Methylone (Bk-MDMA)

I got really strung out on this 2 or 3 summers ago. I was doing it before work, during work, after. Pretty much non-stop. Did it that way for several months. Then my wife could see I was getting in bad shape and made me stop. Thank god she did. Coming off of it after that long of time really sucked. I really wanted to kill myself. But now I'm all good, its all about moderation. Lesson learned.
I got really strung out on this 2 or 3 summers ago. I was doing it before work, during work, after. Pretty much non-stop. Did it that way for several months. Then my wife could see I was getting in bad shape and made me stop. Thank god she did. Coming off of it after that long of time really sucked. I really wanted to kill myself. But now I'm all good, its all about moderation. Lesson learned.
Leave it to a wife to ruin a man's good time...
Know why women close their eyes during sex?
Can't stand to see a man have a good time..:-D.
oh bk... how I miss you so... this thread is OLD!! lol but glad to see it still around.

Bushwick... I had a similar experience with this. the depression after is KILLER, literally almost in some cases. My one buddy would be in bed, in complete isolation for a week after just a small 150-200mg dose.

I remember on my way to rehab one time I was so strung out on phenazepam that I took the last of my bk stash. 3.7 grams (if i remember correctly), Luckily I was on a couple hundred millies of phen for quite a while. I didnt feel shit from the bk. Which I was actually kinda bummed about lol.

Those were the good ole days when rcs were everywhere and as easy as renting a book from the library. just needed to know how to look up what you wanted and have a debit card.

anyways... IME butylone was pretty similar to me. But by the time i got to using that I was into needles. so tolerance skyrocketed. the depression was not nearly as bad with it either. I could slam a g in one session and be good to go the next day. what I would give to try slamming some bk-mdma though..! orally it was pretty fucking intense around 250-375mg.

Those were the days... now you either need to have all these accounts and use bit coin and the deep web or whatever to get anything worth spending your money on,

Unfortunately driving to the west side of town is much less of a hassle... sort of....
Methylone leaves me feeling to anxious, butylone is more methy but ethylone is perfect. Makes me empathetic but not too lovey dovey and talk myself out of ass. 100mg with grapefruit jyice then a 50mg booster 45m later is perfect.


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Methylone leaves me feeling to anxious, butylone is more methy but ethylone is perfect. Makes me empathetic but not too lovey dovey and talk myself out of ass. 100mg with grapefruit jyice then a 50mg booster 45m later is perfect.
You know what's really good?
Molly.pure good 'ol fashioned mdma.
images-2.jpeg It hmmmm mmm good!
i've been getting that itch again myself.. guess i need to start putting out a few feelers.. :D
Ive been fine with a big sack of bees,and of course Lucy! a bunch of good booms in my stash as well..maybe when I want to
But I've mostly given up on molly..even fire is blah to me....but memories last forever!
Ive been fine with a big sack of bees,and of course Lucy! a bunch of good booms in my stash as well..maybe when I want to
But I've mostly given up on molly..even fire is blah to me....but memories last forever!

How's your wife? I miss her.

and in your sig you spelled my name wrong. Please get it right grunion.
ok so what exactly is Methylone because some friends and i partook in this drug but Im the Only one who got absolutely no efferct from it. I ate two slices of pizza around 6 and took the methylone at about 11'ish.. smoked some pot before snorting about a .2 and drank about 9 shots of jack afterwards. Everybody else was in extreme euphoria but i didnt feel like I was rolling at all...We all took more methylone at about 3am'ish (because i snorted it last time and it didn't work I just dabbed my finger over it and wiped it on the back of my tongue. I talked the entire night and didnt sleep and had a rapid heart rate regardless of how relaxed I was. I was really confused because everyone else felt Amazing but I had no real affect. What is this stuff and how much should it cost because Im not ever paying 70 for a gram of that again because it sucks. But what did I do wrong? why didn't i have an affect?
How's your wife? I miss her.

and in your sig you spelled my name wrong. Please get it right grunion.
Wife's great,misses you also! That 2$ blowjob hustle she had you doing at the crackspot made her a lot of extra cash..when you coming back? The game needs you!
How's your wife? I miss her.

and in your sig you spelled my name wrong. Please get it right grunion.

