"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...


Well-Known Member
I will try pictures....

1. Search for what you want. I will type "this is the end gif" into the google box...

2. then view the images...and pick the one you want...

3. Drag the image you want, to your "desktop".

4. Then you drag that image from your desktop - to the conversation or reply you are looking for.

That's how I know how to do it!!!


Well-Known Member
He's only sweet as long as you're talking about your gyno exam. Don't fall for his tricks. We went out one time and the moment I stopped talking about colonoscopies he was at another table giving the sexy nice guy routine to a pornstar who was telling him about anal bleaching and vaginal rejuvenation.
I'm onto you now, @Foothills
So, now that it's finally out !! ( thank you, btw ) What the hell was wrong with us talking about colonoscopies on our first date anyway ?? There's only so much a man can do when it comes to romance, ya know. :cry:


Well-Known Member
So, now that it's finally out !! ( thank you, btw ) What the hell was wrong with us talking about colonoscopies on our first date anyway ?? There's only so much a man can do when it comes to romance, ya know. :cry:
FYI - THIS is why internet dating is fucking awesome!!!

I had talked to my boyfriend (aka first REAL internet date) for many many hours before we met. I knew, a lot about him, actually. And he probably knew more than he ever would need to know about me (I'm a SHARER).

It was great! First date - NOT like a first date. More like a 10th or something.

Or however many dates it makes me to NOT be a whore for sleeping with him the first night. And then every night after since then! hahaha


Well-Known Member
FYI - THIS is why internet dating is fucking awesome!!!

I had talked to my boyfriend (aka first REAL internet date) for many many hours before we met. I knew, a lot about him, actually. And he probably knew more than he ever would need to know about me (I'm a SHARER).

It was great! First date - NOT like a first date. More like a 10th or something.

Or however many dates it makes me to NOT be a whore for sleeping with him the first night. And then every night after since then! hahaha
I hear what yer sayen, yessica. I'm really glad it's working out great for ya. I haven't been back long, I come and go on RIU, but it's been easy to see that you're a very nice person. I like you !! In a good way, I'm not fishing !!! :leaf: and yer funny as hell. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It's a fun time....you're always welcome..
Soon as someone invents the teleportation device - I'll be EVERYWHERE!!!

Oooooor....anyone know where I can get a hold of an Intrinsic Field Subtractor?

tumblr_ml7xaln1rw1roixiho3_500.gif DrManhattanPartialMaterialize30fLG.gif tumblr_mdt88lFgKZ1qa6z6mo1_500.gif tumblr_m5rviuziB01qb2n4qo2_500.gif

It was tough to find a Giffy where Dr Manhattan wasn't acting like an angsty betch. Evidently, blue-ing yourself turns you into Tobias Funkie, no matter how you do it.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about all that Yessica but you'll meet some of the best growers on RIU at the BBQ and smoke all their best gear....both girl & boy growers...we actually don't verify...however that's not a bad idea, now that you've mentioned it....lol