F@ck you Boehner

then in that case, no president ever has known how to lead, not even your hero reagan.

his party lost seats in 1982 and 1986 as well.
Technically you are right, but I said Obama took a shellacking and a what a shellacking it was.
Not only in the senate and house, but they also picked up 31 out of 36 governor seats.

That pails in comparison to other presidents going back as fa as FDR.
It's hard to believe but even Carter did better that Obama,
couldn't you have gone a little more overboard on the avi?

He made the avi before his name..... after he got done is drug induced life made him say jesus christ buy because he is under educated and overdosed a few times its spelt the way he spelt it. . Take a joke bro
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You always give excuses for why the raids happen. There's more dispensaries, wasn't compliant, what does he have to gain. While everyone, including me says fuck the raids.

so you can't support your claim with even one example, much less each and every single example every single time.

you really suck at this.
Remember when Kitzhaber went giant hunting?

show me one time where i have defended an MMJ raid then.
You deny ever saying things like: there are more dispensaries under Obama, it wasn't even state compliant.

Are you seriously denying making excuses why it's not Obama's fault?

You deny ever saying things like: there are more dispensaries under Obama, it wasn't even state compliant.

Are you seriously denying making excuses why it's not Obama's fault?


stating facts about how many dispensaries there are or correcting your delusions about raids is not defending raids.

it is correcting your delusions and stating facts.
stating facts about how many dispensaries there are or correcting your delusions about raids is not defending raids.

it is correcting your delusions and stating facts.

Stating facts that no one wants to hear on a pot site is something a person on the autistic spectrum would do.