Lady bugs for spidermites


Well-Known Member
I use blue dawn dish liquid that kills the mites and eggs with
no reinfestation or ill effects.
Works perfect everyime and cost maybe a couple
of pennies at very most.
1-2 drops in a sprayer filled with water and there you go!


Well-Known Member
I used ladybugs to keep my mites under control for two years. They worked great and i saved a ton of money. All i did was place some screen over my fresh air intake so they didnt escape, and the carbon filter running through the aircooled lights keeps em in on the other end. One 8 dollar bag would control my mites for a month or more in an 8x4x8 room. Yes its true that they like aphids but theyll eat what they have to in order to survive. They die, they escape, you have to sweep more which you should be doing anyway, but they work and they save you money. Keep em in the fridge for up to a month and theyll still be alive. I dont use them with non aircooled lights. The thought of them flying into my 130 dollar a bulb digimax high beams scares me too much. Predator mites on the way though, why not right? ;)


Well-Known Member
I have tried all those methods indoors, lavender oil with dish soap has by far been the easiest cheapest most beneficial method for me.Outdoors they are a lot easier to get rid of get under control,just blast them with water every few days problem solved.Predator mites work but once the food supply is gone they die and in there absence mites will come back.

Anyways if you guys want to get rid of spider mites you can try this method or not......took me a while to try it as well,I had my doubts and used ever fucking chem out there and spent loads of cash (on predatory mites too) but in the end plain 'ole lavender oil with dish soap was my savior.Good luck folks.


Well-Known Member
Getting rid of already settled infestations organically is a full on mission. Id say they are better at preventing and keeping one under control but they wont sort it out completely.
Use neem oil to prevent, clean the grow room every week with bleach and get a pre filter for your air intake. Im a bit slobbish with cleanliness and just by doing those things the only problem i have are the odd gnats in summer.


Well-Known Member
Getting rid of already settled infestations organically is a full on mission. Id say they are better at preventing and keeping one under control but they wont sort it out completely.
Use neem oil to prevent, clean the grow room every week with bleach and get a pre filter for your air intake. Im a bit slobbish with cleanliness and just by doing those things the only problem i have are the odd gnats in summer.

I have done it with lavender oil.......but hey everybody's grow is different as in environment and pest in that particular region,so we all use different methods.....the lavender oil works like a charm as far as mites and a few other pest in my region and as a fungicide.......have you tried to use it ?? Don't knock it if you haven't it is deadly to mites and eggs and will get rid of a full infestation if sprayed every 2-4 days religiously top to bottom in veg and in flower......