Let's get drunk!!!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
its fucking expensive i hit long beach venic beach south gate just about ever shop that see me and my back pack lolz i dont miss that shit at all... but its expensive along the beach..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
did you see that hot mexican chick up in venice across from the musle park fucken hot she worked at the clinic man i had the hots for her!!! i usto go their all the time she was realy high end i still got thier menue222.jpg221.jpgway back in the day during the week during the cold sesion its fucken slow about this time..this was taken a few years back..2007 this is what the menue looked like back then and what was hot as far as strains i was busting those ogees and bubas new NEW SHIT at the time lolz for some of us!!!at the time in los angles
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abe supercro

Well-Known Member
there were beauties all over the place man.... all of la is almost sickening like that :-) Did you see that guy w the turban on rollerblades that plays the electric guitar w portable amplifier by the sidewalk cafe?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
ow shit this is the one lolz this is what i like ohhhhwww shit..
Haaa you totally found it the crazy rally guy talkin Sublime. I don't know why I thought it went on forever, buts less like 4 minutes haa. Remember being blasted just about asleep listening to that the first time u posted it and shit was eargasm Lmao. peace out,,, 3 hrs later here.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
look at the price tags when a unit usto be 47 lowest 42 i miss those days lolz no ogees on the menue dam that was a long time ago when the fruity shit usto be banging lolz man i lived a few episodes no i never did run into him sound familiar i can picture it.. i might have all kinds of wierdos on that strip..


Well-Known Member
What did I do this time??:|:|...Stole the frumpy face:razz:.....I dont kno why you are still being mad ?
heartaches never get any easier...

I'm just here..and about to go to bed. Since I can't tag you, I quoted this :D I'm trying to cheer myself up, it's sad that I barely get on my positive thread anymore..and no one comes either. I feel bad..I must be sending out bad vibes. I may need to take a break from riu for a couple weeks to clear my head. You guys are awesome, I love hanging with you's. Just want to be at my best I suppose, this new me isn't very attractive. At least not to me. I don't imagine the man I am in love with finds it very attractive either since he disappeared on me. I'm so busted right now and I don't care. I'm tired of holding it in. So shoot me.

goddamn love. Who needs it :( @abe supercro... give me some of your wise words

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I'm due for a break myself. Been thinkin of boycotting the whole mess unless @Yessica... shows back up. everyone seems stressed n cranky here... especially so when I try to nudge in and post Lol.

Well Rosie feel better hey, think ya may be imagining the bad vibes part heh. someone disappeared huh, well time to work on other goodies now then isn't it?