Club 600


Well-Known Member
Thanks cof. I'll look into that. Maybe I can even get covered for it, in which case I'm game to check it out for sure. How often does he go?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I'm just gonna pop one more up. Just a full body shot. First I gotta eat. Chicken and homemade tzatziki.


Well-Known Member
Hey cof, that's a really good article packed with stuff. Learned a couple of new things. I get that thunderclap headache they talked about.


Well-Known Member
It's ppretty cool Dr d, I never seen it until the last few years now I'm seeing it in a lot if breed, I wonder if iit's from a kush lineage in all the genes that have it

Plants are looking good man! I need one of those drying racks bad, how much do those cost?


Well-Known Member
The cut of og I have throws 3's more in soil then hydro. Always wondered if that is others experiences. I mean I know it's an og trait but I wonder if mediums make the difference & what the difference is as usually I would think 3 blades were from stress more then gentics but I have had her for long enough to have observed her grown from ok - great and know it seems more prevelant in soil.