The Drunk Thread!

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member

I am such a fucking asshole. How the fuck am I totally drunk at 6 in the fucking morning?

Anyways. I just reported everyone in this thread for being boring as fuck. You guys fucking suck.
I'm nursing a beer for breakfast.

Fucking perfect weather outside have the windows open. Song birds are really active this morning. I can hear a woodpecker in the distance. His knock is higher pitch and quicker indicating he is a small variety. Dog is waiting for a walk.

Speaking of small varieties of peckers, how you doing bud?


Well-Known Member
I'm nursing a beer for breakfast.

Fucking perfect weather outside have the windows open. Song birds are really active this morning. I can hear a woodpecker in the distance. His knock is higher pitch and quicker indicating he is a small variety. Dog is waiting for a walk.

Speaking of small varieties of peckers, how you doing bud?

Lol. I'm doing killer, thanks man. Good to hear your voice. Just working on keeping a positive attitude.


Well-Known Member
Heading out to BestBuy,,,everyone off the sidewalks,,,,I'm drivin here!

Keep on Growin

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Well-Known Member
got a call from a friend that needed a place to stay. drank shitty beer with a hooker and a crack fiends.

ugh finally home to smoke pot and get drunk on a local stout friend had. may dip to a house party soon though


Well-Known Member
Gettin drunk in the trees. @Pinworm its cheap vodka night. Burnetts or somthing like that. My vodka iced tea smells like weed and im well on my way to finnishing this fith. Lets talk bro. I miss your hooker face.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Shit, I've been on the bottle too hard lately. Or not hard enough. I'm not too practiced at getting hosed 4-5 nights a week, hurts the mind.



Well-Known Member
Shit, I've been on the bottle too hard lately. Or not hard enough. I'm not too practiced at getting hosed 4-5 nights a week, hurts the mind.

Yea, all the black out nights, and white out mornings can be a real drag without a few valiums to smooth out the sweats and the shakes. I'll see you Ike, and raise you some Linton.