
Well-Known Member
what i've heard does not sound like it's anywhere near as good as LSD, not to mention it lasts a matter of minutes ... seems pretty pointless to me.


Well-Known Member
Yay I got my results I passed and have received my Good Enough Diploma,and I scored like 230 points above Mr.Pooks score when he got his....I am sooooo smartier!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How do Pookie & vette ? ...... Congrates Pookie ?? :mrgreen::mrgreen:
Thanks Twisty! Im finally a high school graduate at 33 yay! Now I qualify for more shitty jobs for a little less shitty pay which means I can have the manager position iv'e been eying,although im going to miss my can of pepper spray im allowed to carry as loss prevention.As manager though I can fire people and hire people....ohhhhhh yeah I feel a house cleaning is going to take place im going to hire some people who actually WANT to work!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey Twisty!!! Good Morning world!! another fine day so far (no rain yet) maybe I'll finally get that lawn mowed, every time I've wanted to for the last week it rained! Record setting rainfall this summer too. Wettest summer on record in Ontario. I guess things aren't much better for you ,are they Twisty? I'm starting to worry about the outdoor crop, this rain could stop any time now.