Well-Known Member
Correct, so if you think ya die and there is nothing else going on in the big picture of thing's GOD OR NOT then your mind is already "Simple" ...Thus, making it prime pickings
Correct, so if you think ya die and there is nothing else going on in the big picture of thing's GOD OR NOT then your mind is already "Simple" ...Thus, making it prime pickings
echelon1k1 was in on the plot to kill hitler.
No I belong to the few....Ya blah blah to your response ahead of timemy opinion's are neither bias or emotionally based I'm just saying that people are entitled to there opinion's...Belief's whatever...."BUT" That it is a double edge'd sword and also enslave's them....Subsequently, they become enslaved by those same belief's therefore manipulatable....Take @Red1966 for example he wanted me to list out in another post why Mitt Romney is bad for the middle class??? In which case his response would have been to whatever I put that's Democratic blah blah ...But just the fact that you would think he would be show's how uninformed you truly are of Romney's politic's.....What is "SIMPLE" is the Psychology of the human mind and it's predictability to respond to generated Circumstance's.
The few ya kno "Harmonically"...Like I said I'm neither I am in pursuit of what is the truth, ya kno true meaining ....I did not single out any group I said them all.....IE If you are devote to a specific religion,group,whatever VERY FEW truly have the power to step back and evaluate what could actually be...Does that make since? The ability to see other possibilities because you are blinded by what your mind want's you to see, it's a predisposition no matter what to what the "TRUTH" may be....Harmonically 4 in 100![]()
You can't be neither, you're either a theist or an atheist, you either believe in god/s or you don't
Atheism is the rejection of said belief in god/s, so how does that skew one's perspective one way or the other?
Ya kinda just made my point.you DON'T have to be either you can be open minded to other options as well as being aware that neither belief's have been proved or disproved... Neutral ....As for skewing one's perspective Religion is just the current most obvious example being that it invoke's such a emotional response between Believer's/Disbeliever's so I dont understand how it does not effect someones perspective?
So ya can't be like "Ugh" on both?Maybe a little mix on there is a god yet open to multidimensional theories and a little blend of several possibilities? What do you think?
Well it's sort of a logical proposition, similar to a math equation, there can really only be one right answer and I only see two possibilities, as they're both definitive.
Just like 2+2 only has one right answer, the question of "Does God exist?" can only possibly have one right answer, too, right?
There are two positions to take, "yes, God does exist" = theist, and "no, God does not exist" = atheist. There can be no middle ground unless you decide not to take a position on said question, in that case you would be an agnostic = "I don't know if God exists"
I'm an agnostic atheist = "I don't know if God exists, but I believe God does not exist".
You could be an agnostic theist = "I don't know if God exists, but I believe God does exist".
A gnostic atheist = "I know God does not exist and I believe God does not exist".
A gnostic theist = "I know God does exist and I believe God does exist".
So it all depends on what you know and what you believe. Gnosticism deals with knowledge, atheism deals with belief.
So what do you know, and what do you believe?
Civil rights apply to everyone residing in said civilization/society, religious rights only apply to those that are religiousTo pick a nit: Some equations have two correct answers, for example Square root of x squared is +x and -x.
I am an atheist but I am not gonna beat up on people who believe in God or Allan or Buddha or the flying spaghetti monster. That way lies murder and mayhem.
I think the progressives are headed down that road in the US. The lefties seem intent on forcing religious people to violate their beliefs with the whole fight around Hobby Lobby as a prime example. The left van get all smug and happy about forcing Christians to bow down to the state but if you take a look around the world you will see that such absolutism foments wars. I don't want that in the US. Let the Christians/musselmen/et al practice their religion as they see fit as long as they are peaceful about it.
The problem with a math equation is that the journey to the sum can be different and vary from time to time right? Like 2+2=4 ...So, does 1+3 etc....The question then becomes what is the true sum of 4 right? Which ='s Sq Rt of is 1.414 which is the sum of the second quadrant of a Rt5..... which then =2.236 which then becomes infinite.....Like the question you are posing...There are more then four belief structure's...I'm not Hindu but what if you believed in the teaching's veda's present? Numerous entities that could be god's or not?? What if there could be god's but you don't know yet..... and believe it's space chipmunks that call the shot's and death is nothing more then the deionization of a body on a level not yet understood that was pre programmed by higher being's and you simply are assimilated into another vessel (body)for some higher unknown purpose what do they call the people who "Believe God could/may Exist's or not equally"? We still are getting off track because my point was that people who cannot keep there mind open to either of EVERYONE of your example's are guilty of "Simple" thinking thus exercising my original assertion.Well it's sort of a logical proposition, similar to a math equation, there can really only be one right answer and I only see two possibilities, as they're both definitive.
Just like 2+2 only has one right answer, the question of "Does God exist?" can only possibly have one right answer, too, right?
There are two positions to take, "yes, God does exist" = theist, and "no, God does not exist" = atheist. There can be no middle ground unless you decide not to take a position on said question, in that case you would be an agnostic = "I don't know if God exists"
I'm an agnostic atheist = "I don't know if God exists, but I believe God does not exist".
You could be an agnostic theist = "I don't know if God exists, but I believe God does exist".
A gnostic atheist = "I know God does not exist and I believe God does not exist".
A gnostic theist = "I know God does exist and I believe God does exist".
So it all depends on what you know and what you believe. Gnosticism deals with knowledge, atheism deals with belief.
So what do you know, and what do you believe?
Wasn't your family in bed with hitler? You keep saying they were at the holocaust, i assume as nazi soldiers?
I am an atheist
The lefties seem intent on forcing religious people to violate their beliefs with the whole fight around Hobby Lobby as a prime example. The left van get all smug and happy about forcing Christians to bow down to the state but if you take a look around the world you will see that such absolutism foments wars. I don't want that in the US. Let the Christians/musselmen/et al practice their religion as they see fit as long as they are peaceful about it.
His claim, obviously false, was that atheists don't do such things, only the religious. Your point was stupid. As are you, ya stupid (insert slur for Irishman here)Their absence of belief in a higher power is completely irrelevant to their actions.
It's like comparing apples and hand grenades, they didn't carry out the acts they did in the name of atheism.
I don't agree with Padawanrapist regularly, but this is a fucking stupid point you made.
His claim, obviously false, was that atheists don't do such things, only the religious.
the lack of belief in a god.also entails a lack of belief in right and wrong, meaning it can lead to even the most horrific actions.Hitlers religiosity isn't what we're talking about. We're talking about how organized religion can lead some people to do horrible things. Atheism can't because it's simply the lack of belief in a god.
The point still stands; All organized religion can be dangerous
When was the last time you saw an atheist army kill anybody, ever in human history?