giving defoliation during flower a try


Well-Known Member
I aint a snitch so im nit bout attach ppl names or anything like that but these are a few of many messages regarding u dudes:

Wsp bro! I love how u got no problem going hard on the AN, where usually people would try back-pedaling and taking back shit they say when people confront u bout it. Love that u wont back down to these guys on here. The thing is these guys basically run these forums and have cult like followers, i always get into arguments with these guys. Especially UB hes an old timer who grows land race strains and will never get into the new age, main stream grow that us "newbs" are into. Keep pushing your shit and do you, just try not to get into the bs with these dudes they just gonna gang up on you and try fire you up. They do it to everybody, its annoying but just leave it alone.

Hey whats going on? You seem like a good guy and you obviously know what you are talking about, but try not to get into arguments with these guys they are just trying to mess with you.

You seem like a funny dude and you are definetely not scared to say whats on your mind and I respect that but try not to get so worked up over things people say on here. Most of them just sit on their computers all day and look for fights and ways to get under peoples skin. Chuck esteves is by far the most annoying of the bunch, I say this because at least UB, RM and others that are well known in this community actually contribute to the threads and have good information for people at times. Some I agree with, some stuff I don't its always debated and argued amongst many of the members on here. Chuck just runs his mouth and says little or nothing to cintribute to this forum whatsoever and just jumps into any conversion his buddies are in and posts pictures. I dont know if you noticed that, but I love how you dont back down to their bullying and keep going at them its highly entertaining! Look forward to hearing more from you, do you have a grow journal I can folow?

I got a whole bunch of these messages, some ppl r on here rite now maybe they can say suttin if they wanna speak up but i aint snitchin n saying who the msg r from but i gots a whole bunch of em basically sayin similar shit.

The best one is the one from YOU!!! And now u wanna pop shit u forget u sent me this? Lmao

  1. ayr0nWell-Known Member
    You are too damn funny bro - I really don't care what you or anyone else is using, I'm just fucking around on here - but most people slip up n change their tune or start backtracking when they try to fight the AN battle on here, and u just keep trucking along. Cracking me up...As soon as you said AN mafuckers ears perked up like they heard a gunshot
    Gage Green Bastard Series - Colombian Gold Grow
    ayr0n, Dec 5, 2014Report


Well-Known Member
Funny how u wanna hit me up w a message saying wsp and liking my shit now u pop off and try talkin shit to me jumpin on band wagon w these clowns? Fake ass dudes like u r pathetic


Well-Known Member
This the shit im talkin bout real recognize real. Stop being a phony bandwagon clown cuz u wanna b in the "cool" group amd dont want dudes chumpin u. I got messages from u sayin what up and u like how i roll now u trying jump on these dudes dicks and pop off at me? Fake as dude lmao chump

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
This the shit im talkin bout real recognize real. Stop being a phony bandwagon clown cuz u wanna b in the "cool" group amd dont want dudes chumpin u. I got messages from u sayin what up and u like how i roll now u trying jump on these dudes dicks and pop off at me? Fake as dude lmao chump

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Hey PK, you don't need to snitch, i already know cantgroworganic and cpt.Iaminhisheadtoo and alienbitch,waterbaby sent you love notes. No real secret there.


Well-Known Member
Never got any pm from waterbaby or whoever else that is mentioned above but whatever u say buddy. Ive had conversations w cannasutra but never had anything to say about u or anyone else strictly spoke about canna products and that was it.

Y u mad bro?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Never got any pm from waterbaby or whoever else that is mentioned above but whatever u say buddy. Ive had conversations w cannasutra but never had anything to say about u or anyone else strictly spoke about canna products and that was it.

Y u mad bro?
so, you telling me there is some scared ass pussies who have to pm you because they know they will get their feelings hurt if they join in,so their plan is to egg you on,even though you have been made to look the fool numerous times. HMMM, seems I might be in a few peoples heads.:hug:


Well-Known Member
I aint a snitch so im nit bout attach ppl names or anything like that ...

The best one is the one from YOU!!! And now u wanna pop shit u forget u sent me this? Lmao

  1. ayr0nWell-Known Member
    You are too damn funny bro - I really don't care what you or anyone else is using, I'm just fucking around on here - but most people slip up n change their tune or start backtracking when they try to fight the AN battle on here, and u just keep trucking along. Cracking me up...As soon as you said AN mafuckers ears perked up like they heard a gunshot
    Gage Green Bastard Series - Colombian Gold Grow
    ayr0n, Dec 5, 2014Report


Well-Known Member
I actually have no idea if u were online on xmas or new years eve, but it was an assumption considering all u do is troll the RIU all day looking for an opportunity to put up a meme or ask someone if they r mad because thats the extent of your contributions to this forum and planet for some reason, which is why i said u live a miserable existence.

So to verify u were on here making posts and puttin up memes all day xmas and nye then correct? Lol. Kinda funny i was just guessing that to be a fact considering thats the good majority of all u do everyday but okay.
Yeah he was just guessing, had no idea, just an assumption, not like he was here around that time.

@ISK I never said he was a good troll ;)



Well-Known Member
This the shit im talkin bout real recognize real. Stop being a phony bandwagon clown cuz u wanna b in the "cool" group amd dont want dudes chumpin u. I got messages from u sayin what up and u like how i roll now u trying jump on these dudes dicks and pop off at me? Fake as dude lmao chump
S----hing is -r--ng y-- --e cut---ng o-t


Well-Known Member
I have had great success defoliating. I am forced to do it because i have a tiny 2ft by 2 ft x 5 ft tent to flower and if i left all the fan leaves id have a mess. I remove pretty much every fan leave with a stem slowly as the plant is ending veg and transitioning/startong flower. This allows for the plant to produce a much higher quantity of quality product in my VERY confined space. Many people on this site will poopoo defoliation because it is only really effective in cramped spaced with good lighting. IF you have ample space to spread out a plant under a large hood it is best to NOT DEFOLIATE. If you are cramming a plant into a tiny area and have plenty of lighting power (i have a 400w hps over a 2x2 canopy) you will yield more top quality bud if you chop the fan leaves and form a tight canopy of colas only. The plant can only absorb so much light, and if you have enough watts/ft it is best to defoliate to allow for more cola space as the plant truly doesn't need those fan leaves, in my experience to pack on heavy buds.


Well-Known Member
Funny how u wanna hit me up w a message saying wsp and liking my shit now u pop off and try talkin shit to me jumpin on band wagon w these clowns? Fake ass dudes like u r pathetic
i always keep it real. i said exactly what i meant to say in the pm and in this thread. nobody is backtraking over here and i sure as hell am not nor was i ever taking your side. if the shit was too complex for your simple ass mind let me break it down for yeh so u dont keep getting it twisted: "its funny that you keep fighting a losing battle no matter how bad you make yourself look, but at the end of the day it doesnt matter what you use or i use or anyone else because Ima keep doing me, you're gonna keep doing you and nobody really gives a shit...well except you apparently " - replace my previous message with tha new one and try to rub those brain cells together

edit* real def does recognize real and i can see you are REAL slow. not like put you in a home slow but like high functioning we might let you work at mcdonalds and live alone but someone coming to check on ya once a week and
you cant have any electronics kinda slow. just cuz i said whats up doesnt equate to "i like your shit" no wonder you think you got all kinds of fans lmao.
Last edited:


bud bootlegger
i always keep it real. i said exactly what i meant to say in the pm and in this thread. nobody is backtraking over here and i sure as hell am not nor was i even taking your side. if the shit was too complex for your simple ass mind let me break it down for yeh so u dont keep getting it twisted: "its funny that you keep fighting a losing battle no matter how bad you make yourself look, but at the end of the day it doesnt matter what you use or i use or anyone else because Ima keep doing me, you're gonna keep doing you and nobody really gives a shit...well except you apparently " - replace my previous message with tha new one and try to rub those brain cells together

edit* real def does recognize real and i can see you are REAL slow. not like put you in a home slow but like high functioning we might let you work at mcdonalds and live alone but someone coming to check on ya once a week and
you cant have any electronics kinda slow. just cuz i said whats up doesnt equate to "i like your shit" no wonder you think you you all kinds of fans lmao.
damn, and here i was all happy about my new crib and job at mcdonalds, but for the life of me, i couldn't understand why they took my phone and laptop away from me..

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
here is a pm someone sent me, I won't snitch out anyone though

Dude, you have that Pk asshole so pissed off, I just laugh so hard when you clown that donkey. And it's so hilarious that he keeps coming back for more. Then you have those people who can't speak for themselves sending him pm's because they are scared of the beating you might give them, you're awesome chuck, keep clowning that fool.


Well-Known Member
What I've always found amusing is how folks think that pushing their plants during flowering with more and more light somehow equates to more production. That is exactly when MJ receives the least in 90% of the world's indigenous cannabis growing countries.
why don't you go grab (x10) 1000 watt lights, bring them out to your greenhouse is late september, plug them all in, and tell us what kind of a difference in light levels you notice, unclebenis?


maybe even take a before and after picture to really demonstrate for all of us idiots who don't know what it takes to "make a plant tick".

thanks in advance!