Stunt growth during flower


If anyone can help Ill appreciate it
Its my first growing and I don't know how to proceed
I used normal soil with small amount of NPK everything was going fine until I moved the plant to a bigger pot and added some warm casts and fertiliser with 30-10-10, then the plant showed signs of over fertilisation so I flushed, but the it seemed that the plant was getting to much water. I then fixed the drainage system and everything was fine until i entered the flowering period. New leaves started curling and yellowing the plant has stopped drinking water and pistils come out with their tips burnt. I gave some time and added liquid sea weed and nutes for flowering with 0-5-4 but nothing the overall growth is stunted for almost 20 days now expect some new pistils who come out still with burnt tips.
Iam so close to the water and Ill remain thirsty so please anyone any advice?



Well-Known Member
My guess is that (a) she is/was growing roots, putting her energy there (b) slow flowering sativa - are the budsites not developing? She's probably done with stretch though I have never grown a sativa (c) you are freaking her out with the nutes.

I would go straight water (as she dries and needs it) with a little run off and do not add any nutes until you start to see she needs some N. Then go light.

Not sure what "normal soil" is. You can't really overwater so long as your soil has decent drainage and you don't let the plant sit in runoff. What you can do is water too often. Rule of thumb, water when the pot feels surprisingly light...

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
I can see clawing....twisting tips...however, not burnt tips like you'd expect when overferting, although it's not always the way it happens...they certainly have wet feet. Maybe wait longer between water? I'd give it plain ph'd water like he ^ said. Hell mine took two weeks just to begin to show any sort of flowers, so don't stress it. Just keep a close eye and see if there's a total halt in development. If so, then you've a problem. I have seen twisting tips from overferting by the way...just not oftenly.


Well every time i water at least 1/3 comes out but I dont really know whats going on inside the pot, Last time when I tried to fix drainage I lifted the plant and added some perlite to the soil, then I saw that the roots where not very long compared to the plant's height, this is why i uses liquid sea weed with micros and root hormones. As I said its my first time I dont know when buds start forming or how they look, theres only pistols upon pistols but not raisin formation or odor, its funny that lower leaves and fan leaves are not affected at all only tops. its been 25 days in flowering??? when are flowers coming out? I dont even know what shape they must have or where they start appearing, As you realize Iam a baby grower just lucky to pick up randomly a fem seed. I also cut of the fan leaves so that roots may rest, Maybe it was wrong what I did and the plant needed those leaves??? Well in case it is a long flowering sativa, how long can it take to finish? Thank you man.


Well-Known Member
If 1/3 water comes out youre over watering. Sativas root system is very delicate as well as the plant itself. It can be fussy when feeding. It also demands alot of light. The only thing that would save that plant is feeding it nothing but organics and give it lots of light. Dont pull you solar panels off(fan leaves). It will take extra time to finish because its very unhealthy.


Well-Known Member
I dont really know whats going on inside the pot,
all the fert gets washed a little further down into the soil. perlite soaks it up making hot spots.

Last time when I tried to fix drainage I lifted the plant and added some perlite to the soil, then I saw that the roots where not very long compared to the plant's height, this is why i uses liquid sea weed with micros and root hormones.
not sure when you did this but any soil disturbance slows growth temporarily.

As I said its my first time I dont know when buds start forming or how they look, theres only pistols upon pistols but not raisin formation or odor
it's a sativa and takes long time in flower.
, its funny that lower leaves and fan leaves are not affected at all only tops. its been 25 days in flowering??? when are flowers coming out? I dont even know what shape they must have or where they start appearing, As you realize Iam a baby grower just lucky to pick up randomly a fem seed. I also cut of the fan leaves so that roots may rest,
don't do this until you're pro.
Maybe it was wrong what I did and the plant needed those leaves???
of course the plant needs flower you can wait till they die off. she will show you the ones she is no longer using and they shrivel up, loose color, and fall off on their own.
Well in case it is a long flowering sativa, how long can it take to finish?
forever plus one day.i hate sativas.bad plant for beginners.

i see amber hairs already so at day 25 looks like things are progressing normally don't fuk with her from here on out.


I dont really know whats going on inside the pot,
all the fert gets washed a little further down into the soil. perlite soaks it up making hot spots.

Last time when I tried to fix drainage I lifted the plant and added some perlite to the soil, then I saw that the roots where not very long compared to the plant's height, this is why i uses liquid sea weed with micros and root hormones.
not sure when you did this but any soil disturbance slows growth temporarily.

As I said its my first time I dont know when buds start forming or how they look, theres only pistols upon pistols but not raisin formation or odor
it's a sativa and takes long time in flower.
, its funny that lower leaves and fan leaves are not affected at all only tops. its been 25 days in flowering??? when are flowers coming out? I dont even know what shape they must have or where they start appearing, As you realize Iam a baby grower just lucky to pick up randomly a fem seed. I also cut of the fan leaves so that roots may rest,
don't do this until you're pro.
Maybe it was wrong what I did and the plant needed those leaves???
of course the plant needs flower you can wait till they die off. she will show you the ones she is no longer using and they shrivel up, loose color, and fall off on their own.
Well in case it is a long flowering sativa, how long can it take to finish?
forever plus one day.i hate sativas.bad plant for beginners.

i see amber hairs already so at day 25 looks like things are progressing normally don't fuk with her from here on out.
Thanks a lot Ill do my best.


If 1/3 water comes out youre over watering. Sativas root system is very delicate as well as the plant itself. It can be fussy when feeding. It also demands alot of light. The only thing that would save that plant is feeding it nothing but organics and give it lots of light. Dont pull you solar panels off(fan leaves). It will take extra time to finish because its very unhealthy.
Well i did not know that I guess the cfls are another hindrance. Thanks a lot


I dont really know whats going on inside the pot,
all the fert gets washed a little further down into the soil. perlite soaks it up making hot spots.

Last time when I tried to fix drainage I lifted the plant and added some perlite to the soil, then I saw that the roots where not very long compared to the plant's height, this is why i uses liquid sea weed with micros and root hormones.
not sure when you did this but any soil disturbance slows growth temporarily.

As I said its my first time I dont know when buds start forming or how they look, theres only pistols upon pistols but not raisin formation or odor
it's a sativa and takes long time in flower.
, its funny that lower leaves and fan leaves are not affected at all only tops. its been 25 days in flowering??? when are flowers coming out? I dont even know what shape they must have or where they start appearing, As you realize Iam a baby grower just lucky to pick up randomly a fem seed. I also cut of the fan leaves so that roots may rest,
don't do this until you're pro.
Maybe it was wrong what I did and the plant needed those leaves???
of course the plant needs flower you can wait till they die off. she will show you the ones she is no longer using and they shrivel up, loose color, and fall off on their own.
Well in case it is a long flowering sativa, how long can it take to finish?
forever plus one day.i hate sativas.bad plant for beginners.

i see amber hairs already so at day 25 looks like things are progressing normally don't fuk with her from here on out.
I dont really know whats going on inside the pot,
all the fert gets washed a little further down into the soil. perlite soaks it up making hot spots.

Last time when I tried to fix drainage I lifted the plant and added some perlite to the soil, then I saw that the roots where not very long compared to the plant's height, this is why i uses liquid sea weed with micros and root hormones.
not sure when you did this but any soil disturbance slows growth temporarily.

As I said its my first time I dont know when buds start forming or how they look, theres only pistols upon pistols but not raisin formation or odor
it's a sativa and takes long time in flower.
, its funny that lower leaves and fan leaves are not affected at all only tops. its been 25 days in flowering??? when are flowers coming out? I dont even know what shape they must have or where they start appearing, As you realize Iam a baby grower just lucky to pick up randomly a fem seed. I also cut of the fan leaves so that roots may rest,
don't do this until you're pro.
Maybe it was wrong what I did and the plant needed those leaves???
of course the plant needs flower you can wait till they die off. she will show you the ones she is no longer using and they shrivel up, loose color, and fall off on their own.
Well in case it is a long flowering sativa, how long can it take to finish?
forever plus one day.i hate sativas.bad plant for beginners.

i see amber hairs already so at day 25 looks like things are progressing normally don't fuk with her from here on out.
Thanks man for the encouraging news, `i hope to upload some new pic with my harvest


Well-Known Member
I just mean she is flowering. Sativas are slow. I have never grown one. But what happens when you switch to 12-12 is that for a couple weeks the plants "grows" a ton. With indica doms 2-3x the prior height. Then the bud sites form and grow. So if she stopped growing and the buds are starting, you seem to be following the course.


Hello GrowinDad
thanks for your previous advice things seems to be as you said. ButI do have some new issues .
1st leaves are yellowing to fast there are not many left and the flowering seems just to began pistols are all white raisin has just started forming and the buds as you can see are not dense at all
she is allready in day 40 days into flowering how much more and what fi she looses all the water leaves from yellowing, should I add some nute even Nitrogen in small amounts?
2nd the roots are seriously under developed they occupy almost 1/4 of 1 gallon pot, if I water all the pot it remain wet and water looses all oxygen, should I better decrease the amount and water more often like every other day only the place wgere the roots are?
Thanks in advance for any advice.



Active Member
Water every other day? Try watering every other week! You've drowned this plant.

I have never seen a post on this site where the 'grower' has under-watered or under-fertilized.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
I dont really know whats going on inside the pot,
all the fert gets washed a little further down into the soil. perlite soaks it up making hot spots.

Last time when I tried to fix drainage I lifted the plant and added some perlite to the soil, then I saw that the roots where not very long compared to the plant's height, this is why i uses liquid sea weed with micros and root hormones.
not sure when you did this but any soil disturbance slows growth temporarily.

As I said its my first time I dont know when buds start forming or how they look, theres only pistols upon pistols but not raisin formation or odor
it's a sativa and takes long time in flower.
, its funny that lower leaves and fan leaves are not affected at all only tops. its been 25 days in flowering??? when are flowers coming out? I dont even know what shape they must have or where they start appearing, As you realize Iam a baby grower just lucky to pick up randomly a fem seed. I also cut of the fan leaves so that roots may rest,
don't do this until you're pro.
Maybe it was wrong what I did and the plant needed those leaves???
of course the plant needs flower you can wait till they die off. she will show you the ones she is no longer using and they shrivel up, loose color, and fall off on their own.
Well in case it is a long flowering sativa, how long can it take to finish?
forever plus one day.i hate sativas.bad plant for beginners.

i see amber hairs already so at day 25 looks like things are progressing normally don't fuk with her from here on out.
Yeah, this guy pretty much nipped it in the bud...I trim literally only if the leaf is A.) Blocking a bud site with a nice big round stalk, that has the potential to be another cola. B.) If the leaves are under the canopy and getting so little light that the stems are weak and brittle, a good way to tell is if the leaf is clawing up, while leaves in direct light are perfectly fine. This means that leave cannot burn off all of it's N, in which case, unless I could provide more light I'd take it off. Other than that, especially your first time, I would prune as sparingly as possible. By the way, pruning fan leaves in particular can slow your plant's roll for a day or maybe two depending on how many/if they were fan leaves and how your plant reacts.


Water every other day? Try watering every other week! You've drowned this plant.

I have never seen a post on this site where the 'grower' has under-watered or under-fertilized.


Well-Known Member
How can you tell the roots in a soil plant? First off, if you are growing in a one gallon pot, you are limiting your yield and ability to develop a good root structure.

You should water when it gets dry - period. Water until you get some runoff.

I suspect you may have been overwatering and the roots have been getting drowned.

Can't hurt to use some grow nutes if you haven't been feeding.

Looks like she is budding up fine. You may just need patience!


Well-Known Member
Growing Sats indoors is a whole different ball game, they don't like a lot of nutes, they don't like a lot of water, they prefer shorter light timings like 11/13 or even 10/14 and they take a lot longer to finish, some up to 20 weeks. In your pics it looks like you are using cfls? and the heat/moisture stress is huge.


hello Man
Happy New Year!!!
Thanks for your comment, what do you mean heat moistoire stress and why is it cause by my cfl's ? can I do smthnig?