looks like overwatering?


Well-Known Member
crazy shit.

plants are super droopy right after water. Idk. Looks like overwatering but my pot was weightless. Am I missing something here.

also have what I believe is a N def also.

it was 6 days in between watering and feed 10ml of Alaska fish fer and Alaska morbloom. I have fed it a couple times with espom salt.

strain is barneys critcal rapido auto.

soil is mg catus 50/50 with vermiculite.

airated tap water.

thanks for looking.



Active Member
crazy shit.

plants are super droopy right after water. Idk. Looks like overwatering but my pot was weightless. Am I missing something here.

also have what I believe is a N def also.

it was 6 days in between watering and feed 10ml of Alaska fish fer and Alaska morbloom. I have fed it a couple times with espom salt.

strain is barneys critcal rapido auto.

soil is mg catus 50/50 with vermiculite.

airated tap water.

thanks for looking.
looks like overwatering to me man. How often are you watering?


Well-Known Member
I started watering once a week and then they started to drink more. I move to 4 days apart. Second time watering 4 days in between. Notice that the pot was still heavy. @SnaFuu that's what I thought because uptake pretty much stopped but roots are white and fuzzy and are fucking giant. So I really don't know.

I research alot and with droopy plants. People say " you are overwatering" and if that it found to not be true then "oh you must be underwatering then".


Well-Known Member
Does vermiculite retain nutes or something. I was told that it helps
drainage. Care to enlighten me on this matter?


Well-Known Member
maybe so links to info. I havent ever heard of this but i dont really know shit. Just try to sort thru all the bullshit on the interwebs.


Well-Known Member
so it looks like vermiculite does retain moisture but not where does it say salts build up. I have only feed lightly. And with organics only.

I'm might just really wait to water next time. I'm in flower and buds are thickening up by the day.

there is perlite in the soil also. And I poked holes in the soil with a pencil. Soil is filled with roots. Maybe rootbound?


Well-Known Member
im reading that it could be a temp as to why the are not drinking alot. It got down to 62 in the closet last night. Its about 70 with lights on. Closing the door raises temp to 74.


Active Member
im reading that it could be a temp as to why the are not drinking alot. It got down to 62 in the closet last night. Its about 70 with lights on. Closing the door raises temp to 74.
Na dude my tent get to 60 at night and it hasnt really effected mine. Every strain is different tho. Are you using tap water?


Active Member
yeah. Tap water left out and I shake it up really good every 6 hours.
Well i use organic nutes also and from my experience organic nutes arent that strong. I had to double the application rate off the bottle. The picture of just the leaf makes it look like the plants are a lil hungry.


Well-Known Member
I am using Alaska fish fer and Alaska morbloom. Fish feet is 5 1 1 npk. Morbloom is 1 10 10 npk. Both recommend 1 tsp per quart. I just gave them both at half stregth and I only fed 1 time before this.


Active Member
I am using Alaska fish fer and Alaska morbloom. Fish feet is 5 1 1 npk. Morbloom is 1 10 10 npk. Both recommend 1 tsp per quart. I just gave them both at half stregth and I only fed 1 time before this.
Uve only fed them once and they are in flower right now? I bet those girls are hungry dude. Do u add blackstrap molasses to your nutes? Or have u ever tried brewing a compost tea? After i added the tea to my girls they blew up


Well-Known Member
no. I don't it seems complex. I know I could understand it if I took time but I am a novice grower. I didn't want to burn them or stress them out. They are autos. They are 5 weeks from seed. Plants are fairly big. Only problems are yellowing of older growth with brown necrotic spots and the droop after water.


Well-Known Member
i tried to make it as simple as possible. I dont buy into that additive craze. Crazy $$$. I believe it should be very simple.

about hte molasses in there something in particular I should look for? I know its got to be blacktrap but that's about it.


Active Member
i tried to make it as simple as possible. I dont buy into that additive craze. Crazy $$$. I believe it should be very simple.

about hte molasses in there something in particular I should look for? I know its got to be blacktrap but that's about it.
Yeah just make sure its unsulfured blackstrap molasses. Can get it at any grocery store. Compost teas my friend are very very simple. With organics your not feeding nutes to your plants your feeding them to the microbial life in the soil which then they eat what u put in and turn that into food for your plants. Organics are all about the soil man, gotta give a boost to the micros.


Active Member
or is there even a difference in bloom and veg teas?
What i do is fill my bucket with about 4 gallons of water.(that has been sitting out for a few days to de -chlorinate the water). Get some cheap panty hose from the store and fill it with 2-3 cups of earthworm castings. Tie it off so its in like a clump at the bottom of the panty hose. Suspend that in the water not letting it touch the bottom of the bucket. Put your airstones in the bucket to bubble the castings. Add 2-3 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses and your choice of some kind of bloom booster(organic). Let that bubble for 24-36 hours. And BAM... Compost teas. Heres a pic of how mine turned out. Its pretty much a micro boost.

