Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member
I see NGR is getting them in stock as well. I hope they stick around a little while longer, gotta save up some more cash and get a couple more Bodhi strains first. I really do want that Daybreaker though. It sounds right up my alley.


Well-Known Member
NGR just had a big drop of GGG beans yesterday. Most of the new strains are gone already as they only had 5 packs of a lot of them. But hey resyocked good on a lot of strains that's been out.

If I would've gotten paid yesterday I would've got the Holy Sticks but I prolly would've missed it cus people have trigger fingers for Gage over there


Well-Known Member
That Holy sticks looks interesting, along with Cornerstone, and of course Daybreaker.

I can't afford it right now but it shows a pack of 10 is $106. Doesn't seem too bad considering they have free shipping! Most places you got to pay $15-30 for shipping so not bad if you just want a pack or 2.


Well-Known Member
wow u guys are charging up on the ngr site for ggg...110-125 a pack?
You gotta wonder where they come up with these prices? I could see charging more than other breeders if the strains were worked and stabilized.... but these are F1's. A lot of the same genetics as Hazeman who sells his stuff for $50 a pack.

Bodhi gear= $75
Dynasty= $40-$80
Sin City= $85

No brainer to me


Well-Known Member
better selection if i can get 2 packs to you said, noones twisting your arm to buy. a fool and his dollar... some of the crosses do sound good and should produce


Well-Known Member
How much was the packs on that bank of Gage site?
I can not remember..

They need to fix that,that is for sure.

I think when I first got GS,back in 2010 the pack cost around 75 I think....from the tude,,


Well-Known Member
Anything over 20-30 bucks a pack is to all of them are price gouging IMO....

But it's a you no like,you No buy type of world....

And banks gotta make money too...

If they were cheaper,would that make them better?
They gotta make their money. I understand that. But what kind of mark up is fair? 100%? 200%? 1,000%?

Other breeders seem to have figured out how to turn a profit at $40-$70 per pack. What makes GGG gear so special that they need to charge double that? Are their genetics super special? Are they retards that can't figure out how to run a business and have to charge more to stay afloat?

I've only run one pack of theirs, but if prices were based on results I wouldn't pay $10 for that pack in hindsight, let alone $125.


Well-Known Member
They gotta make their money. I understand that. But what kind of mark up is fair? 100%? 200%? 1,000%?

Other breeders seem to have figured out how to turn a profit at $40-$70 per pack. What makes GGG gear so special that they need to charge double that? Are their genetics super special? Are they retards that can't figure out how to run a business and have to charge more to stay afloat?

I've only run one pack of theirs, but if prices were based on results I wouldn't pay $10 for that pack in hindsight, let alone $125.
They had packs for 43 bucks at one time,

Seems like they are doing just fine staying "afloat "....lmbao

Maybe that one pack was not grown right by you.....or is that too far fetched?

Banks work off fluctuations in demand,,,,if that makes any sense...

I'll say this,if packs are selling out,at 100 a pack...and people miss out,what the hell you think gonna happen if them packs are 50...really no chance for the lone pack buyers...


Well-Known Member
Seems like they are doing just fine staying "afloat "....lmbao.
Cool. I'm just trying to figure out how they justify their prices. If it's supply and demand I'm sure Bodhi could charge a lot more for his gear too, but he doesn't. Why is that? Is he a better guy, or less greedy than the Gage cats?

Maybe that one pack was not grown right by you.....or is that too far fetched?.
I can't rule that out, but it's pretty unlikely considering everything else in the garden turned out just fine. I gave an honest report on my experiences, and you didn't seem to want to hear it. I thought you said you like people "keepin it real"? Or do you only like people keepin it real when it's positive stuff reported about GGG?


Well-Known Member
i got bright moments for i think 80 from bog. in the near future i think 100$ packs will become the past. legalization with drive supply way up, and the real breeders will not hide like most do due to feds, theyll be direct to consumer, not thru a distributor then thru a seedbank. shits gonna be great...

could go one step further n say seeds will take backseat to clones now i think of it. seed prices may stay high but less poeple buying em with access to good clones
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Well-Known Member
Cool. I'm just trying to figure out how they justify their prices. If it's supply and demand I'm sure Bodhi could charge a lot more for his gear too, but he doesn't. Why is that? Is he a better guy, or less greedy than the Gage cats?
You can try and make it a piss match between GGG and he pay ya?
They both sell out,and make more money than the next man...
You sound hurt,for some reason..

I can't rule that out, but it's pretty unlikely considering everything else in the garden turned out just fine. I gave an honest report on my experiences, and you didn't seem to want to hear it. I thought you said you like people "keepin it real"? Or do you only like people keepin it real when it's positive stuff reported about GGG?
Show me where I did not like what you posted..ima call you a lie now.

Oh you said "seem"


Well-Known Member
i got bright moments for i think 80 from bog. in the near future i think 100$ packs will become the past. legalization with drive supply way up, and the real breeders will not hide like most do due to feds, theyll be direct to consumer, not thru a distributor then thru a seedbank. shits gonna be great...
I don't convers with you much....

But you hit the nail on the head,it easy to see....


Well-Known Member
nah i been thru this game with you few times, nothing i hate more then my posts getting edited ....but people that have bought a 100$ pack and gotten nothing out of it wont take another shot. has ggg done any promos or freebies? the greed is loud with this company IMO.

not too many people run as many ggg packs as you, iv been wondering what youve kept out of em? or do you not keep keepers?
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