NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

No, the being that I saw looked nothing like a wet cat.

It looked more like the picture in the link below. predator&docid=dKUp85jjRECA9M&ei=3YOkVPbRBIWUNvfig4gF&tbm=isch&ved=0CB8QMygCMAI

Click on the link above, its a picture of what that being I saw looked like in its translucent state.

I don't know if you can see the form of a body in that picture?

If you don't want to click on the link, you can google "invisible predator" to see what I am talking about.

This is the best picture that looks kind of like what I saw. This is what I mean by this being was translucent, you can see a form of a body, but you can also see through it too.

Please click on that link to see what I'm talking about.

EDIT- Can someone please copy and paste that picture, so we can see it on the screen? I can't post pictures anymore, just links to pictures.

predator_camouflage.jpg It mighta been a ghost you saw.
View attachment 3322938 It mighta been a ghost you saw.

Do you see the translucent being in that picture?

Ghosts don't exist. There is no such thing as ghosts.

Science has never proven ghosts, because once people die, they are dead, and their spirits don't roam around.

On the other hand, billions of people believe in extraterrestrial intelligence, including scientists, Atheists, and people from every country and race. Even the most skeptical Atheists believe the universe is so huge, that there is a high probability that aliens exist.

I did not see a ghost, because there is no such things as ghosts, but I do have a vivid memory of seeing some alien type being.

Anyways, thanks for posting that picture, so other people can see what I am talking about.

P.S. Do you see the translucent body in that picture? Thats the closest picture that I can compare that being that I saw to.

Do you see the translucent being in that picture?

Ghosts don't exist. There is no such thing as ghosts.

Science has never proven ghosts, because once people die, they are dead, and their spirits don't roam around.

On the other hand, billions of people believe in extraterrestrial intelligence, including scientists, Atheists, and people from every country and race. Even the most skeptical Atheists believe the universe is so huge, that there is a high probability that aliens exist.

I did not see a ghost, because there is no such things as ghosts, but I do have a vivid memory of seeing some alien type being.

Anyways, thanks for posting that picture, so other people can see what I am talking about.

P.S. Do you see the translucent body in that picture? Thats the closest picture that I can compare that being that I saw to.

Can't see it. You should believe in ghosts. They are more probable to exist here than extraterrestials. Ive seen shadows outta the corners of my eyes for years. Turns out I have cataracts.
Can't see it. You should believe in ghosts. They are more probable to exist here than extraterrestials. Ive seen shadows outta the corners of my eyes for years. Turns out I have cataracts.

Why should anyone believe in ghosts?

Please define what a "ghost" is, so I can understand what you are talking about.

Personally, I don't believe people die and come back to haunt the world, because there is no evidence for this in science.

On the other hand, there are companies like NASA, SETI, MUFON, etc., that their main purpose is to find extraterrestial intelligence. You won't find these companies trying to find ghosts.

Why should anyone believe in ghosts?

Please define what a "ghost" is, so I can understand what you are talking about.

Personally, I don't believe people die and come back to haunt the world, because there is no evidence for this in science.

On the other hand, there are companies like NASA, SETI, MUFON, etc., that their main purpose is to find extraterrestial intelligence. You won't find these companies trying to find ghosts.

Okay sounds like a good discussion. Got alot of post holiday stuff to clean up, then im gonna roll a fatty and educate you on the finer point of ghost and gobblins. lol. or maybe Ill smoke and find a new topic to share. Happy New Year George!
Okay sounds like a good discussion. Got alot of post holiday stuff to clean up, then im gonna roll a fatty and educate you on the finer point of ghost and gobblins. lol. or maybe Ill smoke and find a new topic to share. Happy New Year George!

Happy new year to you too!

You can try and educate Me about ghosts, but I doubt you will change My mind. But it should be fun.

If science empirically proved ghosts, I might believe. But right now, I have never seen any evidence for ghosts.

What is a ghost, anyways? Is a ghost a tangible being? In other words, do ghosts have mass or substance? Or are ghosts like a massless optical illusion? In your opinion.

So, I plan on calling MUFON- Mutual UFO Network, in the next week, to report My encounter with that being I saw in the year 2012, and also the UFOs that I see.

I made some online reports to MUFON, maybe like a year ago, and I already talked to a "field investigator" last year too.

I am looking for answers, and these people should know what they are talking about. I would like to know what I saw, whether I saw a real alien or not, and why do the stars appear to move in My night sky?

If you guys ever see UFOs, you can report them to

Annunaki - Dont Watch this Film

(I don't subscribe to all of these assertions, like alien abductions, etc., but this is an interesting video.)

Undeniable Evidence Aliens Do Not Come From Other Galaxies

(I don't subscribe to everything this guys says, but its interesting, and makes you ponder.)

What do you think your reaction will be when the government discloses that aliens do indeed exist? And live in our galaxy? And possibly visit the Earth?

How would you handle knowing that aliens exist, and possibly visit the Earth?

Happy new year to you too!

You can try and educate Me about ghosts, but I doubt you will change My mind. But it should be fun.

If science empirically proved ghosts, I might believe. But right now, I have never seen any evidence for ghosts.

What is a ghost, anyways? Is a ghost a tangible being? In other words, do ghosts have mass or substance? Or are ghosts like a massless optical illusion? In your opinion.

It is easier for me to understand because I believe in energy. Dark, light no matter. Energy is the foundation of all existences, including all the things we don't understand. Do you believe in black holes? They are widely accepted in todays scientific community even though we can't physically see them.Are they not made of energy? This dives deeply into quantum physics. The reason I personally believe in ghosts is because I can feel their energy ans have had too many experiences to discount their existence. Sometimes blind faith is required as in the belief in God. You don't have to believe in ghosts but you should because they are all around us all the time. They believe in us. Have you ever had a N.D.E?
What do you think your reaction will be when the government discloses that aliens do indeed exist? And live in our galaxy? And possibly visit the Earth?

How would you handle knowing that aliens exist, and possibly visit the Earth?

I wouldhandle it just fine as I am already a believer. The masses, well that may not go over well.
hairy marfukin alien right here in 2015

It is easier for me to understand because I believe in energy. Dark, light no matter. Energy is the foundation of all existences, including all the things we don't understand. Do you believe in black holes? They are widely accepted in todays scientific community even though we can't physically see them.Are they not made of energy? This dives deeply into quantum physics. The reason I personally believe in ghosts is because I can feel their energy ans have had too many experiences to discount their existence. Sometimes blind faith is required as in the belief in God. You don't have to believe in ghosts but you should because they are all around us all the time. They believe in us. Have you ever had a N.D.E?

I believe in black holes, but I don't believe in ghosts.

I don't recall ever having a near death experience, but I almost died many times working on commercial fishing boats.

You shouldn't believe in ghosts, because ghosts are not real. I am sure aliens are real, but after people die, they are 100% dead, and dead people don't haunt anyone.

I believe in black holes, but I don't believe in ghosts.

I don't recall ever having a near death experience, but I almost died many times working on commercial fishing boats.

You shouldn't believe in ghosts, because ghosts are not real. I am sure aliens are real, but after people die, they are 100% dead, and dead people don't haunt anyone.

so there is no heaven Lord ? :)
so there is no heaven Lord ? :)

I don't know if heaven is real, or not.

I believe after you die, you will experience naught- nothingness.

I would like for there to be some kind of Paradise to go to after we all die, but I cannot make any guarantees where we will go after we die.

Heaven, hell, purgetory, angels, demons, ghosts, the soul, your spirit, God, the devil, etc., has not been proven by science.

The above might just be religious dogma, in order to keep the average person under control, used as a scare tactic, to keep people from being bad. If people are afraid of going to hell, they might just be a more moral person, because they don't want to be eternally punished for finite sins or crimes.

But if you want My personal opinion, I believe its possible to be reincarnated after you die: in other words, you will have many lives, but you will not be able to remember your past lifes troubles, anxiety, strife, problems, pain, or anything at all. You will be born again as a baby, and you will live that life as anew. And, if I have enough influence in the future, you will be born again into Paradise, where all of My benevolent creations are manifest.

When you are born again, everything will be much different from your past life, but many things will remain the same: i.e., you will still be a mortal being that needs to have the basic neccesities to live, but your enviornment will be much different. There is no telling what year you will be born, what part of the globe you will be born, if you are even born on Earth. You might be even born in outer space, maybe on a different planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, etc.. But the chances are that all life is born again, if I had My way.

I would hope that people with the spirit of rape, or pediphelia, will be born again as rabbits, so they can have as much sex as possible, and not disturb sentient beings like humans. But, I would hope that beings with a good, benevolent nature will be born as sentient creatures of the most high Lord. In My Spirituality, you get to pick how you will be born again based on your actions and intentions, or at least, I hope so.

Anyways, I am sure that life goes on after death, and I pray that a persons consciousness will live on after they die, in another life.

To every end, there is a new beginning.
