Let's get drunk!!!

So Rosey is gonna be naked for 20 minustes. I'ma go beat muh d and make a sammich.
do we got drunk?

bunch of non drunks up in hurrrr

brewing beer is what I do most of my spare time

Oh boy! sorry was gone a bit longer, shower felt amazing and didn't want it to end. Ahhhhhhh.....

okay so my beverage of choice is Smirnoff Watermelon some shit..lol its fuckin great stuff, wish I had some 1800 to go with.

Beer eh? do tell..
a habanero pale ale. got slightly infected from me being all jumpy and wanting to test it before it was done.

habanero IPA with mangoes and peaches.

slight brett infection but it's in the keg so it should last a weekend before it tastes bad. and a weekend ain['t hard to kill a keg of beer with 2 drunk ass mo fun mo fucka''s ya hear

hmmmm. The habanero with peaches n mangos sounds killer though :)
she should not have bought me a 40

my vision is getting fuzzy and I got more fucked up nonsense to do!

maybe lay off this ketamine till later, well that is for fgts I heard that before!

hmmmm. The habanero with peaches n mangos sounds killer though :)

ya got an infection I wanted to test the beer while fruits while weere in the carboy and my brother said it would get infected but being high on molly and all he was all ok fine if you want!

then a week later we got a brett infection causing it too sour, we threw it in a keg real quick and into his fridge. it was meant as a beer for me as I usually get too highn and stay up for days on a drunken binge... should last this week maybe next but here where I am this is a long weekend so I killing that keg one shot homie!
ya got an infection I wanted to test the beer while fruits while weere in the carboy and my brother said it would get infected but being high on molly and all he was all ok fine if you want!

then a week later we got a brett infection causing it too sour, we threw it in a keg real quick and into his fridge. it was meant as a beer for me as I usually get too highn and stay up for days on a drunken binge... should last this week maybe next but here where I am this is a long weekend so I killing that keg one shot homie!
Chug you betch!
ya got an infection I wanted to test the beer while fruits while weere in the carboy and my brother said it would get infected but being high on molly and all he was all ok fine if you want!

then a week later we got a brett infection causing it too sour, we threw it in a keg real quick and into his fridge. it was meant as a beer for me as I usually get too highn and stay up for days on a drunken binge... should last this week maybe next but here where I am this is a long weekend so I killing that keg one shot homie!
okay now I wanna brew some beer..so exposing it to air causes the infection?

I couldn't imagine drinking a whole keg in one day. I'd never stop pissing!!! lol
okay now I wanna brew some beer..so exposing it to air causes the infection?

I couldn't imagine drinking a whole keg in one day. I'd never stop pissing!!! lol
Different size kegs. 1\4, 1\2 barrel....
Never tried brewing beer cause you have to keep everything so SANITARY.
My buddy brewed for a while and had a couple batches go bad. "A little fuck up, and you can ruin a batch" he'd say after dumping gallons onto the ground.