hey there! yes i have been MIA for the last week, i had to go out of town for a bit for work, i dont post from my phone because i only have a VPN on my PC

. ive been dying to get back on. oh and BTW on a side note here, having nothing to do with our topic at hand, but none the less, very much worth mentioning. i really hope everybody is keeping a very close eye on this Ebola outbreak, be prepared to do what you need to do. take it from somebody that works in the field the CDC, WHO and NIH none of them are telling the whole truth about what is going on here at all. IMO it is currently already past the point of no real return in West Africa however; nobody seems to want to come out and tell the truth on camera. but even if u dont believe me.... the official "credible" organizations that you can look up, are saying 4 weeks until its past the point of no return. so take it from me or them its either already there or will be in 4 weeks time. even with the 3600 troops we sent to build infrastructure, it will not make a dent. unconfirmed case numbers are 3-4 times higher than what the WHO is admitting to. we WILL begin to see more pockets of infected people entering the United States, and it will not take long to overwhelm the only 13 U.S. hospitals that are currently capable of effectively containing and treating patients in a level 4 bio-containment environment. it doesn't take a scientist, unless something gives, any 6 year old can do the math here once you know how many cases there really are. Pay attention, we have not seen anything like this for many generations, if it gets out of hand it will make 1918 look like a picnic.
not to alarm anybody lol. i got that off of my chest now my duty is done here. now for the marijuana.......