World Of Hempy

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I'm using ph paper and a digi meter too, just in case I feel I can't trust one or the other!

I'm using the Protekt first as i read that it needs to bond with the water molecules first in order to be effective, then the other nutes. Who knew that I should have paid more attention in every subject at school and it wasn't just for playing AD&D at the back of the class...

The babies have been in the dark since 9am, so I can check them again in an hour or so. Hopefully they'll be greening up a bit. The bastards.
I know they're lil fuckers aren't they?


Well-Known Member
Cut to 8 mains today, one day short of one month from emergence, now give them a couple of weeks or so to get some growth on them then flip. They are Mr. Nice Black Widow regulars. Emerged on 12/27/14
Growing in two gallon 65/35 Perlite/Coco coir Hempy buckets.
Veg under 400W MH
Will flower under 400W HPS
GH Flora nutes, modified Lucas formula (Head's formula) with Cal/Mag and Silica (using rainwater and it is too pure),

Have three clones from, BW 1, 3, 5, and two each from BW 2 and 4. Going to flower them this week, hope to get a few keepers. Have heard good things on female to male ratios from these seeds. One person said he got 9 fems out of 10 seeds, I don't expect that much but would be nice to get 3 out of the five.
Three mainlines in my 7+ sqft cabinet is plenty. Maybe some day a SOG but just 3 for now.

BW 5

BW 2

BW 3, this is the runt of the batch.

BW 4 upper right main is considerably smaller than it's opposing main. Notice the asymmetrical shoots on the upper left main, the rest of the shoots are all symmetrical. Hummm

BW 1

Peace out,



Well-Known Member
Hey Growan, looking at the photos, they need some N and they even looked overwatered. Which shouldn't happen in a 2L perlite hempy. I can't say I know anything about Dyna-Gro Grow, or Mag-Pro Protekt. But as small as your plants are they shouldn't need to be watered any more than once a day. Should be more like every 2 days instead of twice a day. All you need to grow hydro is an NPK with a full set of micros and some free cal to aid in nute absorption.
My first thought would be to pick a water source, rain has little to no minerals, and needs cal/mag, silica, & other basic minerals, your tap on the other hand depending upon your location (living over limestone) may have these minerals. Figure out your water first and it will make adjusting much easier.
I mix my water 50/50 RO & tap and have done so for yrs. My tap has no cal but has a lot of silica. (Had to learn about the silica the hard way)

So in closing I'd say Pick a water, one, the other or a blend. Stick with it. Let em' dry out, and give them some N.

Be patience, and all the best, Watts


Well-Known Member
Hey Growan, looking at the photos, they need some N and they even looked overwatered. Which shouldn't happen in a 2L perlite hempy. I can't say I know anything about Dyna-Gro Grow, or Mag-Pro Protekt. But as small as your plants are they shouldn't need to be watered any more than once a day. Should be more like every 2 days instead of twice a day. All you need to grow hydro is an NPK with a full set of micros and some free cal to aid in nute absorption.
My first thought would be to pick a water source, rain has little to no minerals, and needs cal/mag, silica, & other basic minerals, your tap on the other hand depending upon your location (living over limestone) may have these minerals. Figure out your water first and it will make adjusting much easier.
I mix my water 50/50 RO & tap and have done so for yrs. My tap has no cal but has a lot of silica. (Had to learn about the silica the hard way)

So in closing I'd say Pick a water, one, the other or a blend. Stick with it. Let em' dry out, and give them some N.

Be patience, and all the best, Watts

Watt, as you know I just went through this, using rainwater that was too pure. I am now also mixing 3/2 rainwater/tap water. Has made things a bit easier.



Well-Known Member
Over watering a Hempy... Yeah, that sounds like the sort of stunt I could pull off.... I'll let em dry right out. Dyna-Gro is pretty much complete
But nitrogen does look low to me. Not sure how I'm going to boost that without watering again though... :/


Well-Known Member
Growan, I have been looking at your photos. Did you use rockwool cubes? If so, did you soak in lowered PH water before using? They can be VERY high PH-wise, and if you don't soak them in 5.5 water for a day or so, can cause issues. I am sorry if I'm way off.
I did germ in cubes, yeah, 1inch plugs. I soaked for 12 hours then dumped the water, shook them dryish and soaked again. Long enough i hope...Good eyes though!


Well-Known Member
my 18 x 2 ( 36 site ) 2 rez ebb & grow is up and running with plants in it. The Perlite is working fine and not floating. I will be vegging Hempy style for a perpetual and moving the Hempy vegg into the system for flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about trying hempy! I got an orange home depot bucket I could use
Hey funguy, get it, LOL

Best recommendation I can make is start reading everything you can. Start with this forum at page one and read all the way through. Lot's of very experienced people here.

my 18 x 2 ( 36 site ) 2 rez ebb & grow is up and running with plants in it. The Perlite is working fine and not floating. I will be vegging Hempy style for a perpetual and moving the Hempy vegg into the system for flowering.
Way cool TWS, can't wait to see the photos.

New drainage system for the buckets, no more having to lift and carry, now able to water/nutes in the cabinet. My life just got easier. I can now water in less than 30 min. including mixing.
The 5/16" hose works great very tight fit in the drain holes. I spread the out on the outer edges of the table and run the hoses through the screen and into the catch container outside the cabinet.

All 5 buckets,

You can see how the hose is snugged into the drain hole.


Well-Known Member
Hey funguy, get it, LOL

Best recommendation I can make is start reading everything you can. Start with this forum at page one and read all the way through. Lot's of very experienced people here.

Way cool TWS, can't wait to see the photos.

New drainage system for the buckets, no more having to lift and carry, now able to water/nutes in the cabinet. My life just got easier. I can now water in less than 30 min. including mixing.
The 5/16" hose works great very tight fit in the drain holes. I spread the out on the outer edges of the table and run the hoses through the screen and into the catch container outside the cabinet.

All 5 buckets,
View attachment 3341111

You can see how the hose is snugged into the drain hole.
View attachment 3341112
I built 4 x 10 ft troughs and lined it with pond liner for the run off. It was a pita scrubbing down.


Well-Known Member
.....I think my issue is light bleaching. 600w hammering the leaves a bit too hard. One of the plants is clearly paler on the bulb side than the shaded side. Stupid goat. Over did it again....
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Well-Known Member
Strawberry Blue at week 2 of 12/12

Sabrina_1_27.jpg Sabrina_1_22.jpg

and White Lemon at week 1 of 12/12


I caught the deficiency from mixing my coco in the Strawberry Blue first, so the White Lemon didn't suffer nearly as much. I'm still a little surprised at the pistil production in 2 weeks from a 9 or 10 week strain. Maybe I was just REALLY glad to see them after my thin, overgrown hydro mess. Some of these buds are already larger than many of the ones I had to sacrifice to the butter gods. I normally ScrOG 50/50s if I can, but I wanted to try the Strawberry Blue(75/25). Strawberry Cough was thin too, but worth it.