Adderall for Studying


Well-Known Member
Lol @ 'those who need the meds'.

Seriously though good for you sunni! That's a great feat, keep it up!
I'm starting classes next semester for biology\genetics and I can say I will be using nootropics.
You don't necessarily 'need' them but if you read on it you'll find that it's a very
Whatever man there's cat's who do "NEED" that kinda shit


Well-Known Member
The real funny thing is people actually do that.
I know a few of those guys from a lifetime ago. They didn't do that great at studying, but they were definitely the ones you wanted to know if you ever needed some stolen car parts, or have someone's legs broke real cheap, though.


Well-Known Member
Ever heard "You show me a hot girl and I'll show you a guy who's tired of fucking her"....I would imagine it work's both ways?