Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
@bu$hleaguer that was mean. I'll be waiting for your apology!.
@sunni it broke my heart when you liked his mean post... @Growan I don't even know anymore...I gotta think about how I'm going to handle this situation. .I'll be in my office if anyone needs me...u three make up the meanie squad....and I for one will not be shoved like a thick black cock getting rammed into a bairly legal Asian American vagina..just thought I should take a stand. . Not because of me but for the next innocent victim the meanies attack!!
Good point, man. There's no need for the verbal stretching of an innocent Asian girl's vagina here. That shit should be kept tight and intact.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Thanks, but yeah I fucked up. Glad it was removed before too many could see it. Stupid. Deserved an apology.
When I read what you said yesterday I thought u were playing it made me laugh I figured it was drunk humor.... then today when I found out u were serious it made me laugh even harder.. and then when you said u have bin rolling around with sweaty guys for the last ten years.. what did you call it?mix martial arts.. well anyway that's when it all made sense....


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Staff member
A relative just discovered his lost dab was melted to his nuts.
he used a very specific resin and sap remover.
I think the motto should be tough enough for hands, gentle enough for your balls.
I'm impressed
I'd have tried my regular cooking oil or lard (which is all to frequently my regular cooking oil).

Sitting in the airport in El Paso Tx at 619AM waiting for my flight to baltimore bored as fuck
You should have posted this up sooner, I'm sure Fin would have swung right by and smoked you out on some of the killer weed he's grown, living legend and all and you did not meet up, shame....


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
i have straight A's in one of my classes, mostly because the other teachers never fucking update the marks

but yay
Take an A anyway you can get it LOL! Cn's handing out mid term grades tomorrow, many tears I fear LOL.

I screwed up big last night. I corned a beef brisket and then slapped it right on my BBQ, sat down and realized I hadn't bothered to soak it to remove some of the salt. So all the rub etc...... had to be washed off and it's sitting in water in my fridge, while I lick my wounds and weeble out to the store to buy more coriander, sigh...... all the while hoping I don't get lost in the store (don't laugh it's happened hubby had to leave work -- he was not amused).