aww fuck.
more Troofer Bullshit.
the CIA NSA and FBI failed.
the NORAD response was also a failure, but one which can be understood, since 4 fucking planes were hijacked simultaneously, and nobody expected the hijackers to crash them into buildings.
the towers came down because they were not designed to take a direct strike at full throttle from 747's.
throwing a bullet at you has far less impact than shooting it at you from a gun.
and if that bullet weighed several tonnes, was full of kerosene, and hit a building full of combustible materials and power transformers the results would be spectacular.
youre right "jet fuel" (kerosene) doesnt burn hot enough in open air to melt steel.
but it wasnt burning in open air.
the building itself acted as a kiln, concentrating and amplifying the heat until the building failed.
coal also doesnt burn hot enough to melt steel, until you contain it in a forge
building 7 didnt fall "from fire alone" nor was it demolished by explosives. it fell because it was lit on fire by tonnes of flaming rubble falling from 1000 feet up which smashed the walls, broke the supports and lit shit on fire.
the "secondary explosions" were goddamned POWER TRANSFORMERS blowing out, which makes a loud ass boom and causes more fire.
accept it.
some primitive morons with a death wish jacked some planes, those who were supposed to protect us failed, the buildings couldnt take the damage they sustained, because buildings are not invulnerable monuments to human greatness, and now some people need a comforting story so they can sleep at night.
you are NOT safe.
nothing is perfect.
eventually everything falls apart
and eventually you, and everyone you know will be dead.
life's rough.