really early.

Jack Shepherd/BuzzFeed
A possible effect of getting your butthole steamed?

20. The steaming is more of a bonding experience than a spa treament. It’s fun to steam together. Enjoy yourselves. You’re on a ride to supreme butthole nirvana. Once you complete this journey you are butthole brothers for life.

Matt Stopera/BuzzFeed

21. And no, we did not poop (immediately) after.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
This thread is relevant to my interests.
Me and four friends have had a running bet for about six years the goal is to get the big toe into a vagina....I guess we should go ahead and throw the butthole in to i think I could toe a buthole just as easily as the vajine
You and your friends are fucking slackers. Six years and you couldn't get a big toe in the pink? Clear evidence of a shameful lack of dedication or focus, probably both.
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