Target surprise: Marijuana found in Angry Birds toy box


Well-Known Member
obviously a last ditch effort from target to get more shoppers ;)

seriously though, the whole thing stinks of BS!
firstly, if that's the toy.. how did it all fit in there without warping the box?
and second, she notice the bag on her couch.. she didn't notice it in the box. ?
..methinks one of her friends might be pretty upset at all the hoopla their lost bag of weed caused ;)


Well-Known Member
Im going shopping for toys at target...but knowing brampton its a hoax by the stupid fucking parents.


Well-Known Member
imo he was doing sales in the mall or area and hid it in the box so if he was nabbed he wouldn't have a tonne, stash spot, no safe house..... no kids to hold dope for him....... or running and hid it there and left fast to come back.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
imo he was doing sales in the mall or area and hid it in the box so if he was nabbed he wouldn't have a tonne, stash spot, no safe house..... no kids to hold dope for him....... or running and hid it there and left fast to come back.
Was it you rnr ? come on..... fess seem to know a lot about seems you are actually becoming human. Are you coming over to our side ?


Well-Known Member
The one thing that seems fishy to me is that it was 85 grams. 3ozs. Who vac seals and sells 3ozs? Sounds to me like it was a qp before it made it into the hands of law enforcement. Little johnny's dad is gonna sleep well for the next few nights