Hey everyone,
Have a HUGE problem, and need lots of help to just dig myself out of this mistake of a purchase.
So..... I am a girl and have problems making purchases without thinking them through. Hence I now have a prefabricated grow closet.....

Really should have built, but now I am head first into growing and climbing my way out of a 3ftX2ftX20in. problem. I have 2 clones(Blue Dream) in 8x8 rockwool cubes, sitting in circular clear plastic runoff dishes.
I have a box of arm and hammer(not that it matters yet) and one of the lamest co2 boosters(i've seen yet). I have 2 CFLs both 850lumens, 14w=60w about 15in. away. with a fan and carbon filter hooked to the back. This particular model is called Grandma's secret garden 3. My temp is 76-78, pH is 5.8 and on a 16/8 light schedule. Will post pics as soon as I can get enough likes to start a journal. My step dad is n some pretty crumby health and this medication will be taking(hopefully) the financial burden off of me, him, and my younger brother who all medicate due to issues such as paralyzation, heart conditions, and bipolar. I don't think anyone lives forever. But with cannabis in our lives we have been able to live a bit happier and healthier. Hello grower community! I am eager to make your acquaintance! any likes or advice on how to improve yield or temps(if you did in fact google my growbox model) will be much apprecited.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU! Are the temps almost stable, or is it in a location where the temp outside the box changes drastically from day to night? Temps inside the box stable between 'day' and 'night'? I didn't see it listed, but is the fan speed adjustable? Do you have something to keep an eye on the relative humidity so you can dodge a few problems associated?
Thank you!! Didn't think the response would be so dang quick!!
I have it in a closet in my room, with a standing dressing wall to cover the closet cavity. (closet has no door)
The ac unit is inside the closet with box(ac unit is in wall and pluged into seperate wall outlet) I am constantly adjusting ac unit to stay as close to 78 as I can constantly. But yes there is constant fluctuation. No the fan is not adjustable, but I have a hand fan coming in the mail, I plan to mount. No I really should have something to monitor my RHumidity. But just started my fulltime and waiting to get paid. a cheap reliable meter suggestion would be great. also I didnt include I am on the General Hydro flora schedule. 3.2.1 and hand water.
I A) would like to switch to a bulb that conserves energy and gives less heat) probably an hps
B) want to successfully net/screen a sativa on a vertical incline
and C)make sure my co2 is actually doing something

also would like to prepare for odor control.


Well-Known Member
Flukers hygrometer for terrariums works lovely for your setup, and is small enough to keep an eye on the RH when you're curing in mason jars too. Runs about 10 bucks I believe, and is available pretty much anywhere, including ebay.
10.00?? lol omg why did the hydro guy suggest i skip something that can save me more than that. lmaooo that sounds heavenly. I think I'll post a pic


Well-Known Member
HPS is going to guzzle power - and I assume you're considering HPS purely for bloom.. which would mean additional investment for MH during veg, and a hand-picked strain of the sativa variety that will not get too tall, considering the space you have to work with. The setup that it's shipped with is meant to be a bit more sane in terms of power consumption than mods that are MH/HPS/dual spectrum, LED, infrared, or other combos.


Well-Known Member
Something that you must keep in mind.. until you get to know your local hydro guy/woman, and feel you trust them completely... be very careful as to their recommendations. This is especially true in terms of MH/HPS bulbs made in China, quite a few of them blow and after reading through all RIU has to offer, you will see what's recommended, what's not, and what you should avoid like the plague in the big picture.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a good start, and that's purely up to you - strain and what it goes through in veg can make all the difference in bloom, independent of anything else you may subject it to in terms of environmental stress... accidental or not. Do you trust the one you're getting the clones / other from?


Well-Known Member
As for odor control, I'd highly recommend an ONA bucket, unless you have a good amount to spend on another setup for the interim.
Getting them from a prop d that I use regularly so if that is trust, then possibly. But I picked based on their prices for the strains cured flower. (i know noobish) Do you think a vertically inclined netting to scrog, that it would still be possible to safely drain my cubes? and teh ONA looks promising but man it's huge. does it go inside the box? please do explain this "other setup" :)


Well-Known Member
The ONA bucket is for the outside... and the other setup would include multiple fans, push/pull ... and carbon scrubber(s) - many variations of this exist, and every implementation is different based on grow space/restrictions to the modifications you can make.


Well-Known Member
You will be disappointed using that little ass box. Use that box to germinate clones and just grow in your closet since everyone in your family is gonna be token it up.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
Have a HUGE problem, and need lots of help to just dig myself out of this mistake of a purchase.
So..... I am a girl and have problems making purchases without thinking them through. Hence I now have a prefabricated grow closet.....

Really should have built, but now I am head first into growing and climbing my way out of a 3ftX2ftX20in. problem. I have 2 clones(Blue Dream) in 8x8 rockwool cubes, sitting in circular clear plastic runoff dishes.
I have a box of arm and hammer(not that it matters yet) and one of the lamest co2 boosters(i've seen yet). I have 2 CFLs both 850lumens, 14w=60w about 15in. away. with a fan and carbon filter hooked to the back. This particular model is called Grandma's secret garden 3. My temp is 76-78, pH is 5.8 and on a 16/8 light schedule. Will post pics as soon as I can get enough likes to start a journal. My step dad is n some pretty crumby health and this medication will be taking(hopefully) the financial burden off of me, him, and my younger brother who all medicate due to issues such as paralyzation, heart conditions, and bipolar. I don't think anyone lives forever. But with cannabis in our lives we have been able to live a bit happier and healthier. Hello grower community! I am eager to make your acquaintance! any likes or advice on how to improve yield or temps(if you did in fact google my growbox model) will be much apprecited.
Just wanna say a big welcome to you as a female grower, I've only ever met 2 before in the flesh and I've been growing for 15yrs. Will talk shop later when I'm not supposed to be working. Enjoy the RIU collective knowledge and the vein of crazy that runs through it.