The Drunk Thread!


Well-Known Member
Hmm, anthem of the sun is always good. I was just being stupid that night lol.
It's ok, little longhair... Allow yourself a little hate. Hatred is not so bad, when directed at injustice. And, you can always call, if you ever wanna lip a fat rail, and hammerkneck a few shots. First ten rounds are on me.


Well-Known Member
It's ok, little longhair... Allow yourself a little hate. Hatred is not so bad, when directed at injustice. And, you can always call, if you ever wanna lip a fat rail, and hammerkneck a few shots. First ten rounds are on me.
Lol, just had a bunch of family shit going on, but yeah man, ill be down for whatever as soon as i get off this stupid probation.


Well-Known Member
How you doing stoned farmer? Honestly not surprised you been locked up. How you doing beside that bro? How is you and your bro doing with his craft brew thing?
Keep your head up man don't let the down get the best of you.
its going well actually. got my shit together, and the brewing is amazing brother gave me a pint of chanterelle mushroom beer.

fucking lovely beer, gotta love family.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
i tried Jack Daniels saturday which is pretty rare in newfoundland and overpriced but i fucking loved it, best whisky i ever tried