Let's get drunk!!!


Well-Known Member
ok I asked a mod, if it is fine to publicly post P.I most forums I got to friown on that but if the ok comes in I got yours and the alt of whos athadoor.

soo fucking easy and btw find me I am not hard to find I'm on a neighbors network. lolsyoyu

I shall have fun
When you say "ALT" you mean my Knoxville11b? Or what? I'm callin ya I wanna see your genius @ work?


Well-Known Member
I really don't give a fuck who you asked. Your a punk...the kind of punk that threatens to expose people when he gets his balls twisted up in his panties...you need a good ass kicking is all :bigjoint:
buddty I don't go around posting P.I against the rules and really your " kind of punk that threatens...."shall I show how vulnerable this site is? like really yout so fucking stupid it makes me giggle my kids will never turn out half as dumb as yours. o my. autims+asbergers_\=retard of the internet . let me find siome gifs to suit your autisim,


Well-Known Member
Is amyone on this thread really getting drunk? If there is ill get drunk with ya. Im on my second whisky and contemplating having ten more. :):):)
You should shut your whore mouth. Of course I'm drunk. I can't speak for these jerkfaces, but as for me, well....let's just say that I'm typing this with my fully erect and drunk wiener.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I've ever actually seen her actual selfie. I saw a funny Halloween costume last year with some gross pubes. I had a giggle. BUt, if I had to put money down, I would say she's def a cutie. Just don't tell her I said so. k?
Yep, I promise only if you don't let her know about all the thing's I said I was gonna do to her


Well-Known Member
Is amyone on this thread really getting drunk? If there is ill get drunk with ya. Im on my second whisky and contemplating having ten more. :):):)
I am drinking some Rum, to be specific cra[ppy old bacardi 151, but I do have a keg of beer and a bunch of hatred


Well-Known Member
buddty I don't go around posting P.I against the rules and really your " kind of punk that threatens...."shall I show how vulnerable this site is? like really yout so fucking stupid it makes me giggle my kids will never turn out half as dumb as yours. o my. autims+asbergers_\=retard of the internet . let me find siome gifs to suit your autisim,
Sure this site is..But my firewall's not