Spending Bill..The Facts

i just got home from school and have to catch it on the re-run at midnight.
Fucking conservative assholes in my town have turned off the MSNBC, I only get FOX and CNN. booo. Wish I was able to catch it, she makes me laugh real good sometimes.
that's totally untrue.
no, its pretty much true. SOME members are under a spell. Tell SOME members that Obama is the greatest deficit spender in all of history and you will endlessly be regaled about how he is actually the greatest deficit cutter of all time. It's a laugh.
no, its pretty much true. SOME members are under a spell. Tell SOME members that Obama is the greatest deficit spender in all of history and you will endlessly be regaled about how he is actually the greatest deficit cutter of all time. It's a laugh.

he's both.

he was left the biggest deficit in the history of the united states by your republican hero george w bush.

he has reduced it more than any other president in united states history.

can you name one president who has ever cut the deficit more than obama has?

if you can, i will leave the site forever and send you some remedial math lesson booklets.
not the same sovereign rights?

tell me you just didn't say that?


i guess they don't have to pay the same fucking sovereign taxes then, do they?

-5 rep for the stinker post
Sovereign rights....

You feel morally that they should have the same legal rights. I agree. But they don't.

The simple fact were having this discussion is prof they don't. Could congress do this to Colorado or Washington state? Nope.

They can do it to dc.

Which shows they have lower sovereignty.

They do pay taxes. But they don't have a voting member of either house.

A lower legal status than a state.
he's both.

he was left the biggest deficit in the history of the united states by your republican hero george w bush.

he has reduced it more than any other president in united states history.

can you name one president who has ever cut the deficit more than obama has?

if you can, i will leave the site forever and send you some remedial math lesson booklets.

Time to pack it up "numb-nuts"; ever heard of billy clinton? of course i don't expect you to understand the correlation between the debt and deficit ---- but you might put your thinking cap on and try and figure it out. Anyway pack up your bags and get the heck out of here. I bet you're lying again!
Time to pack it up "numb-nuts"; ever heard of billy clinton? of course i don't expect you to understand the correlation between the debt and deficit ---- but you might put your thinking cap on and try and figure it out. Anyway pack up your bags and get the heck out of here. I bet you're lying again!


clinton inherited a deficit of $324 billion (inflation adjusted).

he left with a surplus of $170 billion.

that's $494 billion in the correct direction.

obama inherited a deficit of 1.559 trillion. it's now down to $492 billion.

that's $1.067 trillion in the right direction (if my the math i'm doing in my flu-ridden head is right).

try again, princess.

clinton inherited a deficit of $324 billion (inflation adjusted).

he left with a surplus of $170 billion.

that's $494 billion in the correct direction.

obama inherited a deficit of 1.559 trillion. it's now down to $492 billion.

that's $1.067 trillion in the right direction (if my the math i'm doing in my flu-ridden head is right).

try again, princess.

I know you've been on that short bus for a long time but I'll try and help you out ...

Buck a serious question how is the deficit related to the debt?

Which is better surplus or deficit?

If you generate a 16 trillion debt but reduce the deficit by 1 trillion but still carry a deficit, is that better than having a debt of 5 trillion and a surplus?

I know you can do it ... think Tommy the choo-choo train!
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Buck a serious question how is the deficit related to the debt?

i can tell you are too stupid to know, so i will explain it to you simply.

the debt is the sum of all deficits minus the sum of all surpluses.

Which is better surplus or deficit?

you must be super retarded, but i will humor you. surpluses are better.

If you generate a 16 trillion debt but reduce the deficit by 1 trillion is that better than having a debt of 5 trillion and a surplus?

5 trillion debt and a surplus is what we would have if obama had inherited clinton's surplus!

we'd be running trillion dollar surpluses if obama inherited what clinton left!

sadly, obama inherited bush's fine work. if you recall, bush was the guy who took a budget surplus and turned it into the largest deficit this nation has ever seen.

and you can't just turn a $1.5 trillion deficit and turn it into a surplus overnight. that is far too contractionary, it would cripple us. even ritt momney said so (i figure that he's an authority who will appeal to a slobbering moron like yourself).

the fact is that democrats in the modern area shrink or eliminate deficits. republicans grow deficits without fail.

now you answer me one question: is it better to shrink a deficit, or grow a deficit?


dumbass loser.
i can tell you are too stupid to know, so i will explain it to you simply.

the debt is the sum of all deficits minus the sum of all surpluses.

you must be super retarded, but i will humor you. surpluses are better.

5 trillion debt and a surplus is what we would have if obama had inherited clinton's surplus!

we'd be running trillion dollar surpluses if obama inherited what clinton left!

sadly, obama inherited bush's fine work. if you recall, bush was the guy who took a budget surplus and turned it into the largest deficit this nation has ever seen.

and you can't just turn a $1.5 trillion deficit and turn it into a surplus overnight. that is far too contractionary, it would cripple us. even ritt momney said so (i figure that he's an authority who will appeal to a slobbering moron like yourself).

the fact is that democrats in the modern area shrink or eliminate deficits. republicans grow deficits without fail.

now you answer me one question: is it better to shrink a deficit, or grow a deficit?


dumbass loser.

you're getting angry ... ahhaha

clinton era kicked your boys ass ...

the concept is to pay the debt down ... can't do that while you're still running a deficit. your boy sucks!

time for you to leave ... go take your lithium.
you're getting angry ... ahhaha

clinton era kicked your boys ass ...

the concept is to pay the debt down ... can't do that while you're still running a deficit. your boy sucks!

time for you to leave ... go take your lithium.

factual, angry...i can see how a blithering fucktard like yourself might confuse the two.

you never answered my question though: is it better to shrink a deficit, or grow a deficit?

corollary: can you pay down a debt without first getting rid of the deficit?
you're getting angry ... ahhaha

clinton era kicked your boys ass ...

the concept is to pay the debt down ... can't do that while you're still running a deficit. your boy sucks!

time for you to leave ... go take your lithium.
The Bush admin accrued a $1.5 trillion deficit, the Obama admin decreased that by more than $1 trillion, what is your gripe?

Are you saying that because the Obama admin didn't get it past $1.5 trillion (what Bush accrued) to decrease the debt, he's a bad president and his admin is a failure?
The Bush admin accrued a $1.5 trillion deficit, the Obama admin decreased that by more than $1 trillion, what is your gripe?

Are you saying that because the Obama admin didn't get it past $1.5 trillion (what Bush accrued) to decrease the debt, he's a bad president and his admin is a failure?

ended two wars, got bin laden, $2.50 gas, almost 5 straight years of job creation, unemployment below 6%, legal weed, marriage equality...of course he's a failure!

toddler1's main gripe seems to be that obama hasn't employed fiscal policy so contractionary that it destroyed our nation.

it really is sad that ladies like her are allowed to vote. universal suffrage may have been a mistake in hindsight.
ended two wars, got bin laden, $2.50 gas, almost 5 straight years of job creation, unemployment below 6%, legal weed, marriage equality...of course he's a failure!

toddler1's main gripe seems to be that obama hasn't employed fiscal policy so contractionary that it destroyed our nation.

it really is sad that ladies like her are allowed to vote. universal suffrage may have been a mistake in hindsight.
I'm in a role playing mood, so lets play devils advocate because I know someone is going to post this either way..

'ended two wars' - "we're still in Iraq!"
'$2.50 gas' - "but it's $2.95 here!"
'5 years of job creation' & 'unemployment below 6%' - "but those are all minimum wage jobs!"
'legal weed' - "but Obama has put away more people than Bush!"
'marriage equality' - "an abomination!!"


It's weird how someone can look at those stats and still call him the "worse president in history".. I'm not an Obama supporter, but you have to be an idiot to make that kind of a statement in public..
factual, angry...i can see how a blithering fucktard like yourself might confuse the two.

you never answered my question though: is it better to shrink a deficit, or grow a deficit?

corollary: can you pay down a debt without first getting rid of the deficit?

Glad to see you're finally learning something ... you'll be off the short bus in no time.

Read my postings to you; see if you can fret out my answers.

ahahah ---- good night Buck.
The Bush admin accrued a $1.5 trillion deficit, the Obama admin decreased that by more than $1 trillion, what is your gripe?

Are you saying that because the Obama admin didn't get it past $1.5 trillion (what Bush accrued) to decrease the debt, he's a bad president and his admin is a failure?

I'm saying the debt is what matters. Running a deficit is not good. The magnitude of the deficit gets reflected in the total debt. So yes a smaller deficit is smaller added debt, but debt never the less.

Focusing on the deficit is just part of the issue.

Clinton, (depending on how you view his accounting), ran a small surplus and actually paid down the debt.

Don't get me started about the O-man. I'm responding to Bucks post about the deficit.

Maybe some other time if your still interested I'll explaing my self.
Glad to see you're finally learning something ... you'll be off the short bus in no time.

Read my postings to you; see if you can fret out my answers.

ahahah ---- good night Buck.

i'm not sure you know up from down at this point, since you can't say whether it is better for the deficit to go up or go down.

or you do know, and are just too cowardly to say.

anyhoo, goodnight princess.
i'm not sure you know up from down at this point, since you can't say whether it is better for the deficit to go up or go down.

or you do know, and are just too cowardly to say.

anyhoo, goodnight princess.

Buck I've clearly answered your questions with mine ... I'll play the game my way.
