can anyone point me in the right direction to set up a grow closet


Well-Known Member
well u rpobably can divide the room into 2 rooms liek a thik blanket opr sum shit one veg room one flower room and a wat MH in the veg room and a 400watt HPS in the flowering room with mylar on the sides and if u really have money to spend u can buy a portable AC that can run with out a window and its own lil water drop off so u wouldnt have to worry bout that so u can keep both of ur rooms temps controlled with ease and myabe build ur self a drip system buy a PH meter a CO2 generator and themometer with humidity CO2 and temps and some good fox farm nutes man u can do so much if u really got the money and i was say or for some nice feminized seeds and start x amount of plants at one time and than x amount of plants when u throw ur first set of plants in the flower room u can have ur other ones juss started so that u can have 2 harvest and than stress one hermie so u can have ur own seeds n shit dayum man i can juss keep goin on and on and on


Well-Known Member
plant is ready when youre ready...plants will double or even triple in height during flowering so take that into consideration.


Well-Known Member
when do i know the plant is ready to be moved into the other room for flowering . will it start to flower in the veg room and then i move it or does it just work on a day thing (after 40 days move it ect....)
man u can move ur plants into the frlower room when ever u want i would say since ur room is 7 feet tall and HINTING that ur gunna have ur plants on the ground i would say wait till they get like 1 and half or 2 feet tall than throw them in there OMG some bomg shit mang how wide is ur room all i know is 10ft long 7ft tall wats the width


Well-Known Member
probably dont want your plant that need room for the light hanging above the plants and if its 6ft tall, not much light will penetrate very far down the plant


Well-Known Member
let me know when u do ur grow man ill be there to help u and anything u need mang juss ask ill help as much as i can i wanna see this shit


Well-Known Member
when do i know the plant is ready to be moved into the other room for flowering . will it start to flower in the veg room and then i move it or does it just work on a day thing (after 40 days move it ect....)
I've only completed one grow and im a newb but i'll throw out the info i've gathered and learned in the time i've spent researching and learning.

You could vegetate as long as you want, and you could start flowering as soon as you want.

It is all about the light cycles and how big you want them.

If you keep the veg room at 18/6 (18 hours light on, 6 hours light off), they may eventually show some signs of their sex but they wont flower (a longer dark period is required for the plant to flower). Just keep them 18/6 til they reach the height you want, you'll want to plan for them to double in size when they flower, so probably just veg to where they will max out your grow space when they double in size in flower.

To start flowering, you simple take it from the veg room 18/6 cycle, and put it in the flowering room with the light on a 12 hour on 12 hour off cycle, that will tell the plant it is time to produce buds.

When people talk about motherplants, they're talking about a plant thats in perma veg, it's never given enough darkness to invoke flowering so that clones can be taken from it indefinately.


Active Member
ok cool thanks for all the help i think i have some good ideas i will keep you guys posted on how it goes and thanks for taking the time to chat with me . also if your into music i have about 20,000 concerts on cd pretty much every cool band out there if you guys need some tunes let me know ......


Well-Known Member
probably dont want your plant that need room for the light hanging above the plants and if its 6ft tall, not much light will penetrate very far down the plant

ye ye forgot about the light so i would say 1 and half feet tall than throw them in the grow room but if u have Mlar on the walls the reflectant would be some good shit maybe a 100 watt cfl on the side to help out with the light at the bottom man if u really got the money u can have the perfect grow room but first of all clean that room steralize it bleach it clean that shit down mang u dont want no desiese or fungai


Well-Known Member
ey man +rep and do u got any bone thugs or krazie bone concerts??? or cypress hill or 2pac or gangsta pat or tyte wurk crucial conflict?? any one of them would be coo


Well-Known Member
i'm new myself but if i can help i will.i gave mine 32hrs dark before flower and they showed sex in 5 days and extra gowth


Active Member
one more quick question . i have a plant going in a greenhouse out side it's been out there for about 3 months and its a nice size . i have it in a pot so if i pick it up and put it into my shed which is dark after giving it 12 hours of light would it start to bud . also would it be good for the plant that i keep picking it up and moving it ..if it's ok should i hit it with some gunno-gro while it is in the flowering state /


Well-Known Member
i dont know anythuing about gunno and go buy some good nuts that have a high phophate rating juss water it normaly and they should be fine and did u see my other posts about the singer i liek and if u had any


Active Member
i dont know anythuing about gunno and go buy some good nuts that have a high phophate rating juss water it normaly and they should be fine and did u see my other posts about the singer i liek and if u had any

yep i saw the post i have some snop, wu tang, run dmc , and i can get some of the other bands you liike also ..quick question with the mylar i would get the silver stuff and how would i put that up just tack it up or use a glue i would think tack it up i wouldn't want the glue to get hot and catch fire or something like that . also the room i will be using what would be the right temp to keep it around 78 or so i know to hot isn't good ?
gunno-gro is bat shit it has ever thing you need for growing it is the best stuff out there . i use it for all my plants around the house and veggies and they are double the size should look into it it is the best thing for weed plants also . the guys i get it from say all the growers in cali use it and they say its the best stuff ...


Well-Known Member
i would say use tape or juss have them hang there and frm what i read the best nutes for a bud plant during veg is a 3-1-2 like the one i have a 24-8-16 and for flowerin a 1-3-2 i would say 400 wat each HPS and MH

*EDIT* and yea i know wat bat gunno is i juss dont know nuttin bout it like its properties or anythgin but yea i heard its some good..shit lol


Active Member
i would say use tape or juss have them hang there and frm what i read the best nutes for a bud plant during veg is a 3-1-2 like the one i have a 24-8-16 and for flowerin a 1-3-2 i would say 400 wat each HPS and MH

*EDIT* and yea i know wat bat gunno is i juss dont know nuttin bout it like its properties or anythgin but yea i heard its some good..shit lol

lol dude thats a foreign language to me 24-8-16 and 1-3-2 and 3-1-2 can you explain the meaning of that and what do you use when you are doing that