Well-Known Member
Just purchased a 2 screen small system cuz I am poor lately
but that is okay I will get to try it out and you guys will see some of the awesomeness as soon as it gets here!

Woo! Kick ass, eh! Can't wait to see what you're able to make with it, if you have any questions def. feel free to hit me up through here or FB/IG.. ~M
Woo! Kick ass, eh! Can't wait to see what you're able to make with it, if you have any questions def. feel free to hit me up through here or FB/IG.. ~M
Press between Palm and thumb or unbleached parchment with a warm flat metal objectI followed the tutorial but im confused as to best proceed with all the headies, do you press them somehow?
Press between Palm and thumb or unbleached parchment with a warm flat metal object
Where are the pics?!?! You didn't smoke them did you?! lol
Looks good couchlock! Keep up the good work!
the A run goes so fast.... it melts away like paradise to the brain!
How is the B grade?
Wow nice for a first run damn! The B grade is def. the leftover stalks/green/etc. that was separated.. def. a decent smoke but usually it will not melt unless the product to start was unreal.. but i've seen it.
Cheers man!