My Girlfriend ..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm just going to leave a note outside my door on a bag with all her shit telling her to leave and I never want to see her again or what ever.. It's total bull shit. Ill just stay at a friends house for a few days.

Dude any word on what happened? I feel for ya..

Did it seem like you could trust her 100% before n now your blown away?

Seriously bro, what are you feelin right now, this must hurt....
and yeah, I thought that we shared everything but she obviously was missing out on tell me a big fucking part.


Well-Known Member
I personally could not have gone to see that movie after. I would ruin such a great movie. what was supposed to be one of my bands biggest gigs opening for some big names turned out to be the same day I found out about G/F cheating.Ohhh how to ruin a what was supposed to be a great experience.


Well-Known Member
Gentlemen please the only time it would be an acceptable time to punch the guy with your GF in the face is well if he KNEW you and her were together, if it is some random guy WTF are the chances she told him hey I have a BF but im cheating on him with you and if she is cheating how do you know she was not dating him before you hence making you the guy who "should be punched in the face" please it is not the guys fault it the bitchs fault
Yeah, I'm going to try get a hold of her 'boyfriend' some how..


Well-Known Member
I personally could not have gone to see that movie after. I would ruin such a great movie. what was supposed to be one of my bands biggest gigs opening for some big names turned out to be the same day I found out about G/F cheating.Ohhh how to ruin a what was supposed to be a great experience.
I'm going to go see it again some time.. I was too confused to attempt to comprehend the story line, it was just a bunch of pictures going by for me ..


Well-Known Member
Well i just have to say one thing and remember this...once a cheater always a cheater....dont ever take her back

N dont leave a note..confront her face to face to see her reaction...n if thats too much then go over the phone..just tell her what you saw nice and calmy(always gets em) and just dont take her back!!

DO IT TODAY!!! NOW!!!!!! Im tellin you man shes gonna know SHE fucked up not you and feel so fucking scummy it not even funny

Keep us updated asap!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm going to try get a hold of her 'boyfriend' some how..
Like dude said. what if YOU are the "boyfriend" when she gets her shit and this goes down maybe he will come knocking on your door asking WTF are you doing with my girl?


Well-Known Member
yeah man I wouldn't even give the satisfaction of thinking she getting away with it. her day continues as normal. your torn up and miserable. Naw I would walk in to her work and create a scene let everyone know how she is, that's a nice little jab don't ya think.


yeah man I wouldn't even give the satisfaction of thinking she getting away with it. her day continues as normal. your torn up and miserable. Naw I would walk in to her work and create a scene let everyone know how she is, that's a nice little jab don't ya think.
She'd most likely quit after that, rofl.


Well-Known Member
yeah man I wouldn't even give the satisfaction of thinking she getting away with it. her day continues as normal. your torn up and miserable. Naw I would walk in to her work and create a scene let everyone know how she is, that's a nice little jab don't ya think.
That's actually a great idea..
I'm going to go do that, it's lunch time for them right now so I'm not not what she's doing, or well, who she's doing right now.


Well-Known Member
Hes prolly innocent and doesnt even know she HAD a boyfriend..prolly thinks she single..thats how low DUMB bitches are..fuckin kick her ass to the curb bro..NOW!! Im so serious, it pisses me off that you didnt even confront her when you saw YOU have the jk :)...but for real dude let her know what she fucking did!!!! ASAP!!!

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
id pull a rodeo on her:
do her from behind without a condom, and whisper in her ear "i have AIDS", then start the clock and see how long you can hold on.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was going to add. lying cheating woman are like a wool sweater. Once you find the right thread to pull on the whole thing unravels. They loose their shirt.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Here is a womans perspective on this.
I once did something I wasn't proud of. I didn't kiss anyone, but, I was talking to a ex on the phone behind my current boyfriends back. Well, the current bf put a recorder on my phone, and then he would check it. So of course he found out I was talking on the phone with another. He was living in my home and had some of his things in there. When I got home from work one day all his shit was gone. My stomach was in my throat. He left no note, nothing. I called him, he didn't answer for days. Finally he answered and all he said to me was 'why do you think i packed up and left' I just sat there not knowing what to say. Later I found out about the recorder, and to this day I still feel like shit about what I did.


Take her out... Get some drinks... Head back home and make that love.... Half way through, quickly shove as much pot as you can in her ass and kick her out naked.

Call the cops!


Well-Known Member
Trust me I'm sick still my girlfriend got pregnant on me how do you think i feel! fuck her she doesn't care for you the best thing to do is to leave her shit there when she comes home tell her to pack her shit she was bad at the beginning these girls dont care for us most are all the same then once we cheat on them we all aint shit trust me just 1 night them you'll feel much better at the end of the day i did:hump:


Well-Known Member
I'm going to do what Mexiblunt said (Btw, +rep)
I'm just going to go into her office make as big as a scene as I can so everyone that works with her knows.

Maybe I should donate her clothes to a homeless person, or a charity.