Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
im missin all the pics round here, i was just readin somethin about someone being hot here, made me realize ive only seen 4 of the gurls here. need to step my game up


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Down in key west for my birthday for the weekend finally got out of the snow on Wednesday don't miss it one bit
Wait, WHAT? Were you born today? My youngest was born today (a year or so ago LOL). Happy Birthday.

70* in mid winter. wtf
Shhh!! Or you'll scare it off.
I'm missing the fucking pre-lims.
At least I'm not missing you anymore, WELCOME BACK! I was in withdrawals for awhile there.

Now in a completely unrelated note I must go out and drink it is my duty. I just got one of these:

So now it's off to the pub for beer. Then hubby is gonna go compare our results with a checkpoint. Somehow he seems to know where they are at at all times, go figure. I can find socks and he can find checkpoints.


Well-Known Member
Wait, WHAT? Were you born today? My youngest was born today (a year or so ago LOL). Happy Birthday.

Shhh!! Or you'll scare it off.

At least I'm not missing you anymore, WELCOME BACK! I was in withdrawals for awhile there.

Now in a completely unrelated note I must go out and drink it is my duty. I just got one of these:
View attachment 3342898

So now it's off to the pub for beer. Then hubby is gonna go compare our results with a checkpoint. Somehow he seems to know where they are at at all times, go figure. I can find socks and he can find checkpoints.
So good to see your face! Have a gnarly/frosty, ice cold, pub-crawl. Be safe.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I wanna just quit my job, break up with my girlfriend, and move outta state.

Better start saving money.....