New Apartment


Well-Known Member
Maybe the meth guys can move your product. Not likely they will rob you since you know where to find them. Just make sure they don;t know you are the supplier. Maybe make some pot cookies for the kid upstairs. C'mon, negro, use your noodle.


So I develop lung cancer

And make meth in a Nevada desert in a RV

Then make it 99% pure

And take all there business so they cant afford rent so they'll have to move

:D I got this shit figured the fuck out

Now about the kid

Should I give him a few of them Chinese lead laced toys????


Well-Known Member
I was sitting on my couch I stole from the good will donation center
.... 3 yr old kid stomping around and I swear he pisses me the fuck off...
What should I do
Stop being a child hating thief.
... and go over your lease agreement, and see if there is anything you can do about getting out of it.


Well-Known Member
no way in hell i would stay in an apartment , two jobs if i had to but i aint living in a damn apartment .

Well damn im a poor ass young kid going to community college lol

At least I have a roof over my head lol and a free bucket that was out there that I can spit my grizz into hell better than living in the ghetto with some douchebag that took my lap top lol


Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favor and stop chewing now while your young. My buddy started when he was 16 and at 22 his gum line is a quarter of what it was. He just recently quit, he said sunflower seeds helped him.


Well-Known Member
no way in hell i would stay in an apartment , two jobs if i had to but i aint living in a damn apartment .
I imagine you are not a self proclaimed redneck like op? Would you, hypotheticall, ever consider living in an apartment had you ever attained that status?


Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favor and stop chewing now while your young. My buddy started when he was 16 and at 22 his gum line is a quarter of what it was. He just recently quit, he said sunflower seeds helped him.

I go light I only use one can every thee days but I have a e cig vape that helps me space it out

Hell I use that more

No its not a healthier solution but its better than pinch after pinch lol I used to do that when I was playing football

I went thru a log in like 6 days and a log came with 10 cans

Thats a big difference from just a can every three days or so

My gums are pretty bad but not much theres just extra space in there lol

Ive been dipping since 6th grade

And im 18ish now


Well-Known Member
Im not a Florida style redneck

Im a blue ridge mountain redneck

I lived in the redneck epicenter

Im a REAL hick with a REAL country accent

And most so called rednecks are full of fake country accents and 50 proof moonshine

They think thats real shine lmao

My last batch was almost 200 proof and that was the shit I was gonna send to growan it was legit corn whiskey

I still got it stashed in a barrel out in the woods

Maybe one day if I ever go back up there ill be able to get it

And it'll taste fucking amazing since it whould be aged

But im a real boneified hick

I dip, drink and wear boots EVERYWHERE

Walmart??? Gotta wear boots

The beach??? You damn right im gonna wear boots
I dont know man it seems like you dont need singlemalts incentinve for self proclamation.


Well-Known Member
I dont know man it seems like you dont need singlemalts incentinve for self proclamation.

Yes that wasn't that long ago

But single malt has been calling me a redneck WAY BACK

Until then I never said shit

Then I started saying that I was a redneck

Then I guess I said that one time lol barely remember that

Hahaha but I love it when people bring up posts from when I was tired or buzzed lol

Find some more


Well-Known Member
Well damn im a poor ass young kid going to community college lol

At least I have a roof over my head lol and a free bucket that was out there that I can spit my grizz into hell better than living in the ghetto with some douchebag that took my lap top lol
well then that is differant, you shouldnt have time for weed with all that studying . good luck werk hard now play hard later


Well-Known Member
Faux redneck? What real bonafide redneck has ever used the word "epicenter", much less know its a word?

If you actually grew up were I did u hear shit like that lol

My fucking Ag teacher talked like that and he was an actual mountain man lol

This fucker said so much shit that you'd think he made owners manuals for nuclear power plants lol