Hyroot's Garden

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Well-Known Member
yes a 1/3 coco. my mix is Cootz mix adjusted. Peat moss, coco, compost, worm castings (1/3 also), sometimes recycled soil.

per cu ft and depending on strain

1/2 cup - 3/4 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup - 3/4 cup crab meal
1/4 cup - 1/2 cup neem meal
1 cup oyster shell flour
1 cup glacial rock dust
1 cup basalt rock dust
1 cup bentonite (volcanic) rock dust.

last mix I did add a little pumice too..

There it is! Bookmarked:bigjoint: So if I just used the extra 1/4 cup for all strains, would it hurt anything? Seems like a harmless amount.


Well-Known Member
Sorry... it does not make a shit bit of difference. Virtually all experienced growers cut whenever. This is myth. you don't need to chop plants in complete darkness. even drying is fine in lights as long as its not direct lighting. IE.. we are not continuing to grow the plant once chopped.

But hey.. if you want to buy into BS and do a shit ton more work just to make you feel good. be my guest.

You can ask:

and many others if my stuff has suffered any quality issues. Dont give in to the hype.
I considered the obstacles of trimming/manicuring in the dark but I just don't have the equipment to pull it off without cutting off a fingertip or two. Although, it would be worth a try given one has the proper gear to see what in the hell their doing.

The best thing is to pretend your plant is a vampire and avoid light at all costs. A little light here and there shouldn't kill it. Ideally one would first put in a 2014 deluxe edition CD of some Zeppelin into a stereo (don't forget to press play now), pour yourself a little tea FOLLOWED BY cutting the branches off, one by one, then placing them in a dark space, preferably a grow tent. All you gotta do then is just take a few branches at a time to a nice, cozy place with chill vibes, where you can make frequent trips back and forth to your dark space.

This is how I do it.


Well-Known Member
I dont call bs without knowing first hand. Harvest dark, light... Whatever. No difference in end product. I tried myths when I was new and found first hand.

There is real tech out there that is new and good. I'm not afraid of new. Lol


Well-Known Member
I trim in a dark trimming/drying room. It is carbon ventilated and I just wear a dim headlamp. That way the ladies can hang out in the dark until I get around to trimming them and they can dry in the dark. I do believe that they are stinkiest just before lights on, but since switching to LED that does not seem as noticeable. I always thought the HPS cooked some of the flavor out especially because I ran them bare.


Well-Known Member
1st off THC is a diterpene [C20H16] and the study listed, said that some monoterpenes [c10h16] may be affected.

Just playing devils advocate here, but what if those monoterpenes have always been degraded in the harvest process regardless of light or not and more involved with oxygen and light being a possible accelerating factor? Or that they don't become monoterpeniods? aka which can be oxygenated terpenes because of additional functional groups i.e. Oxygen is one....

Sure there are at least 66 different "oil" compounds [aromatic hydrocarbons] that have been officially labeled with a few more under scrutiny, and some undoubtedly are monoterpenes but while many are not. Some terpenes may be even be present to prevent light degradation in certain compounds by coincidence.....has that been studied?

What is the area you are covering with your Amere's? Do we finally get to see some Amere porn? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
@Abiqua I'm almost caught up with all my garden work. I hung 2 amere 150's in veg room #2. One is epistar the other Cree. I hung the eclipse cob light. Still have to hang the ss260. I moved everything around yesterday. The a51 is going up in veg room #2 also. I just have to go get more hooks from home depot. I'm going to try and make and edit a video tonight. I'm back on my garden schedule. Not falling asleep early. So I can get everything done. With 2 150's in veg mode. A 4x4 -200w for veg. The eclipse cob light looks like it can do a 4x4. I'm not sure about using lenses. They are about an inch thick so... @SupraSPL and @Greengenes707 and @Positivity any thoughts on lenses. Oh the cobs are 3000k, I had it backwards
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Well-Known Member
I'm a lagger. Been very busy. Video still coming eventually. Here is some pics in the mean time.

the amere tech eclipse turned on


the uv-b has a separate power plug

flower room

each side is 2weeks apart

veg room 1 under inda gro


veg room 2under 2 amere tech 150's in veg mode

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