Fans during night time?


Well-Known Member
leave your fan on 24/7...not running a fan at night.... Is like watering your plants right before you turn the light outs.



Well-Known Member
What percentage of humidity is risky for developing mold?

It ultimately depends where you measure your RH.

I've experienced botrytis with an ambient RH of 55%. The issue was that micro-climates developed between leaf surfaces and amongst the plants causing RH spikes upwards of 75%.

Ideally keep RH below 65% during veg and circa 40-55% during flower.

I have 2 RH gauges in my room to give me a better picture.

Good air movement and airflow is critical if you suffer with high RH due to your location etc.



Well-Known Member
I do not run my intake during lights out but do keep fans going to keep air circulating. I think there is no need in "my situation" to do that. Also my intake is setup on stat and dehumidistat. My humidity stays relatively low. I'm sure every grow is different. So if humidity is not an issue then is it imperative to leave it on? Or just bring it on for humidity? I've never had any issues but fairly new at indoor growing (in hydro).

Intake fans don't need to be run 24/7.

Or did you have a type-o and meant exhaust?



Well-Known Member
No my intake is my exhaust lol. I run passive intake. I just dont run it at lights off due to cost of heating with it on. Again I've never had issues.


Well-Known Member
I think op said that he was going to run recirc fans just not the intake/exhaust, or did I miss something. Actually warm air holds more moisture than cold, but yes, the hygrometer will register a higher number when temps drop, the air is getting to the limit, in a percentage, that it can hold. Thats why bring in cold fresh air (even with a high humidity) is a good thing. My room is always around 60% but never gets above 75F so never had issues. As the temps drop the air can no longer hold that moisture so it condenses on plants. I do agree that humidity control is important but cost is also a great concern for myself. My issue is odour and then I need to keep room in a negative :(.


Well-Known Member
I agree that for many, cost issues are of great concern. But there is nothing so nasty as bud rot. It ( for me ) is one aspect of growing I must address at whatever the cost to avoid it.
It usually involves running ( and emptying ) my dehumidifier 24-7. At least in flower anyway. During veg I can let the RH rise without much concern.


Well-Known Member
it's kinda hard to get away with no noise. if your going to have noise for 12-18 hours a day then i wouldnt worry about having it 24/7. plus fans are a nice constant relaxing sound. i sleep better with fan noise to cover up other annoy background noises.

you really want to have a lot of air circulation at all times or you can risk powdery mildew. the only way to prevent mildew without a lot of air circulation is keeping your temps high at all times but then you are at higher risk of hermaphrodite traits. warmer part of the year i prefer a completely sealed controlled room with a co2 generator, AC, dehumidifier. colder part of the year instead of an AC i use outside air intake then exhaust the hot air outside because it uses less electricity. this is where a water cooled co2 generator can come in handy. it may need to run a lot because of the constant air exchange. if you can convert your co2 generator to burn natural gas instead of propane. it is so much cheaper. the setup is expensive but you will make your money back in no time. besides that if your doing it legally the neighbors cant say shit.

no matter what your setup, always have oscillating fans circulating air.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hello, i have problem with noise during night.
Can i turn off fans just for 6h during night as my building is shit and i literally can hear when my neighbor farts. :confused:

Growbox is 2x2x5 feet, one autoflower in it and temperature of living room where box is oscillate from 62/77 F night/day, still havent look for humidity during nights but during day it is betwen 40/65.
Since your grow box is 2x2x5, you might consider purchasing two small 3" or 4" inline duct fans (@$15 ea) and a couple feet of vent hose. They are super quite if you spend an bit extra. Run one fan ion the front side of the grow and the other on the back. The front pushes air in and the back one pushes air out. Good luck. Peace


Well-Known Member
I think op said that he was going to run recirc fans just not the intake/exhaust, or did I miss something. Actually warm air holds more moisture than cold, but yes, the hygrometer will register a higher number when temps drop, the air is getting to the limit, in a percentage, that it can hold. Thats why bring in cold fresh air (even with a high humidity) is a good thing. My room is always around 60% but never gets above 75F so never had issues. As the temps drop the air can no longer hold that moisture so it condenses on plants. I do agree that humidity control is important but cost is also a great concern for myself. My issue is odour and then I need to keep room in a negative :(.
When the lights turn off the humidity will almost go up exactly as the temps drop it seems... Plus, I imagine most of us would have some serious stank issues if we turned off the fans at night... Ya dig?


Well-Known Member
Since your grow box is 2x2x5, you might consider purchasing two small 3" or 4" inline duct fans (@$15 ea) and a couple feet of vent hose. They are super quite if you spend an bit extra. Run one fan ion the front side of the grow and the other on the back. The front pushes air in and the back one pushes air out. Good luck. Peace
I have had inline fans be louder than my can fans no joke.. I hate those pieces of crap, but I feel your logic..


Well-Known Member
When the lights turn off the humidity will almost go up exactly as the temps drop it seems... Plus, I imagine most of us would have some serious stank issues if we turned off the fans at night... Ya dig?
If you read my post thats what I kind of said. Moisture in air is the same. But the percentage of moisture that air can hold goes up. I never said turn off fans is a good thing, just extraction may or may not be required, air movement is a good thing.