"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
its people like finshaggy who cause so many problems in this world , the sooner idiots like this realise there is no fuckin magic man in the sky the sooner we stop people chopping heads off coz there magic man in the sky said so .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
im totally sick of religious bull shit , it is the root of every problem on this planet , imagine a world without any religion , it would be bliss , instead we have dick heads like this who have 'credentials ' and tell us all this bullshit about taking a hit on a bong is somehow related to a made up being in the sky , ......................fuckin bull shit , you like gettin high like the rest of us , dont try justifying your thc hit with some fucking ancient superstition nonsense
every news article i read about is some prick claiming what they are doing is justified coz of a made up fuckin god


Well-Known Member
Magic man in the sky...humph...I believe in him...everytime my kids look at me and say "I love you daddy" I believe !! Every time I hit some fire ass cannabis...I believe...after 3 neurosurgeons said I would NEVER walk again yet I'm up moving around doing my thing...I BELIEVE...but the great thing about MY country is YOU have the right to believe in what you choose as do others...so what gives you the right to condemn others for what they believe in "credentials" or not ?????!!!!