Well-Known Member
I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows people who have committed suicide.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought about it a multitude of times.
But why am I the only one of my friends and acquaintances talking about it?
Why isn't it easier to talk about, and why isn't there more help for people out there who think they have no other way out besides taking their own life?
A friend of mine I used to work with, recently committed suicide. He was 20 years old.
He had contacted me a month ago asking how I got a MMJ prescription. We were supposed to meet a few weeks ago, but then he said that he was enquiring "for a friend" and nothing ever came of it.
He's the 3rd young person I have known to take their own life in Thunder Bay in the past couple years.
I know how sad people can get. I just got an e-mail around my birthday from "The suicide forum's", and I had totally forgot I signed up there this past Christmas.
But metal illness still has this ridiculous stigma around it, and no one talks about it. It's a fucking epidemic when the end result is often death by your own hand. Suicide, drugs, alcohol, reckless behaviour - they all are a part of mental illness. And not everyone survives.
The hardest part is admitting that you have a problem that you can't deal with on your own.
I wish I could have helped my friend.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought about it a multitude of times.
But why am I the only one of my friends and acquaintances talking about it?
Why isn't it easier to talk about, and why isn't there more help for people out there who think they have no other way out besides taking their own life?
A friend of mine I used to work with, recently committed suicide. He was 20 years old.
He had contacted me a month ago asking how I got a MMJ prescription. We were supposed to meet a few weeks ago, but then he said that he was enquiring "for a friend" and nothing ever came of it.
He's the 3rd young person I have known to take their own life in Thunder Bay in the past couple years.
I know how sad people can get. I just got an e-mail around my birthday from "The suicide forum's", and I had totally forgot I signed up there this past Christmas.
But metal illness still has this ridiculous stigma around it, and no one talks about it. It's a fucking epidemic when the end result is often death by your own hand. Suicide, drugs, alcohol, reckless behaviour - they all are a part of mental illness. And not everyone survives.
The hardest part is admitting that you have a problem that you can't deal with on your own.
I wish I could have helped my friend.