Beer lovers thread


Well-Known Member
I could destroy a 18 pack coors light and still be sober. But its the lightest of the light beers, other then the low calorie beers. So all in all, coors light is a great light beer. Would I buy it no, but is it a good American beer, yes.


Well-Known Member
Do Americans like Canadian beer? I don't like American beer...very watery to me.
You can not judge american beer as a whole, just because of bud, coors and miller. We have tons of micro breweries. And even more drinkers. But I do understand where you are coming from. Just saying tho... And no most Americans do not drink Canadian beer

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
I could destroy a 18 pack coors light and still be sober. But its the lightest of the light beers, other then the low calorie beers. So all in all, coors light is a great light beer. Would I buy it no, but is it a good American beer, yes.
its a Canadian beer too EVERYBODY drinks coors light its a extremely popular beer here

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
in my younger days I was a Heineken drinker, but that was just to be cool. I think. The "Life is good when the fridge is full of green bottles" lifestyle. Now, not so much a beer drinker, but will drink Bud Light if that's all that's available.
some say bud light is the dirtiest light beer going


Well-Known Member
damn it must suck being american. i wouldn't be able to buy booze in the states now either, you only have to be 19 here

oh man america is awesome

i can blow shit up

and say whatever i want

shit talk the government and not have my whole family get murdered

i can own military grade equipment and firearms

i can do whatever i want as long as im not hurting no one and not a drug dealer