Well-Known Member
sounds like someone pulling numbers out their arsecamels cost $15 in muslim countries and $400 in israel?
no, i didn't know that.
i guess i need to listen to racist old closeted homos like you more often.
sounds like someone pulling numbers out their arsecamels cost $15 in muslim countries and $400 in israel?
no, i didn't know that.
i guess i need to listen to racist old closeted homos like you more often.
sounds like someone pulling numbers out their arse
sounds like you know a thing or two about identifying male genitalia.
not surprising for a closet homosexual like you though.
It was about the front or the back. Your friend needs help with that. Did you miss that part?
sounds like someone pulling numbers out their arse
You never did explain how Islam is a countryLondon.
You got that right. Your buddy bucks arse. My post had a "what If" in it and then buck shit on you with his own version. But he does that to his friends oddly enough.
You got that right. Your buddy bucks arse. My post had a "what If" in it and then buck shit on you with his own version. But he does that to his friends oddly enough.
you want to help guys hone their male genitalia identification skills, we get it.
i'm guessing you have a lot of practice doing just that considering how much time you spend at sea on a boat with several men who are incredibly insecure about their heterosexuality.
with a whale of a wife like ours, i can't say i blame you.
You don't know my crew, Or my wife, Or what I practice. So I guess that makes you a liar. But there is one thing I like about you and that is you really make a good republican campaigner. That shit you spew and people like you put a boot so far up the democratic shit hole last november that in 2016 all we might need is a slipper. Thanks Bucky.
You never did explain how Islam is a country
you said your crew would lash out violently if i even questioned their sexuality.
that's insecurity.
you posted pictures of your fat whale of a wife.
it really is no wonder you spend so much time at sea on a boat with a whole bunch of sexually insecure dudes. it just makes sense.
If you were standing in front of my crew and talk about them to there face like you do here on this forum what do you think would happen? I would bet money you would be a gentlemen. And the super hero Bucky would disappear. And you are a fucking idiot if you think I would post a pic of my wife on here.
you said they would try to beat me up if i even asked if they were gay.
that's exactly the level of sexual insecurity that a closet homosexual like you thrives on.
of course, with a whale of a wife like yours, no one can blame you.
dude whats up with the internet threats ?Buck.
Like I said what do you think they would do? And like I said I am pretty sure you would be a gentleman and hope that your legs quite shaking .
How come you think all women you want to insult are fat whales?
dude whats up with the internet threats ?
so instead of them just saying"no" they would do what ???What internet threats? Bucky is driving that boat. If he wants to look my crew in the face and ask them if they are gay when they are happily married men with several children he could go for it. All I can do is give him a heads up so he don't get hurt. You know do him a favor.
so instead of them just saying"no" they would do what ???
You are the one that seems enraged. I brought up how many US dollars Israel gets compared to how much Musluim and Arab nations get and you start thinking Islam is a country. Whats up with that?
So I worked out the math using Nitros 9.5 billion in aid
the Islamic countries listed have a combined total population of 552 million. That's rounded down
9.5bill/552 million = 17 dollars per person
compared to Israels aid of 372 dollars per person
So why are you crying about 17 dollars a person we give the Arab countries
and not crying about the 372 a person we give Israeli citizens?