Got My GED Test Today

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Lol is this like the high school exit exam? Only idiots fail that I was high thinking of jacking off... might have bin coked out who the fuck knows . I was definitely dealing with the after affects of many pills of ecstasy . ....I still passed easy as fuck...only idiots fail a high school test even your stupid fucken sister passed. if you don't succeed just give up on life and start making YouTube videos! !


Well-Known Member

Your first mistake is dropping out of high school. Don't forget that on any application where it says "did you graduate?" you'll be putting a fat, embarrassing "X" in the box next to where it says "NO," even though you have your GED.

Don't act like you know everything and the world is your oyster, just a little bit of advice. Act a little bit respectful, even humble at times. The real world has a way of weeding out the chumps- not saying you are, but a smart person doesn't drop out of high school and then act too cool for school like it doesn't matter.

Like my man @Dyna Ryda said, take some pills, get high and chase it all with a few beers- after all, you know everything anyway.

Oh, and one more thing:
@Iloveskywalkerog .


Well-Known Member
You guys did nothing but talk and ask for pictures of my mom I got that job by myself all you guys gave was useless advice
Liar. We gave lots of sound and applicable advice; then spent most of the time over-coming your whining about how you couldn't do what we said cuz of your Assberger's. Those threads are always almost identical: OP spills his guts, we give sound advice, OP whines cuz no one has ever had it as bad as they do; we counter that; OP whines and sniffles but begins to listen; nothing more to say so we then ask for mom-sis-gf-wife pics.
